
Chapter 2-Going to the Gu World

Heavenly Demon was in his celestial world and preparing for the ritual of Otherworldly Travel. The purplish dark red light is emitted from the celestial world.

Sigh,'I could have used the realms to achieve immortality. But this world has already deteriorated to such an extent by Transcendent Reality Sage. Even the power from these realms is barely enough for The Otherworldly Travel Technique and Heavenly Deception.' He thought.

Thousands of immortal and sage rank resources were consumed to begin and carry out the process. Deep concentration was needed in its execution. Not a single mistake was permissible in this intricate ritual. It took a day to execute thousands of minor steps.

The first major step was beginning. He opened all the veins in his world and connected them with the outside world intricately.

Without Heaven's Will and other sages, he gained nearly full control over all the realms. Many minor steps were executed for the start of the second major step.

Total Devouring Assimilation Wave

The purplish dark red energy began to spread across the entire world, turning everything in its way into the same purplish-red energy. Dao ZhengFu focused all his wills to sustain the conversion.

Soon, all the realms were turned into that same energy and began to compress into a single ball of energy. At its center, Dao ZhengFu was preparing for the third step.

Hundreds of thousands of minor steps were needed to be done without a single mistake to start the third major step. The process required an immense focus and will.

The ball of purplish-red energy was sucked into Dao ZhengFu's body. His body began to turn purple and red veins started to appear all over his body. Pain spread across his entire body. All of his body was turned to the same mysterious energy. Mind Palace corroded and merged with the energy only leaving his will and Divine Self will (the one previously disguised as heavens will).

After his body and mind merged into the energy, his Will moved the energy to his soul. Energy surrounded his entire soul and instantly flashed through the untamed, wild, and pure chaos.

He had only one destination. The world nearest to the world of Shijie Mori. The Gu World. He only knew the basics of this world through the otherworldly demons but it was the last hope for him to achieve immortality.

The journey through the chaos was excruciatingly painful. But he persevered through the pain for his goal. The energy was only enough for travel and couldn't be used for protection. He had to use his soul to resist the onslaught of the chaos and prepare for the final step.

The chaos gnawed and tear at every part of his soul. At the end of his journey, almost all of his soul foundation that he had cultivated for centuries was destroyed.

Just as he was entering the Gu world, he started refining the energy that escaped by a little broken hole in the Space Cave. He used the energy of the gu world, space cave, and the mysterious energy to transform the Divine Self Will and his soul to properly exist in the new world.

Refining of the Divine Self will while traveling in chaos nearly destroyed his will. But he had to do his best. There was no other way for him to achieve his goal. His previous world was already doomed even if he hadn't refined it.

"Am I going to fail…" Dao ZhengFu was still refining, seeing this, his heart sank: "No, until the final moment, I still have a chance, I cannot give up!"

He was expressionless, no matter how hard the travel was, chaos was still surrounding him, trying to tear his soul apart.

But he continued refining.

He had traveled through a thousand years of experiences over his previous world, he did not know how much longer he would have to continue refining.

But he knew what he needed to do. Nobody could stop him. At least… in this vast chaos, nobody was there to stop him.

In a thousand years of his previous world.

A 14-year-old Dao ZhengFu kneeled beside a tombstone looked, he looked around the slums.

His fists were clenched, hope was displayed all over his young and tender face.

"It is time to give up the past. But I will fulfill my promise to you, Mother."

"Being accepted into the Great Spirit Sect is a great opportunity! Because there, I can begin my cultivation and start the path to attain eternal life."

"I have to make good use of this rare opportunity! Otherwise, how can I live with myself, how can I give up this chance?"

"Of course, right now, I need to improve the living conditions of me and my brother. Hehe, that little fellow…"

After 2 years

On an alleyway of the sect's dorm, Dao ZhengFu was dropped to the ground bloodied.

"Just give up and let us beat you, weak scum. Your brother acts as if he owns the world. That's why you have to be the punching bag for us." A fat youth said with glee and smugness in front of him with his two lackeys laughing and kicking the down boy.

Fang Yuan stood up and launched a punch towards the fatty.

The fatty dodged the punch and hit Dao ZhengFu in his stomach.

"And don't think that your brother is going to help you. He is ashamed to acknowledge you as his brother." He kicked Dao ZhengFu's head.

"Tch, that's enough beating for today. Let's go, we can beat him up more later." Fatty said leaving the boy with his lackeys.

"Why, why, why can't I grow stronger? I spend my entire day cultivating and learning. Just because my cultivation talent is low."

"Since the sect can't help me be stronger, since my own brother purposefully pushes me aside."

"Then, I will become stronger on my own." He looked at the map he had found while reading in the library which showed the dark forest.

"Even if it is dangerous, I will have to try." He said with determination and will evident in his eyes.

"Tommorow, I will head to the dark forest."

A year later

After the venture into the dark forest, he had found the inheritance of a Martial Lord with help of the map.

In this last year, he had progressed rapidly and beaten that fatty and his lackeys.

In the dark forest, a shadowy figure was heading towards a cave. He approached the end of the cave and pressed his hand at a spot.

The side of the cave opened up leading to a tunnel. He traversed through the tunnel into a yellow-lit room. There were numerous mystical plants somehow growing in the cave and resources along with some martial techniques in that room.

"I have already used up the resources that I had taken in the past. Sigh, If I could take all of them with me. But, it would rot before I use them. The ancestor was truly a genius to be able to nurture these resources for more than a century." He started picking the plants careful to not damage them.

'With help of this inheritance, I will be able to catch up to my brother in a year.' He thought with excitement.

'I will teach him even if he is more talented than me, he is still a little brother to me. I heard he has been very arrogant lately, he was such a shy and scared boy. But, I will smack his a*s if he thinks he can disrespect me again.' He thought smiling and fondly remembering the times with his brother.


A seven-year-old child with small bruises on his face was running towards another child with tears running on his face.

"Brother brother brother" He jumped into his brother's arms while crying.

"What happened? Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere." Eight

x-year-old Dao ZhengFu said with worry in his voice.

"While I was playing with other boys, that Fatty Hue started insulting our mother, and when I told him to stop, he got angry and beat me up." He told Dao ZhengFu crying and with trembling lips.

"Don't cry. I will get revenge for you, okay. I will beat that fatty up." Dao ZhengFu said consoling his crying brother.


Other memories flowed with his brother flowed through his mind.

As he was lost in his memories, a needle came speeding towards him and hit him in the back area of his heart.

A trail of blood escaped from the end of his smiling lips. Cough, blood spilled from his mouth. The poison in the needle spread around the body.

'What is happening? Why am I coughing blood.' He looked confused and afraid. His trembling hand instinctively reached slowly towards his heart. He felt wet in his hands. He slowly looked at his trembling hand with his eyes becoming dazed.

He couldn't even use his energy to alleviate the damage, the poison had sealed his ability to move his body and energy.

He was slowly losing consciousness when he saw a young man walking into the room with two people on his sides. The young man was slowly treading towards him. He couldn't discern him with his hazy eyes.

"Thank you for this wonderful gift, brother." The young man said with evident excitement and joy. His two lackeys chuckling at the statement.

Dao ZhengFu cleared his eyes after much effort and finally recognized the young man. It was his brother, Dao Hun.

"You were so cautious while coming here that I almost got caught a few times. I finally found what helped my untalented and stupid 'brother' reach Martial Expert rank." He said with obvious disgust. "Don't worry,

'brother'. I will use this inheritance wisely after you die from the poison I injected in you."

Dao ZhengFu couldn't believe that his brother who he grew up with, had fun with, for whom he had killed a man as a child, starved to feed him, after their mother died he had worked himself to the bone to let him have a good life. He had thousands of questions in his mind. But he could only muster enough strength to utter a single word.

"Why?" The feeling of betrayal and pain clear in his voice as his last blood relative in the world tried to kill him.

"Why? To get stronger, to get richer, to conquer beauties, to have all in the world for myself." Greed, arrogance, and lust, filled his eyes.

Dao ZhengFu felt pain, anger, and hatred at his brother. But he couldn't do anything as he was drifting into unconsciousness.

"Take anything valuable from his body and throw him in this forest, away from this cave. Beasts will eat his defenseless body. I don't want any evidence left when the sect searches for him." He ordered his two lackeys.

The two lackeys searched his body and gave anything valuable to Dao Hun. Then, dragged ZhengFu out of the cave and threw him away in the forest. As they left, they never discovered a glowing bracelet coming out of his skin, healing ZhengFu.


Childhood, adolescence, adulthood.

The Slums, Great Spirit Sect, The Dark Forest, he had lived through them.

Middle age, old age, and eventually, living for a thousand years.

Spiritual Soul Realm, Demonic Hell Realm, Endless Sea Realm, Divine Realm, and The Origin Realm.

He had persevered through them all becoming Martial Disciple, Martial Expert, Martial Master, Martial Lord, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Saint, and Martial Enlightenment.

After destroying The Central Heavenly Vein, finally becoming a Martial Sage, Making Otherworldly Travel, Killing both other Sages and refining the world for the otherworld.

He had suffered through all kinds of humiliation, suffering, obstacles, and betrayals in his life. He had experienced love, luxury, affection, and all kinds of happiness. But now he became able to withstand everything, unmoved by the worldly desires.

He had set many goals in his life but he had achieved them all. So, he made a goal in his life, a goal unattained by any, a goal said to be impossible, Eternal Life.

Now, he was in his crucial step to go to another world to achieve that same goal.

Dao ZhengFu continued refining the Divine Self Will. He struggled with his tired will but he persevered through.

A dazzling light erupted in the vast darkness and loneliness in the chaos.

His soul entered through a hole in the Space Cave. He used the last of the mysterious purple energy to escape the Space Cave which alerted all the major forces in the world.


Every Venerable's Will tried to deduce the source of this chaos.


Star Constellation Immortal's Will was shocked.

'What is this? What is happening?' She quickly found out through Heaven's Will.

'An Otherworldly Demon' Realization about this situation came, but before she could deduce any further, the connection was cut off.


'An anomaly has appeared in the world.' Limitless Demon Venerable's Will started to deduce but it cut off as soon as he started.

'I wonder if I will gain anything new from this. Otherworldly Demon have very peculiar knowledge.'


Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's Will had a serious expression while trying to deduce the source. But it disappeared as soon as he started.

"I wonder if he has what it takes to withstand my punch. I wonder if he is as manly as my majestic self." He said with excitement in his eyes.

All of his seriousness was gone and he started to pose while admiring his body. He rambled on about how majestic and grand his body is compared to other male Venerables who had woman-like thin arms and feminine body.

"There is no man capable of beating this Manly body of mine." He said with a lively and flippant tone while having his two biceps in the air and kissing his right one.


Red Lotus's Will was deducing about the source as soon as he sensed a disturbance. But it had vanished faster than he could completely deduce.

Sigh 'I just hope it doesn't hinder my plan. Considering it's an otherworldly demon, it would likely help in the destruction of Fate Gu.'

He started to make plans to deal with this anomaly.


Genesis Lotus Will was abruptly woken in the Emperor City by the chaos.

His instinct screamed to find out about it. He started to deduce but it vanished as if it never existed.

"Interesting, A new player has come to join the game of this cruel world."


Heaven Stealing' Will rapidly tried to deduce the source as soon as he felt the disturbance in the Space Cave. So, he was faster than other Venerables.

"An otherworldly demon who has come here on his own. That means he has a way to travel to another world. I can finally go to my own world." He said with overflowing excitement and happiness.

"I have to help him fast. Other Venerables will forcibly deduce him." But before he could help, the signal had already disappeared.

"I will have to find him no matter what. He is the best chance that I have of escaping this world." He said with a determined tone.


Great Sun's Zombie Body opened its eyes. He started to deduce the source but it was slower as he was a zombie.

The Source vanished as it never existed.

"Otherworldly demon, I will kill you as soon as I get the chance." He said with hatred and killing intent.

He contacted Longevity Heaven and gave his orders.

'But that bastard's luck was pretty good. I would have destroyed it if I just had a little more time.' He thought with a sour expression and returned to sleep.


Spectral Soul's main body deduced it but as he was deducing, it vanished without a trace.

"An otherworldly demon actually came to this world on his own. He didn't even pass through the Gate of Life and Death." Spectral Soul said becoming astonished.

He raised the Shadow Sect's and its branches' security to the maximum.


Paradise Earth's Will opened its eyes with a serene expression after trying to deduce the source.

"A person from another world, eh. He even has attainment of Heaven path although it's from different heaven. He said in a calm and gentle tone.


Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord hurried to activate the Heaven Overseeing Tower to deduce the source.

But he was too late and the source had already vanished. He was frantic and confused about it and tried to forcibly deduce it. But before he could do so, Star Constellation Will appeared and ordered him to do certain tasks.


Three of the four desolations were quickly trying to deduce the source but it vanished faster than they could do so.

Great Sun's Will appeared and ordered them to perform certain tasks.


When he left the Space Cave, he was bombarded with all types of deductions and divinations.

'I didn't think forces of this world would be so fast in deductions. Even if Divine Self Will was refined to fit in this world, Heavenly Deception needed to be fine-tuned to fit this world.' He thought while modifying Heavenly Deception.

'Heavenly Deception's modification has finally finished.' He thought while activating Heavenly Deception. All the divinations stopped within their tracks and were destroyed.

'Ah, finally some room to breathe.'

He was in the White Heaven of the Gu World.

I wanted to add some details of MC's past and expect more of Mc's past.

ChaosSovereigncreators' thoughts