
Reverse Harem: Transmigrated into Book as Passerby to Dual Cultivation

After waking up, she came to the mysterious world of cultivating immortals, but she became a passerby in Cultivation Novel Counter Attack Time Travelling Protagonist with System... Forget about she was also time traveler but had no system and destined to die when she first come, why is she is so unlucky... Fortunately, she has the handsome immortal spirit map in her hand, which contains space. Every time she absorbs the Yang Yuan of a handsome man, she can improve it's function. But she has to gathers 7 top handsome men to unlock seven seal of this fairy artifact! In order to survive in the cruel world of cultivating immortals, a certain woman decided to throw away her moral integrity, cheat and steal the Yuan Yang of handsome man... The passerby will eventually counterattack, just to become an immortal and live forever! (NPH, 1v7)

_Veencen_ · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 13 Planting Spiritual Medicines, Emotions and Desires Are Hard to Control

Behind the counter in the Medicine Mountain Hall, there was a middle-aged man in a satin robe, who looked very wealthy and looked like a Buddha.

There were many apprentices nearby who were doing odd jobs and introducing the monks who entered the Medicine Mountain Hall.

Xia Jinxi came here just to buy some seeds. Of course, it was impossible for her to bother the shopkeeper with such a small business.

After seeing Xia Jinxi enter the door, a young apprentice from the Medicine Mountain Hall came over.

"Sir, what do you need?" The apprentice was only seventeen or eighteen years old. Although he was about the same age as Xia Jinxi, he was very polite. This was probably the demeanor of a big store.

"I need some seeds..." Xia Jinxi casually read out a bunch of names.

Xia Jinxi didn't know much about these spiritual medicine seeds, so the ones like Polygonum multiflorum, Red Lotus Fruit, and Zen Courtyard Grass were all sorted out by Peach Blossom Fairy.

Some spiritual medicines grow in special places and are extremely precious, so of course they can't have seeds.

Spiritual medicines with seeds are common spiritual medicines. Their value lies in the years of growth. For example, Polygonum multiflorum, a ten-year-old one, and a fifty-year-old one have completely different values, and a hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum is even more valuable. If it is a five-hundred-year-old or a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, it is a rare treasure, no worse than those special spiritual medicines.

The apprentice has a very good memory. Xia Jinxi only read it once, and he remembered it all.

Then, the apprentice walked to the counter and told the shopkeeper the goods Xia Jinxi needed.

The shopkeeper squinted his eyes slightly and quickly reported the number.

Then the apprentice went to prepare the goods. This was a complete process. During this process, the shopkeeper was responsible for the accounting, while the apprentice took the goods and collected the money, etc.

Xia Jinxi looked at the endless stream of cultivators coming in and out, and couldn't help but sigh at the prosperity of Yaoshan Hall.

This was closely related to the overall purpose of Yaoshan Hall. It was precisely because the apprentices and shopkeepers in Yaoshan Hall would not look down on others, and would do business even if the business was small. Such quality is essential for doing business.

After a while, the apprentice came out with a big box in his hand, which contained many paper packages.

"A total of fifteen low-grade spirit stones." The apprentice said.

Xia Jinxi paid fifteen low-grade spirit stones and got a pile of seeds.

In fact, the price of seeds is not high. These seeds can be harvested in a pile every year in the sect's plantation.

And those who buy seeds every year are generally those newly built plantations, and there are not many newly opened plantations after all, so such business is rare.

Without staying for long, Xia Jinxi turned and walked outside.

"The seeds have been purchased. What exactly is needed to hatch the dark gold eggs?" Xia Jinxi asked quietly.

"Don't think about hatching the dark gold eggs for now. Plant the spiritual medicine first. When the spiritual medicine grows up, use some of the spiritual medicine to refine the hatching liquid. Soak the dark gold eggs in the liquid. Only then will it be possible to hatch." Peach Blossom Fairy said faintly.

"I see. Then I will plant the seeds when I go back." Xia Jinxi.

Xia Jinxi has already bought the items. Now she no longer wanders around, but runs directly to her residence.

The number of pedestrians on the road has decreased a lot, and it will become less and less, because it is almost the second half of the night, and many immortal cultivators go back to rest.

Xia Jinxi returned to her small stone house. She took a good bath, and then changed into clean ice silk robes. She looked brand new.

Sitting on the chair, looking at the bronze mirror in front of her, a beautiful girl appeared on it.

Her hair was casually tied up, but she naturally had a pure style. Her phoenix eyes had a strange charm, and her skin was crystal clear like jade, as if it was covered with a layer of fluorescence.

Xia Jinxi was slightly surprised. In Myrtle's memory, her facial features had not changed much, but her skin and temperament were very different, making her appearance jump from an little beauty to a beauty who seduced thousands of people.

Is this the effect of the Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra?

The Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra does have a statement that the more Yang Yuan you get from a man, the more it will nourish your appearance. Even if you are an ordinary woman, after practicing the Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra, you will gradually transform into a peerless beauty.

Xia Jinxi didn't know whether to be thankful or worried?

A beautiful appearance is sometimes not necessarily a good thing. In the world of cultivating immortals, it is often a bad thing, which can easily bring you great trouble.

It seems that you have to hide your appearance when you go out in the future.

Just when Xia Jinxi was a little troubled, the Peach Blossom Fairy seemed to understand Xia Jinxi's thoughts.

"Don't worry, I will teach you the art of disguise, and then you can hide your appearance." The Peach Blossom Fairy said.

Xia Jinxi's mind moved, and the pink peach blossom mark on his wrist flashed a pink light, and Xia Jinxi disappeared into the room. As soon as

Xia Jinxi appeared in the small space, she took out the Qiankun bag and poured out all the paper bags from it.

Each paper bag had a name written on it and contained seeds.

There was a trace of nostalgia on the beautiful face of the Peach Blossom Fairy. He formed seals with his hands, and a pink airflow gushed out, condensing into a mattock.

"Use this... ,turn the soil, turn over the soil, wait until the soil is loose, then plant the seeds..." Peach Blossom Fairy waved the mattock and guided step by step.

After the guidance of Peach Blossom Fairy, Xia Jinxi knew that there were so many tricks to planting seeds. The seeds of different spiritual medicine plants must be slightly different when they are planted.

Don't underestimate those subtle differences. It is precisely because of many subtle differences that different seeds can get full nutrition, and later, they can grow better.

Planting spiritual medicine is a very profound knowledge. It is precisely because of the different planting methods that the spiritual medicines that grow in the end have different grades.

"My planting method is absolutely first-class. As long as you follow my instructions, I can guarantee that these spiritual medicines will grow well." Peach Blossom Fairy's lips showed a hint of pride. "

What about the spiritual spring? How is the effect after watering the spiritual spring?" Xia Jinxi glanced at the spring water.

"With the current level of the initial small space, the effect of the spiritual spring should be able to reach 30 to 1. That is, the spiritual medicine that originally took 30 years to grow only needs one year after watering the spiritual spring. Of course, different spiritual medicines have different growth periods, and the effects of spiritual springs are also very different. I am just giving a rough idea. "The Peach Blossom Fairy waved her sleeves, and the pink airflow turned into a whirlwind, floating just above the spring water.

The spring water was sucked out of the spring eye by the whirlwind and dispersed to the soil outside.

"Okay, the seeds have basically been sown, and you can practice on your own next. "Peach Blossom Fairy said.

Xia Jinxi's mind moved, and she was taken out of the small space by the vortex.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xia Jinxi began to practice.

The Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra can achieve the greatest effect at midnight.

Holding the spirit stone in her hand, the spiritual energy inside was absorbed like a tide. After a while, many cracks appeared on the surface of the spirit stone, and then it collapsed into dust.

Taking out another spirit stone, Xia Jinxi continued to absorb it until the spiritual energy in the spirit stone was consumed.

In this way, Xia Jinxi used three spirit stones to complete a day's practice.

Feeling the spiritual power surging in her body, Xia Jinxi had a faint smile on her lips. This was her greatest asset.

During the practice process, Xia Jinxi clearly felt that every time she practiced, Yin Qi was accumulating, Xia Jinxi felt a flame in her body. The desire that needed to be filled urgently made her bite her lips until they bled.

Xia Jinxi didn't want to become a lustful woman dominated by desire. At that time, she would most likely lose herself.

If you want to gain power, you have to bear the impact it brings. Xia Jinxi embarked on this path and didn't plan to turn back.

With her hands forming seals, Xia Jinxi's desires were eliminated bit by bit. When they were all pulled out of her body, her cheeks were already flushed.

Touching her hot cheeks, Xia Jinxi cursed inwardly.

"Why was my mind so full of Japanese action movies before..." Xia Jinxi's eyes were clear. Thinking of the experience during her previous training, she couldn't help but be alert.

The Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra is full of strange magic. One must control oneself. Unless necessary, one can only have sex with a handsome man. One must not indulge in it, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. It is still some time before dawn. Xia Jinxi had a good rest at night. She got up and walked out of the room at dawn.

The sky was gray, which seemed to be a sign of rain.

Xia Jinxi frowned slightly, and turned to walk towards the street.

Xia Jinxi was going to sell the body of the Iron-Winged Demon Snake, and then buy some disguise items.

Selling the corpse of the Iron Winged Demonic Snake was very simple. Xia Jinxi easily found a buyer and sold it for three spirit stones.

In addition, the disguise items were all small gadgets, and only two spirit stones were needed to buy a bunch of them.

After finishing the work, Xia Jinxi set off to Taisheng Sect .