
Reverend Insanity: Phantom Spirit

Arthur Smith suffered an unfortunate accident on earth and died while going to work. This was not the end however as he got the opportunity to transmigrate to the world of Reverend Insanity. How will Arthur Smith adapt to the cruel world of Reverend Insanity?

Kamule · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 Transmigration

hi Kamule here, 

Reading Poison-Refining Demon Venerable and Reverend Insanity Blood Venerable Ascension was what initially inspired me to write this fanfiction

Note, that I'm a native Swedish speaker. English is my third language. 

It's been a while since i read Reverend Insanity so if I get something wrong comment and I might fix it 🤷 (currently rereading it) 

If you have any ideas or criticism you can message me on the discord or you can share them in the comments and or reviews

also i would like to thank acdpqs, CreedFollower and SuperNerd4000 for reviewing the initial draft for chapter 1 and giving useful and actionable suggestions on how i could improve my story. 

My seniors made a discord dedicated to discussing any and all Reverend Insanity Fanfiction. Here is the link https://discord.gg/bdxCJ6cm9t


General POV

The desert stretched out endlessly as far the eye could see, the vast expanse of arid terrain was characterized by rolling dunes and sun-scorched earth. Towering dunes rise and fall in undulating waves, sculpted by the ever-shifting winds into graceful curves and ridges.

Their sandy slopes glistened in the sunlight, casting long shadows that stretched across the desert floor. Sparse vegetation dotted the landscape, compromised of resilient plants adapted to thrive in the harsh desert environment. The scene was beautiful in a way the vastness of the desert conveying a silent timeless beauty. 

Unfortunately, the beauty of the scene was disturbed by the sound of dying men and the shouts of the standing combatants. Surrounded by three dark-robed assailants, a wounded young man kneeled, 5 corpses were scattered around the area with 2 more in critical condition unlikely to live unless they received immediate medical attention. 

" Surrender Ye Zhao Wen your Ye caravan has abandoned you to die, our Fei clan will not treat you too badly if you surrender now! " shouted the leader of the assailants. 

Hearing this the young man stood up with difficulty and answered with a snort

 "What Fei clan? I know you are the secret force of the elder Chen, I bet he sent you guys after me because I refused to hand over the inheritance I found." 

Hearing this the leader of the assailants laughed "We were going to kill you quickly as a courtesy for the help you have provided to the clan but now we are going to take our time teaching you how to respect your betters. " said the leader. 

With this the assailants prepared to continue their attacks, the young man Zhao Wen closed his eyes and turned his attention towards his aperture. Originally filled up to 78% now there only remained less than 10% primeval essence in Zhao Wen's aperture. inside he quickly located his final trump card. There floating in the peak Red Steel primeval essence floated the consumable rank 2 strength path Gu soldiers last stand. 

The Gu would allow Zhao Wen to increase his strength drastically for a minute before damaging his aperture causing his aptitude to decrease and his cultivation to regress a minor stage. This would never be worth it in a normal fight but as a trump card to turn the tide, the Gu worm was a treasure.

Zhao Wen had spent almost all of his savings to acquire the Gu during the caravans stop in Fei Xi oasis and now it would prove its worth. 

With a scream of defiance and anger, Zhao Wen activated the Gu and as he did so he felt strength like never before entering his body. Zhao Wen quickly activated his vital Gu furious charge and rushed forward like a hungry bear grabbing hold of the face of the terrified leader of the assailants crushing his face.

 Zhao Wen quickly put his other hand around the neck of the Gu master and pulled with all his might. he ripped the head from the Gu master's shoulders before the terrified and confused tier 2 upper-stage Gu master had time to process the loss of his face.

Zhao Wen then quickly threw the corpse of the Gu master to the right in an attempt to intercept the slash of bronze sabre Gu. This move gave Zhao Wen enough time to move out of the way and towards the third member of the encirclement. Charging forward Zhao Wen was forced to dodge side to side as the enemy Gu master kept throwing fireballs in his way. 

Dodging left to right Zhao Wen showed off his newfound strength and speed as he dodged attacks that previously would have grazed him.

With the assailant growing more desperate by the second as Zhao Wen came closer and closer he finally resolved himself to use his strongest move. Having seen what Zhao Wen had done to his leader the Gu master knew that his only chance of survival was to kill Zhao Wen with this final gamble. 

" bastard Wen i will show you the true peak of this world, eat my great killer move: great flames burning heaven and earth firelance!!! " screamed the Gu master as he expended the remaining part of his primeval essence to use his killer move. 

Sensing the dangerous situation he was in, Zhao Wen tried to dodge to the side but only succeeded partially, his left side was still hit by the move, searing his flesh and causing his blood to boil. 

Roaring out his pain Zhao Wen felt his speed and strength increase again as an incomplete beast phantom manifested. Reacting to his heightened emotions his furious charge Gu increased the speed of his charge. 

 With this increase in speed and strength, Zhao Wen charged the panting Gu master and delivered a powerful punch to the man's chest, Zhao Wen could feel the bones break as the Gu master was launched tens of meters away. 

[two gone one to go] Zhao Wen thought as he turned to the last remaining Gu master. 

The sword path Gu master having seen Zhao Wen's explosive strength was slowly backing away and seeing Zhao Wen turn towards him he shouted 

" Zhao Wen, wait wait, maybe we were a bit hasty and got off on the wrong foot. We can still talk this out like true members of the righteous path, I believe that if I and my brothers sincerely petition Elder Chen together we can get him to let you off why don't you…" 

Knowing that the sword path Gu master was stalling for time Zhao Wen ignored whatever the man had to say and charged him, the final stand Gu only had a minute of time and he had already spent the majority of it to finish off the two other Gu masters.

 It was a race against time for Zhao Wen, he had to kill the sword path Gu master before the backlash of using the last stand Gu hit him. Choosing to take the fastest path toward the assailant, Zhao Wen rushed straight at the Gu master. 

Seeing that his strategy of delaying Zhao Wen was not working the Gu master stopped his speech and prepared to face Zhao Wen´s charge head-on. Following in the footsteps of his now dead teammate the sword path Gu master prepared to use his killer move: ten sabre bronze ward. Ten sabre bronze ward was a defensive killer move that would encase the sword path Gu master in a cocoon of sword slashes. 

As the sword path Gu master created the cacoon of swift sword slashes in front of Zhao Wen the young man gritted his teeth and hoped that his body would endure the attack long enough for him to get his hands on the Gu master. Only having a few seconds left Zhao Wen knew he had to risk it all for a decisive attack.

As Zhao Wen breached the ward of sword slashes his clothes were shredded and hundreds of cuts appeared all over his body, enduring the pain Zhao Wen pushed forward through the move and once he was through he was face to face with the shocked face of the sword path Gu master. 

" How is this possible? Even a hundred beast king would have problems breaching my ten sabre bronze…" his words were cut off by Zhao Wen punching him in the face caving it in and ending the life of the Gu master. 

Panting Zhao Wen felt his strength and energy leave him as the effect of soldier's last stand wore out, grunting in pain Zhao Wen collapsed to his knees as the feeling of his aperture regressing a small stage and his vital Gu dying sent him into spasms.

Zhao Wen gritted his teeth as he slowly moved his hand to a pocket in his robes. Taking out the Phantom Vault Gu that had started this entire debacle. The Phantom Vault Gu was completely unharmed by the struggle as it finally materialized form its Phantom state. Holding the Gu close to his chest Zhao Wen eventually passed out from the pain and died surrounded by the corpses of his assailants.

following Zhao Wen´s death a certain soul from earth found himself waking up covered in wounds and surrounded by the remains of a fierce battle to the death.