
Reverse Harem: Transmigrated into Book as Passerby to Dual Cultivation

After waking up, she came to the mysterious world of cultivating immortals, but she became a passerby in Cultivation Novel Counter Attack Time Travelling Protagonist with System... Forget about she was also time traveler but had no system and destined to die when she first come, why is she is so unlucky... Fortunately, she has the handsome immortal spirit map in her hand, which contains space. Every time she absorbs the Yang Yuan of a handsome man, she can improve it's function. But she has to gathers 7 top handsome men to unlock seven seal of this fairy artifact! In order to survive in the cruel world of cultivating immortals, a certain woman decided to throw away her moral integrity, cheat and steal the Yuan Yang of handsome man... The passerby will eventually counterattack, just to become an immortal and live forever! (NPH, 1v7)

_Veencen_ · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 10 High-level Qiankun bag, making a fortune

The Qiankun bag looks like a high-level product. Compared with the Qiankun bag in Xia Jinxi's hand, it is incomparable.

Xia Jinxi can tell from the man's noble clothes and decorations that his identity must be of great origin. This

kind of man with first-class appearance and qualifications is like a rare treasure. No matter where he is, his brilliance cannot be concealed .

But Xia Jinxi just regarded it as a furnace for practicing. Of course, furnace is generally used to describe female cultivators, so how should it be described as a male cultivator? Should it be called a club?

As a glorious furnace, he can retire.

Xia Jinxi looked at the Qiankun bag in his hand, with joy in her two beautiful eyes.

After infiltrating the spiritual power into it, Xia Jinxi discovered that the Qiankun bag could not be opened.

"What a silly woman, there is a mark of divine consciousness on it, how can you open it." Peach Blossom Fairy put his hands behind his back, he was handsome and elegant, but there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his lips.

Xia Jinxi's eyes moved: "Peach Blossom Fairy, come and help me untie it."

"Why should I help you untie it?" Peach Blossom Fairy asked back.

Xia Jinxi reached out and grabbed Peach Blossom Fairy's arm, raised her lips and said: "Lord Peach Blossom Fairy, please be kind and help me once."

Peach Blossom Fairy looked strange: "I was defeated by you, let go of your hand quickly, I will help you."

Xia Jinxi let go of her hand and stepped aside, and presented the Qiankun bag in her hand.

Flattering is just a means, and achieving the goal is also the most important.

Xia Jinxi sighed in her heart that she was becoming more and more shameless. In the past, she would not flatter for the sake of profit, but now she has done the behaviors that she used to look down on...

But she only did it occasionally. If she kept that style, she would probably not be able to stand it and vomit.

Peach Blossom Fairy made a seal with her fingers, and a pink glow enveloped the entire Qiankun bag. Then, a strange character mark appeared on the Qiankun bag. This was the use of a magic formula to force the spiritual mark hidden deep inside to the surface.

Then, Peach Blossom Fairy made a seal with her fingers again, and a spiritual light was emitted, slowly wiping away the spiritual mark on it.

When the character-shaped mark gradually blurred and finally disappeared, Xia Jinxi finally smiled with joy.

"It's finally done. As for what's inside, you can take a good look." Peach Blossom Fairy shook his wrist and threw the Qiankun bag over.

Xia Jinxi reached out and took the Qiankun bag, pinched a corner of the bag, and turned the bag down.


A bunch of items were poured out from it.

The light flashed, and it dazzled her eyes for a while.

Xia Jinxi narrowed her eyes, covered her eyes with her hands, and tears flowed from her eyes.

Of course, these were not tears of excitement, but stimulated by a kind of light inside.

Peach Blossom Fairy couldn't help laughing: "Look at yourself, you didn't pay attention, and ended up being blinded by the radiant stone."

Xia Jinxi covered her eyes and said: "How can you blame me? How do I know there is a radiant stone inside?"

The radiant stone is a kind of lighting stone. As long as enough spiritual power is input into it, it can glow, just like a flashlight. In some dark caves, it can be used for lighting. It is a must-have item for cultivators at home and on the road. Xia Jinxi accepted the memory of the myrtle, of course, she knew about the radiant stone, but because of her lack of experience, she didn't protect her eyes when pouring out the items inside.

After a while, Xia Jinxi's eyes gradually recovered. At this time, her eyes had adapted to the strong light. The physique of the cultivator is different.

Among the pile of items on the ground, most of them are spiritual stones, there are two pieces of radiant stones and a book, and there are a bunch of talisman she doesn't know.

Spiritual stones are the hard currency in the world of cultivation, that is, coins. In addition, spiritual stones are needed for cultivation and for setting up formations. It is precisely because of their wide range of uses that spiritual stones have become circulating coins.

Xia Jinxi had already squatted down and started to count the number of spirit stones.

Most of these spirit stones were low-grade spirit stones, and only a small number were medium-grade spirit stones. There were a total of 300 low-grade spirit stones, and 20 medium-grade spirit stones.

I'm rich!

This was the first thought that flashed through Xia Jinxi's mind. Compared with the few spirit stones in her shrunken Qiankun bag, she was naturally rich now that she had obtained such a large amount of spirit stones. There

were many low-grade spirit stones, but the small number of medium-grade spirit stones was more valuable.

Because one medium-grade spirit stone was equivalent to one hundred low-grade spirit stones, and twenty medium-grade spirit stones were equivalent to two thousand low-grade spirit stones. For Xia Jinxi, who had never seen a few spirit stones, this was definitely a huge fortune.

"Look at your little achievement. There are only a few spirit stones in total, and they are all low-grade and medium-grade inferior goods. What is there to be proud of?" Peach Blossom Fairy said contemptuously.

"You have high standards, so of course I don't like it, but I am still very satisfied." Xia Jinxi rolled her eyes at Peach Blossom Fairy. Because she was in a good mood, she didn't bother with Peach Blossom Fairy.

"With so many spiritual stones, it seems that I can use spiritual stones to practice in the future. Let's try it."

Xia Jinxi couldn't contain her joy. She took out a spiritual stone and held it in her hand. Then she sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

The spiritual power gradually entered the meridians from the Dantian position. Xia Jinxi suddenly found that this spiritual power was not cold, but a little warm. Is

this the spiritual power after the yin and yang are harmonized by Yang Yuan?

According to the cultivation method of the Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra, once the spiritual power is cold to a certain degree, it is necessary to absorb Yang Yuan as soon as possible to harmonize yin and yang. If it is left unchecked, the spiritual power will freeze the body from the inside out into a large ice block. This way of death is indeed very shocking.

After the yin and yang are harmonized this time, it should be a long time before I need to absorb Yang Yuan.

According to the cultivation method, the spiritual power in the spiritual stone rushed from Xia Jinxi's palm to her body like a tide.

The pale blue spiritual power penetrated into every part of Xia Jinxi's body, and the light on the surface of the spiritual stone gradually faded.

Feeling the rapid increase of spiritual power in the body, it originally took at least three or four years to go from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the sixth level of Qi Refining. At the current speed, it would only take about thirty days at most.

The light on the surface of the spiritual stone became fainter and fainter, and finally a few cracks appeared on the surface, like spider webs.

Xia Jinxi opened her eyes and looked at the broken spiritual stone in her hand with astonishment in her eyes.

"What? How long has it been since a spiritual stone was reimbursed?" Xia Jinxi was a little confused. Because of the preciousness of spiritual stones, Myrtle had never used spiritual stones for cultivation before, and Xia Jinxi had no relevant experience.

"According to your consumption rate, at least two hundred spiritual stones will be needed in a month. Think about it, how long can these spiritual stones on your hand last?" Taohuaxian crossed his arms and there was a hint of mockery in his peach blossom eyes.

Xia Jinxi felt a sense of crisis. If she continued like this, she would not be able to last long. Moreover, she had already tried using spirit stones to practice. It was impossible for her to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to practice.

"Why is this happening? The speed of absorbing spiritual energy is too fast." Xia Jinxi suddenly felt a little tragic.

"I have never seen anyone like you. How many immortal cultivators dream of speeding up the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, but you despise it." Peach Blossom Fairy shook her head dissatisfiedly and said, "Between heaven and earth, the grades of skills are divided into four grades: heaven, earth, black, and yellow. The rubbish skills you practiced before were of the yellow grade, and the Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Skills you are practicing now are the real heaven grade skills. Therefore, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is very fast, and the skills you practice are very fast. The quality of your spiritual power is extremely high. Compared with the cultivators of the same level, both the strength and quality of your spiritual power are superior. "Peach Blossom Fairy said with regret.

"So what?" Xia Jinxi said casually. "

Don't you understand? With those advantages, you are invincible among the cultivators of the same level, and you can also defeat the enemy across levels." Peach Blossom Fairy was almost choked by Xia Jinxi's breath and almost couldn't breathe.

"I understand, but although the Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra is a good heavenly gong, it is not perfect. At least, the speed of cultivation is a bit slow, and you have to find a handsome man to reconcile the yin and yang. If you don't do it, you will go crazy and die... Such side effects, hum, hum, it's rare for me to complain. "

Xia Jinxi squatted on the ground and began to put spirit stones into the Qiankun bag. She decided to use this high-level Qiankun bag in the future. The low-level Qiankun bag was ugly in appearance, but the space inside was too small to hold so many spirit stones.

Peach Blossom Fairy was hit by Xia Jinxi's words. The Seven Emotions Yin and Yang Sutra did have many flaws. For this reason, he seemed to have no excuse except squatting in the corner and drawing circles.

"Peach Blossom Fairy, there is no mark on this high-level Qiankun bag, right?" Xia Jinxi suddenly asked.

Peach Blossom Fairy said, "Don't worry, there is no mark on it, and the man can't find you."

"That's good. "Xia Jinxi breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried that the man would find her whereabouts through the marks on the high-level Qiankun bag. If she saw him again, Xia Jinxi didn't know how to treat him. And whether the man would kill her in a rage was uncertain.

Therefore, it is better not to meet.

Xia Jinxi packed up the spirit stones and muttered softly: "Although there are many spirit stones, the clothes on the man are very luxurious, and his temperament is that he is not an ordinary cultivator. How can he be so poor? There are only some spirit stones in the Qiankun bag. Aren't there some good things like magic weapons?"

"That's because most of his good things are in the space ring on his finger." Peach Blossom Fairy said.

Xia Jinxi pursed her lips and said: "What? Is that a space ring? "