
Reverend Insanity Spectral’s Glory

A modern beggar who has abandoned all dignity miraculously finds himself in the cruel and crazy world of Reverend Insanity. Will he reach the apex? Or will he perish on his journey towards his ideals? This story is a Chinese machine translation, all I’m doing is fixing any errors I come across before posting here freely, and yes it’s free so please stop sending me stones and what not… I don’t feel comfortable for being rewarded for a work that isn’t mine. Also if you find any errors let me know I’ll try to fix it when I’m not too busy. Hopefully this will give you, your reverend insanity Fix for a time.

Ashura_Star · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

Dark assault

These last days, Spectral Spirit and Chu Du did not make any movements, They were all rank five peak stage, any cultivation would break their aperture and they would start a battle? Right now, they were with the protective wall of the migrating tribe, so they were in a peaceful environment. The only thing they could do was to research their own Gu path.

However, Ye Qing Lian was completely unable to fight, she couldn't even mobilize her primeval essence. This was because the seal formed by Spectral Spirit was too weak, even using her normal aperture was difficult, let alone using Gu worms to fight.

Right now, Spectral Spirit wanted to obtain qi path or restriction path Gu worms, the former were wild Gu, they did not have materials even if they could be refined. The latter was an extremely isolated path, it depended on whether heaven could fulfill his wishes!

Spectral spirit really wanted the materials, but he could do nothing about it, although he was familiar with Dongfang Changfan, they still had to properly settle the accounts, even if they were acquainted with Dongfang Changfan, he would not foolishly asked this less he wanted to sour his relationship.

And the most concerning thing to Dongfang Chang was his clans.

Not only would this disrupt the rules, it would greatly lower Dongfang Changfan's prestige, and even lower the cohesiveness of the whole tribe, this was not just a scam, this was truly a possibility of survival, right now was a crucial period, Dongfang Changfan absolutely could not allow any errors to occur!

However, Dongfang Changfan was not slacking, he would send people to investigate the enemy situation every day according to the changes in the situation, or secretly instruct the death warriors to start arranging the battlefield, making his invisible net spread over all the battling tribes.

Currently, there was no need for the high level battle strength experts like spectral spirit to make a move, they only needed to mobilize their people to make arrangements. In the whole of Dongfang tribe, there were only four rank five experts, and this was including the injured rank five Ye Qing Lian.

There was no other way, those high ranked tribes in the previous Imperial Court contest collaborated to pit Dongfang tribe, causing the tribe elites to suffer heavy casualties, even if Dongfang Changfan's schemes were heaven defying, he could not match the overall situation.

Thus, Dongfang Changfan decided to strike first, while slowing the tribe's movement speed, he secretly sent people to infiltrate each tribe.

There were two benefits in doing this, one was to show weakness to the enemy, to let their guard down and delay the time they would be attacked, to annex those small tribes that were moving slowly to strengthen themselves, and finally, to completely crush their enemies.

But this was a scheme after all, once it was exposed, they would be attacked by other tribes together, and the risks were extremely high, but as long as they succeeded in entering Imperial Court blessed land, they could be said to be combining benefits and risks.


It was another late night, dark clouds were looming, it seemed like a storm was brewing.

In this dark plain, several people were sprinting rapidly, only stopping after a small mound.

"Lord, it is here." One of them pointed at the flat grassland in front of the mound, there were still some stars there, as the outline of a camp could be vaguely seen.

"Ugh." That person only snorted and looked in that direction; his eyes gave off a faint luster as he gazed at the dark camp.

"Lian Er, remember to protect my body, don't let anyone touch it." This person was spectral spirit, beside him was Ye Qing Lian, the leading Gu Master was Dongfang tribe's investigative Gu Master.

The killer move devour spirits and ghosts!

A person who was dressed in a robe of hatred and grudge, with his face having a face that was so large it seemed to have split his head, a defenseless Spectral Spirit charged out of his ethereal body, towards that camp.

And these people had all sorts of expressions, Ye Qing Lian was used to such killer moves, she was no longer surprised, but the two pioneers shook as a chill emerged in their hearts, making them shudder.

Spectral spirit flew faster, reaching the sky of the camp in less than five breaths of time. The defense at the periphery was to defend against wild beasts and Gu Masters, but it was just like an empty air, there was no need to care about it.

He only observed them for a moment before they immediately flew into the central tent which was still flickering with lights, not everyone was aware of the crisis like Dongfang Changfan, moreover those guys were absolutely confident in their own defense.

Actually, it was not their fault, even though soul path was flourishing, very few could actually emerge victorious, the reason was that it was simply too difficult to strengthen the soul. He had almost spent half his life trying to make that final step, the difficulty was not something that laymen could understand.

Thus, most tribes would not defend against soul defenses, and soul path Gu Masters would also rarely leave their bodies to fight, because the soul was the foundation of the tribe, the consequences would be severe if it was damaged, but this killer move, spectral spirit, had a huge flaw in everyone's consciousness.

The moment he entered the tent, spectral spirit saw an old man who had been reading by hanging lanterns in the night, this old man had silky white hair and snow-white skin that was uneven, but his eyes were crystal clear, as if he had seen through the minds of men, coldness, and kindness of the mortal world.

Spectral spirit quietly moved around to the back of his camp for a surprise attack, suddenly, that old tribe leader seemed to have sensed something, he looked back and flickered with a burning red aura, his fire path Gu worms were prepared to attack at any time.

But it was useless! Eerie spirit was only a soul body, their soul body was close to phantom, ordinary methods had little effect on the soul body, only soul path and phantom path were effective against it, regrettably the other party did not have such methods against it.

Eerie spirit opened its mouth and bit, moving backwards as that old tribe leader's soul was pulled out of his body, only his lower body was still exposed, the rest of his soul was trapped by the eerie spirit.

Soul Reverberation Gu!

Soul round Gu!

Spectral spirit was not in a hurry to send his soul into soul return crystal Gu to activate other soul path Gu worms, the former could search souls, but the consequences would be that the memories related to the search would disappear. However, what could it do with spectral spirit, his final value was to be a shield anyway.

The latter could store primeval essence, spectral spirit was only a soul now, it needed primeval essence to activate Gu worms, thus the soul path storage Gu that could be used on the soul was extremely precious.

After looking through the old clan leader's memories for the last fifteen days, he stuffed his soul into the soul retracting crystal Gu, making his last burst of warmth.

Drunken Gu!

He activated a Gu worm, this Gu worm shined with light, it could pierce through all forms and souls, this Gu was not an attack type Gu but a soul path pacifying soul Gu, this Gu worm's effect was to let people sleep deeper and would not wake up easily, but those already sleeping ones had no way to resist it, and those Gu Masters who were still awake could not resist it, their strong and powerful souls even fell asleep.

Finally, the spectral spirit took out a Gu worm and used its own soul to crush it; a spider the size of a person's head fell down to the ground.

Graveyard spiders!

This Gu worm was not a soul path Gu worm, it was an earth path Gu worm. Earlier, it was used as a storage Gu for soul path, but now, it was completely activated using the last bit of primeval essence, destroying all of its defenses.

The mortals were still sleeping soundly, they did not know the danger was impending, and as time passed, their defenses were all broken, large numbers of Gu Masters appeared outside the camp and waited for their orders.

After everything was done, spectral spirit flew back into his physical body, although he was extremely tired, he still looked at the Gu Masters coldly: "That's enough, go and collect the fruits of our labor!"

Those Gu Masters did not make a din, instead quietly advancing to now defenseless tribes camp, after giving a salute.