

The quest to find hope,dream and true love Accompany Xin to find answer to his question and find the path to become a god 2 chapters / days Cover not mine i will make cover later Grammar sometimes sucks but bear with it. Like vote to support me thx guys. http://bit.ly/XinXin10 https://www.p@treon.com/user?u=26285974

LittleApple · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Normal Day

In the next few days, Xin followed his daily routine first thing in the morning he started his daily quest 100 push-ups,100 sit-ups,100 squats inside his room after he eats his breakfast he start a 10 km run before he comes to school and. After that he attend his morning lecture about history and law of the marine to understand the policy.

Before lunch, Xin start his second basic training he ran in the training field pick up 1 ton of weights and start 20 km run before he takes a lunch.

After exercising for about an hour. Xin's body was sweating all over. His jacket was soaked. So he stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

In an hour of running while carrying a ton of weight he feels that his muscle is constantly twitching and all parts of his body sore but he still endure all the pain.

A couple of minutes rest he can hear his friend's voice coming from a far

???? "Xin your training is intense as usual … you already powerful but you still persistent in your daily traing"

Ain said "That's why he was powerful because it is persistent in doing his training"

Hina nod "Yeah not like us we still have a long way to go before we become powerful"

She asked "Hey Xin is there any method you can advice to use so that we can become powerful as you?"

Ain stare at Xin indicate he was interested to

Xin look at them and smile "The training only start a week and now you want to become strong fast even me is still grit my teeth and persist in training"

"And if you want to become strong you need to train every day don't slack off and keep on training one day you both become strong …. Not as strong at me but strong enough to get high rank in marine"

Hina pout said "Yes we know that becoming strong is not like a day or two"

Ain nod "And we know our own capability both of us can never be Admiral,utmost we still have chance to be Vice Admiral"

Hina determine said "And we have a great goal now!"

Ain nod her head

Xin pounder and ask "And what's your goal?"

Hina and Ain look each other and blush they both only know what their goal

Then they both said "We can't tell you its a girl secret"

Xin can only scratch his head and even he knows it he will forget it after all

Xin thought 'System if i remember i have training manuals in my inventory?'

System answers "Yes! And host don't bother me in just a small thing im reading right now"

Xin surprise "How can you read? Are you just a system? And where did you get the book your reading?"

System said "Of course in your memori bank there are lots of manga and novel stored in your brain"

"I compile all the information in a book that's why i can read them while im resting"

Xin "You still need to rest? You never do anything make you tired?"

System "Even im like this i still need to rest host and im reading books to see what kind of quest should I give to you"

Xin nod "Ok"

Then he checks his inventory


Item List:

Zankensoki ( Cut-Fist-Run-Spirit ) Book X1

Reiatsu Training Guide X1

Family Emblem

Revitalizing Kitchen Knife


Xin ask "System if i learn those 2 book can i teach them to others?"

System answers "Yes host but if you want to teach them you can only tutor them manually you can give the book that you receive in quest because it was useless they can never read it"

System proudly said "I can only be one who can transfer the knowledge from the book to your brain ... so do you want to learn both of book?"

Xin ponder "If i remember that two book is from Bleach right?"

System agree "Yes there are training guide for aspiring shinigami and book from the Shin'ō Academy (Spiritual Arts Academy) … i borrow ( snatch ) it from them"

The system continue "You don't know i have lots of connection ( enemy in different world i can easily borrow ( snatch ) there manual and guide so you can rest assured that i get it with legal means"

Xin nod "Ok system i want to learn both"

Ding! You learn Zankensoki ( Cut-Fist-Run-Spirit ) please check your skill list for more information!

Ding! You learn Reiatsu Training Guide please check your skill list for more information!

"Skill List"

Zankensoki ( Cut-Fist-Run-Spirit )

Zankensoki (Cut-Fist-Run-Spirit): Basic Shinigami fighting techniques. Zan refers to sword fighting techniques. Ken refers to unarmed fighting techniques. So refers to moving techniques. Ki refers to Kidō.

Zanjutsu: Sword fighting techniques for the Zanpakutō. The most basic fighting technique.

Arts: Kendō (Way of The Sword) is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional samurai swordsmanship

Ryōdan (Bisection)

Grasping his or her sword with both hands, the practitioner brings it down with enough force to cut an opponent in half down the middle.

Suikawari (Watermelon Splitting)

A two-handed, overhead slash which cleanly and precisely cleaves an opponent's head in twain.

Hitotsume: Nadegiri The First: Killing Stroke; Viz "First Strike: Mow Down")

A precision cut of extreme force and speed which can casually slice through large, multi-story high opponents protected by steel skin. This slash is so precise and swift, its victims are not even aware of it until after it has taken place.

Agitowari (Chin/Jaw Splitting)

The practitioner bisects an opponent from the jaw down the length of the body with a single sword strike.

Onibi (Oni Fire)

The practitioner performs a powerful thrust with a blunt weapon, creating a large, gaping, cylindrical hole in a target.

Senmaioroshi (Thousand-Page Wholesale)

Multiple extremely fast blade movements take place, shredding a target into pieces.

Hakuda: An unarmed fighting technique that makes use of one's own body in a fight.

Arts: Hakuda (Hand-to-Hand Combat)

Taketonbo (Bamboo Dragonfly)

Holding their hand out to the side, the practitioner performs a simple but effective throw, which violently flips their victim upside down. The victim lands heavily on their back, which knocks the wind out of them.

Shunkō (Flash War Cry)

Shunkō is the highest form of Hakuda technique. It comes in elements such as 'wind' or 'lightning' It is an ultra-powerful technique in which one drives Kidō into one's arms and legs

Kagamibiraki (Mirror Opening)

After puncturing their target with the tips of their fingers, the practitioner rips their opponent in half through sheer physical strength

Takigoi (Waterfall Carp)

The practitioner utilizes this technique to create an opening in their opponents defense. When the target kicks out, the user blocks the attack with their forearm.

Kazaguruma (Windmill)

Throwing their body up into the air, the practitioner makes a shearing movement with their legs, allowing them to move one leg in front of the other, before performing a devastating kick which sends the target flying away with tremendous force.

Ikkotsu (Single Bone)

A powerful punch which can destroy much of the target's abdomen, send them flying along a city street, and throw them through a building

Sōkotsu (Double Bone)

A powerful, two-fisted punch used which can totally destroy an opponent in one blow.

Raiōken (Thunder King Fist)

The practitioner performs a series of ultra-high-speed punches with both arms.

Hohō: The name for all high-speed fighting movements based on the art of Shunpo.

Art: Hohō (Step Method; Viz "Fast Movement")

Shunpo (Flash Steps)

A movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.

Utsusemi (Cast-Off Cicada Shell; Viz "Cicada Shell")

The practitioner moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.

Senka (Flash Blossom)

Moving behind the opponent, the practitioner attacks in two rapid attacks.

Speed Clones

The practitioner creates at least 15 clones of themselves at once using Shunpo. While they are indistinguishable from the user's true self and mimic their movements, the clones do not last long

Kidō: Advanced spells that require strong spiritual power: Hadō and Bakudō.

Art: Kidō (Demon/Spirit Way; Viz "Demon Arts")

Bakudō (Way of Binding; Viz "Binding Spell")

Supplementary spells which can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike.

-Barriers (Kekkai): Barriers are protective in nature, and can be as simple as a barrier only protecting one direction or encompassing all sides of an area.

-Seals (Fu): Seals can only be used by those of sufficient spiritual power, and are meant to hold the most powerful and/or dangerous beings.

Hadō (Way of Destruction; Viz "Path of Destruction")

Offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy. Their effectiveness differs depending on the user.

-Gisei Hadō (Sacrificial Way of Destruction; Viz "Sacrifice Path of Destruction"): A particular offensive spell like Ittō Kasō that requires the user to sacrifice a certain portion of themselves in order to use it.

Kaidō (Tchiryoyo kido; Viz "Healing Spiritual Arts")

These spells do not have known names, numbers, or incantations to cast, and simply heal the target.

Reiatsu training start

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