
Reverse Harem: Transmigrated into Book as Passerby to Dual Cultivation

After waking up, she came to the mysterious world of cultivating immortals, but she became a passerby in Cultivation Novel Counter Attack Time Travelling Protagonist with System... Forget about she was also time traveler but had no system and destined to die when she first come, why is she is so unlucky... Fortunately, she has the handsome immortal spirit map in her hand, which contains space. Every time she absorbs the Yang Yuan of a handsome man, she can improve it's function. But she has to gathers 7 top handsome men to unlock seven seal of this fairy artifact! In order to survive in the cruel world of cultivating immortals, a certain woman decided to throw away her moral integrity, cheat and steal the Yuan Yang of handsome man... The passerby will eventually counterattack, just to become an immortal and live forever! (NPH, 1v7)

_Veencen_ · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 46: Yanlan Cave Heaven (6)

  The three of them each bowed to Feng Yan, who was sitting in the room, to show their respect. The furnishings in the house were clear at a glance, and there was nothing special. The three of them did not stay long, and quietly left the house and closed the door again.

  Coming to the outer room, Xia Jinxi released her spiritual sense, covering an area of ​​nine miles in radius, to investigate the surrounding situation.

  Not long after, she made a new discovery.

  "Qingluo, Senior Sister You, there is a naturally formed restriction about seven miles northeast of the thatched hut."

  You Ling was a little surprised, "Naturally formed? Not artificially arranged?"

  "No, the pattern of the restriction structure there is natural, and there is no flaw at all. It is very different from the restrictions around the thatched hut. "

  Shen Qingluo asked at the right time: "Can this kind of restriction be broken?"

  "We have to try it to know. Judging from the structural patterns, this restriction is not an offensive one and there is no danger. Let's go over there first and see if we can break it open by force."

 Not long after, a group of three people came to the ban.

  This ban is invisible. In the eyes of Shen Qingluo and You Ling, there is nothing here, but they believe in Xia Jinxi, so they don't doubt anything.

  After asking and confirming that it can be done, Shen Qingluo first split a fire method.

  With a click, the originally invisible ban suddenly appeared a wave of water-like fluctuations.

  The fluctuation lasted for about two breaths, and everything returned to calm.

  Obviously, the attack was not strong enough. Seeing this, You Ling waved her sleeves and took out a black brick-shaped superb magic weapon. After running the spiritual power to stimulate it, she stretched out her hand and pointed forward.

  The next moment, the black brick flew out and slammed hard on the ban.

  However, a huge soft force came out from the ban, and the black brick was bounced back in the blink of an eye, hitting You Ling at a faster speed.

  The latter's expression changed slightly, and he gathered her spiritual power in her palm. She took two steps back and reluctantly took the black brick.

  "No, you can't use magic weapons to attack. You can only try to break the ban with your skills!"

  Shen Qingluo immediately took action and performed the Silent Fire Art. A large sea of fire formed in an instant.

  The originally invisible ban was gradually stained with flames. From a distance, it looked like a blazing wall of fire.

  Seeing that it could not be broken after burning for a long time, the Pure World Fire took the initiative to attack. A fist-sized flame appeared in front of Shen Qingluo and flew towards the wall of fire with a whoosh.

  At this moment, a powerful pressure came from the fire, and the wall of fire that had been standing upright was turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

  Looking at this scene, You Ling was a little frightened.

  Although she had heard of the power of the strange fire a long time ago, she had never come into contact with it, so she didn't care much. Now that she felt it directly, she knew how powerful it was.

  She was a little glad that she was not the enemy of Junior Sister Shen, otherwise she would have been dead.

  After the ban was opened, the three of them saw the situation inside clearly.

  Spirit butterflies were flying everywhere, and exotic flowers and fruits were everywhere.

  Until this moment,Xia Jinxi finally understood where the strange fragrance came from.

  Although the ban could cover these exotic flowers and fruits, it could not stop the fragrance from spreading outward. If she had not eaten the mutated fruit of the earth's core and gained the ability to see through the structural patterns of the ban, she would not have been able to discover the abnormality here.  

  When they came out of the thatched hut, You Ling and Shen Qingluo both used their spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, but they found nothing.

  This comparison shows how powerful this ability is.

  The moment the restriction was opened, You Ling was surprised by what she saw, but then she thought that if the restriction was not there, other fellow disciples might come at any time, so she immediately became alert.

  "Junior Sister Shen, Junior Sister Xia, there are so many exotic flowers and fruits here that we can't pick them all in a short time. We have to think of a way to cover up the strange phenomenon here, otherwise it will attract others and we may be in trouble again."

  Xia Jinxi heard it and said immediately: "I will set up a hidden formation right away to hide everything here."

  You Ling's eyes lit up, "If that's the case, it would be the best. If you need any help, just tell me, Junior Sister Xia!"

  "After the hidden formation is set up, it cannot be attacked, otherwise it will be exposed immediately. I plan to add another illusion formation in addition to the hidden formation. However, it cannot be disturbed when the formation is set up, otherwise all the previous efforts will be wasted. If other fellow disciples come during this period, Senior Sister You will have to lead them away."

  "No problem, I will always pay attention to the situation around me. Once I find someone approaching, I will lead the person somewhere else as soon as possible!"

  Shen Qingluo on the side said at the right time: "Jinxi can rest assured to set up the formation. If something happens, I will assist Senior Sister You to solve the problem as soon as possible."


  Time was running out, Xia Jinxi said nothing more, waved her sleeves and took out many materials needed to set up the formation, and got busy.

  Setting up the formation requires a quiet environment. Shen Qingluo and You Ling looked at each other and tacitly chose to communicate by voice transmission.

  "Senior Sister You, this treasure land covers a wide area. We can't take care of all directions if we stay in one place, so I suggest that we go in different directions."

  "Junior Sister Shen has the same idea as me. How about this, I go to the northwest direction, and Junior Sister Shen goes to the southeast direction. Judging from the terrain, if other fellow disciples come, they are most likely to appear from these two directions!"

  "Okay, that's it!"

  The two reached a consensus, and Shen Qingluo rushed to the southeast direction at the fastest speed, released her spiritual sense, and instantly covered a radius of nine miles, always alert.

  You Ling also made similar moves, but her spiritual sense could only cover an area of eight miles, and the coverage area was slightly smaller, but the good thing was that it would not affect the overall situation.

  When a cultivator releases his spiritual sense, once the others enter the coverage area of the spiritual sense, as long as the difference in cultivation is not too large, they will spontaneously sense it.

  If a wise person senses the presence of divine consciousness, he will immediately understand that this place is occupied by someone and is not allowed to approach, so he will choose to take a detour.

  If those who enter the range of divine consciousness are those who are self-righteous or arrogant, they will come directly after discovering this situation.

  Once this choice is made, it actually shows hostility.

  In this case, the owner of divine consciousness can directly attack the newcomer. This is the default rule in the cultivation world.

  About half a cup of tea later, a girl in a white snow silk dress came from a distance. She had an oval face, black hair, black eyes, and thin red lips.

  This girl was Lou Yuying. Not long ago, she recovered from her injuries and left the temporary cave to look for opportunities in the cave again.

  As soon as she entered the range of Shen Qingluo's divine consciousness, she immediately noticed something.

  "Is there a fellow disciple here?"

  She felt a little regretful. The divine consciousness covered her, which meant that she might have discovered something, but this move also showed that she didn't want others to go there, so she chose to take a detour.

  There are more opportunities in this huge cave. Since someone came here first, it means that everything here has nothing to do with her.

  In the distance, Shen Qingluo looked at Lou Yuying's back as she left, and felt a little relieved.

  She had met this senior sister during the competition. Although she didn't say much at that time, she had a hunch that she was a good person. Now it seems to be true.