
Reverse Isekai?! Transported to an ordinary world with all my powers!

Agrippa, a historian for the Belonian Royal family and sorcerer is transported to a seemingly normal, modern world, where she must adjust to new things such as phones and big skyscrapers. Oh yeah, she still has all her powers!

Minwook_Suh_7435 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Transported to Another World?!

Agrippa woke up, her head was spinning, her arms were tired. She suddenly jolted up.

"Come at me demon! Don't hold ba....."

She looked around. "Weird", she thought. "I swear I was in Belonia just then..." instead of a war-torn battleground, however, she instead saw massive, metal structures, reaching so high they could scrape the sky and weirdly dressed people in grey silky material walked around her, giving her stares.

"Where am I?" she mumbled to herself as she stood back up. She looked around as she slowly got up. She span around, absorbing everything she saw around her. Agrippa suddenly came back to her senses. What was she doing? This was a new, and potentially dangerous place she was in, and clearly, she didn't fit in. People stared at her weirdly, clearly disgusted, afraid or confused by her. She started sprinting nowhere in particular. She just had to get out of this uncomfortable situation first.

After running for about 5 minutes, she slammed into somebody. Falling to the floor, she braced herself for impact. He arms flailed wildly as she let out a gasp of surprise. She tensed herself as she got ready for the following thud. She shut her eyes tightly as she fell into something soft. She slowly opened her eyes as she saw a girl, no taller than her in similar clothes to her. A puffy yellow dress, frills running down the bottom, a hat, standard issue for novices. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you OK?" the girl said, her voice shrill, high-pitched and slightly annoying. "I totally ruined your costume!"

"What costume?" Agrippa looked around the surroundings. The landscape had changed drastically from a bustling strange city to a more familiar setting, rows of houses made of wood, concrete and tiled roofs slanting at steep angles.

"Follow me, ill take you to my house, we can't have you walking around in a dirty costume." Agrippa followed the girl for about 10 minutes to a small square box like house. There were rooms with numbers lined in order from 1 to 9 as they walked down the corridor. She stopped at the 7th door as she unlocked it. "Take your shoes of please."

Agrippa took off her shoes as she entered, the girl bent down and picked them up, placing them inside a small wooden cupboard. "Welcome to my humble abode! Make yourself at home. Ill get you a fresh change of clothes."

Agrippa walked through the house, sitting herself on a cushion on the floor next to the table. She put her head into her arms, as she took a deep breath. How had she ended up in this place? It definitely wasn't Belonia, nor any other domain she had been to.

The girl re-entered the room, she had changed into more humble clothes, a red kimono with fox patterns from the 3rd Belonian war. "Hey, I couldn't find anything that would suit you, are you fine with a kimono?"

Agrippa stood up, pointing at the patterns on the girl's kimono. "That kimono your wearing, that's from the 3rd war. I'm not in Belonia anymore, that's clear. Who are you?"

"Ah yes, I'm Silvia, I'd heard of another transmigration in the city and i was the only one on active duty. You are?"

"I'm Agrippa... Transmigration?" She stared at Silvia, who was this girl? What did she want?"

"Were you by any chance, fighting in a battle, maybe a quest? I mean just before you found yourself here?" The girl smiled at her, tilting her head.

"Yeah... How do you know?"

"Well you see," Silvia said in a reassuring voice, "In our world, Belonia, You are technically dead. Killed in action. But under rare circumstances, some sorcerers unconsciously use up Mana to heal themselves and end up excreting too much energy into it, transporting them here! Earth!"

"So, this is another planet? Dimension?" Agrippa started to panic, her voice started shaking, her eyes began to water slightly, was she really lost in this strange world?

"Not quite. This is a mirror to our world, if it had not had magic in it. People had to find a new way to survive and this was the result! Fascinating, am i right?" Silvia clapped her hands together. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Princess Silvia Belona. You probably know me as the Lost Sage!"

Agrippa's heart froze. She was in front of Belonian royalty. Had she really found the Lost Sage?

A knock at the door interrupted Agrippa's thought process. Silvia walked to the door and opened it as 5 people, dressed in weird clothes just like the people from the street walked through.

"Hey guys!" Silvia exclaimed excitedly. "This is Agrippa! The newest addition to our group!" She turned to Agrippa. "Agrippa, that's Shawn, Caspia, Trent, Lucia and Lucian. They're my group!"

Agrippa's heart skipped a beat.

"Wait, I don't understand?" Agrippa's head was spinning. "So she is basically a goddess" She said pointing at Silvia, "And the rest of you are incredibly powerful warlords from thousands of years ago?" Agrippa's head sank into her arms. Everyone in front of her was a legend to everyone in Belonia. They were all fairy-tales that was told to children and she had studied many of the ancient scriptures with them in it.

"Well you do understand then!" Trent, the biggest one of the 5 said, laughing. "So, you must be incredibly powerful too! So, introduce yourself!"

"Uh... I'm Agrippa, I'm honestly just a historian. I am honored to be here. I've read all about you all."

She looked down at the table, but she could still feel 6 pairs of eyes drilling into the top of her head. The silence was unbearable. She could tell she had said something wrong.

"Well, this is strange!" Silvia excitedly. "We don't usually see people like you here."

"Indeed it is Miss Belona." the girl right beside Silvia with jet black hair and an extremely edgy feel about her echoed after. "How could such a puny looking rat have enough mana to transmigrate?"

"That's not important right now." Trent walked up to Agrippa who shied away a few steps. "Here, don't be afraid young lady! We have to take her to base first." He turned around and looked at the others.

"Yes, you are right I suppose. Lucia, go get the car running!" Silvia looked over to the edgy looking girl who instantly bowed, walking out of the room in a hurry. "Oh! And put on those clothes i gave you! I think you'll look super cute in them!"