
Reverend Insanity Spectral’s Glory

A modern beggar who has abandoned all dignity miraculously finds himself in the cruel and crazy world of Reverend Insanity. Will he reach the apex? Or will he perish on his journey towards his ideals? This story is a Chinese machine translation, all I’m doing is fixing any errors I come across before posting here freely, and yes it’s free so please stop sending me stones and what not… I don’t feel comfortable for being rewarded for a work that isn’t mine. Also if you find any errors let me know I’ll try to fix it when I’m not too busy. Hopefully this will give you, your reverend insanity Fix for a time.

Ashura_Star · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

Final battle part 1

Cold winds were blowing, carrying cold ice fragments and corroding every person's face, but everyone's face was full of killing intent, letting the ice and snow flow past and remain unmoved.

The entire sky was covered by this cloudy figure, this cloud was low and dark, and looked like it could collapse at any moment, killing the mortals below.

Under this dark cloud, two groups of people, closely packed together, looked at each other from ten li away. Behind them, the group was moving and gathering towards the front.

"Dongfang Changfan, you despicable scoundrel! You used the tactic of 'tigers to swallow wolves' first, to plot against our tribe, before using the ten extreme physiques to self-detonate, harming our tribe's elites. Your action is truly the shame of our tribe!" The heavy atmosphere was quickly broken, as a loud shout was heard from the three at the front of the group, criticizing Dongfang Changfan's' crimes'.

"Hehe, based on this despicable method, I am far inferior to all the tribe leaders. How did our Dongfang tribe lose in the previous Imperial Court contest? Every time we fall into hibernation, we would wake up from this nightmare, in this dream, it is a scene of everyone jointly suppressing and bullying our tribe!" Dongfang Changfan chuckled softly as if he had heard something interesting, but he used his Gu worms to ensure that everyone could hear him, only hearing his indifferent words.

His words were indifferent but there was a needle hidden in them, secretly mocking the allied forces of the previous Imperial Court contest to plot against Dongfang tribe. In fact, the normal tribe leader would have already burst with anger, but he was as if the matter was of no concern to him, showing his broadmindedness and shrewdness.

"Hmph! Those defeated are bound to be defeated, they will only be caring about their past, such a timid rat, how can he be qualified to become tribe leader?" Before that person spoke, the resolute middle aged man beside him snorted coldly, he avoided Dongfang Changfan's question, instead, he was mocking Dongfang Changfan's nature as a coward.

No matter who held the initiative in that world, they could distort the facts, even if they were wrong, they could still be right, the reason being that they had other people's lives, and that person could only look up to the weak.

Weakness was not a disgrace, everyone had a weakness, there could not be perfect people, but once they learn about their weakness, the strong would classify the weak, the strong would resolve their problems, and the weak would only run away from them.

"Failure in the past will only become my stepping stone for success. Even Human Ancestor would only be able to accomplish great accomplishments after trials and difficulties, let alone I, a mere mortal. But now that everyone is talking at the same height, it means that I have succeeded." Dongfang Changfan was unmoved, still showing a mild smile, but the pride in his words could not be concealed.

"What sharp teeth! I wonder if you can continue to be so arrogant later!" The final person also spoke, but he did not refute Dongfang Changfan's words, he already knew he could not outbid Dongfang Changfan in this aspect, he could only coldly speak those words.

"The last laugh is the best, I wonder what abilities do all of you have?" Dongfang Changfan's demeanor did not change, he still continued to speak sarcastically.

"I want to see if you are really as powerful as you say, we cannot defeat you in just talk, we should deal with you fairly!" The first person to speak, because he was surrounded by two other people, he seemed to be the leader.

"The blizzard is coming, we should not waste time on 'battle generals', we should start the fight directly! Like this, I can start exploring Imperial Court blessed land earlier." Dongfang Changfan replied, this time, he was no longer indifferent, he acted very enthusiastically, waving his arms and charging towards the enemy formation.

This action looked impulsive, but Dongfang Changfan had countless thoughts in his mind, after they collided, he had already considered his options deeply.

Initially, both sides had great military strength, but they also had to make use of the enslavement path Gu Masters as cannon fodder, so in terms of numbers, Dongfang tribe was weaker than them.

Secondly, they had almost no rank four battle strength, and because of Dongfang Changfan's tactic, almost all the tribes had lost their current tribe leader, thus they had few rank three and four battle strengths.

Lastly, they could not have a rank five battle strength first, otherwise how could they give face to others? And rather than sending those ordinary rank four experts with lower battle strength to destroy their morale, they might as well directly make a move. Moreover, their morale was one of the few advantages in the first place.

Dongfang tribe struck first, while the other side also chased after them with no weakness. These ten li of distance was only a few steps away to a Gu Master, and after just a few moments, the two sides collided, causing blood to splatter all over the snow.

The first to collide on the two sides were defense Gu Masters, they used their strong bodies to protect the attacks at the back, defense, investigation, healing and logistics Gu Masters. The scene was a mess, every moment, Gu Masters died, from the sky, their blood was dyed red as the ground was like an injured patient, starting to bleed from their injuries.

Even in such a chaotic battle, every Gu Master group member has their own responsibility, even if they normally have hatred against each other, now that they have let it go, they knew that now was not the time to be a burden, every effort they put in was to increase their own survival chances.

If it were a scene rarely seen in the other four regions, but this northern plains where there were battles going on continuously, was extremely common, and every ten years of Imperial Court contest would have a large scale Gu Master battle.

Because of this, Northern Plains' Gu Masters had a higher battle talent than the other four regions, even though they suffered great losses, because of this, the weak were eliminated, and the strong were retained, many outstanding Gu Masters gained a lot of resources and grew rapidly, allowing geniuses to emerge in Northern Plains.

Right now, rank five higher-ups could not strike directly, but they could still use thirty-two methods. For example, spectral spirit was secretly controlling this Lan Xiao falcon to kill the enemy Gu Master, but on the surface, it was manipulated by a rank three Gu Master.

Both sides had their own respective factors to interfere with the battle, but they did not show it clearly, while the other side had their own reservations, that was Hong Yang Feng's goat group, once a rank five expert attacked, the goat group would overwhelm the enemy, causing a huge blow to the three races alliance that had a slight lead.

When night descended, the two sides stopped their battle and cleaned up the battlefield. There were many benefits in this battle, one could get rid of the clan's useless trash and choose the elites.

Two, they could choose a list of lone cultivators that they could rope in from battle, and deduce a list of Gu Immortal names, even if they could not rope them in, they could be on good terms.

Third, they had to weaken other tribes to make annexing them conveniently and strengthen their own tribe.