
Reverie: Us

The mysteries of the abandoned forest, Nellie Livesy was blamed for her older sister and her friends sudden disappearance after a one night camp in an abandoned forest, half of the people in their small town suspected her a murderer as she was the only one who wasn't missing after that one night camp. A year later, the friend who went missing suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was chasing Nel, blaming her and continuously bullying her for revenge causing more problems for Nel.

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Chapter 3: Nightmare

Time quickly passed by and I didn't notice the presence of night covering the daylight, I spent so many hours crying in the comfort room without realizing the time, when I went out of the comfort room, dark was already meeting me outside the school, I looked at my phone and seeing its already 9pm, the doors were locked and couldn't get home, everyone already went home except for me, lights of the school corridor were already turning off except for the glowing blue lights of the swimming pool of the school, I went the pool gym just beside the dark corridors to kill some time and wait for the morning to come, however, without any hesitation and my impulsive thoughts taking control of me, I suddenly jumped on the pool with clothes on and let my body stay afloat on water, I let out my overthinking problems and looked only on at the dark ceiling, maybe staying late at school in the middle of the night wasn't a bad experience.

As I stayed silently floating, a dark figure came for me coming from the deep pool and a sudden hand covered my mouth and pulled my body down to the 9 feet deep pool, I was losing my breath and tried to overpower the thing that was pulling me down but I couldn't, what I only saw on the depts of the pool was the physical appearance of Effie Lewis who seems to be trying to kill me, she was smiling as she was drowning me slowly. My breath was already on its last course, when I was about to decide to give up on living, I saw a figure of a boy in the surface who was watching me drown and as soon as he showed up, my eyes opened, turns out it was another daydream again, it kept on happening without a warning, the drowning was just fake illusions, just a nightmare that I can ignore.

Swimming back at the edge of the pool, the boy I saw at the dream was real, he was sitting on the bench quietly reading a book and seems to be waiting, I look around if he was with someone however, he was the only one there.

When our eyes met, he smirked at me which just annoyed me, he looked at me with eyes like I was some sort of entertainment for him, I didn't like it. By the way he looks and acted now shows already his personality, he may be someone who is selfish and prideful. I ignored him and just pulled myself out of the pool, surprisingly, a towel was already prepared on top of my bag, he prepared a towel for me for an unknown reason, what if me meeting him here wasn't even a coincidence, what is he even doing here?, still I ignored my curiosity of him and tried to walk out of the gym, however, he asked a question that made me stop from walking away.

"How do you know Effie Lewis, you kept on muttering her name during our math class?", he asked directly though he was still busy turning a page of the book confidently just sitting in front of me, now it reminded me of who he was, it was the same boy who was beside me during the science class awhile ago, he was the one who tapped me on the shoulders and woke me up from my day dreaming. With the name Effie involved, he took interest in me.

"Why do you care?", I vented but he said something that really crossed the line, he kept reminding me of the incident a year ago, he knew so much about my family and info, he kept on provoking me, he took advantage of the fact that I blame myself for the incident that happened a year ago.

"What if your grandparents is just faking their comfort on you, comforting a person is also tiring you know", he mentioned, everything on my mind with problems went blank and I gripped my hand trying hard to stay calm, though, my patience was already at its limit, I immediately approached him, took the book that he was holding and aggressively threw it to his face which made his nose bleed, I let go of the book realizing what I had done, looking at his face up closely, it has a close resemblance with Effie, pale white skin, black hair and deep brown eyes, both with admiring and charismatic face but was also scary to compare.

Even with a bleeding nose, he still manage to irritate me again at my lowest although at his second attempt, I didn't care what he said since I already did a payback. So instead, I handed him a handkerchief from my bag, then left him alone at the swimming gym.