
The Toad Caravan

After opening her eyes she was shocked to see her husband doing it with another woman right next to her and it was his personal servant. She bit her lip, getting up she shoved Shen Cui away before straddling him saying "beloved you were so unforgiving last night yet you are energetic this morning you should have just had your way with me even if I'm asleep" before riding him and letting out moans.

Shen Cui who was shoved aside decided to fight back as she crawled towards Fang Yuan's side "young master play with this dirty servant more" as she grabbed his hand t grope her nether regions.

After going at it for another hour they finally left the room with Fang Yuan in the front and Gu Yue Mo Yan walking slightly behind and Shen Cui behind her. Soon they went to greet Gu Yue Mo Chen, Gu Yue Dong Tu and his wife. After greetings, everyone including Fang Zheng who looked gloomily at Shen Cui and Gu Yue Mo Bei who looked normal but his fist balled together as he stared hatefully at Fang Yuan and Gu Yue Mo Yan.

A month and a half went by and it was one day away from may currently in the academy, and Fang Yuan continued to cultivate while thinking almost there just a bit more then I will be an upper rank 1 Gu master. Through these three weeks, he had accomplished a lot first he had already received both the White Boar Gu and Jade Skin Gu, while also gaining the strength of one boar, he was just waiting for something worthwhile to trade the White Boar Gu, he also purposely left the heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus as he was not prepared for the final battle while awaiting the arrival of Lord Sky Crane.

He had already gotten a large amount of ice and snow path Gu for rank 1,2 and even some for three thanks to the support of the Mo family. He had already planned to not refine the White Jade Gu in his past life he had reached Dao Lord in the refinement path and mere mortal rank refinements would count as nothing so he had been calculating and planning a new type of defense Gu with Jade Skin Gu as one of the main materials, not just this as he had done so for all the Gu's he would get in the future gathering the most powerful and useful one suited to him.

Tomorrow the traveling merchant would arrive and would also be the death of Jia Jin Sheng also an important step in my plan in Qing Mao Mountain. As he was pondering his future the stone membrane aperture wall that had been separating him from upper rank 1 had been breached and all his converted upper rank primeval essence had flooded in, breathing out he stood up and headed back to the Mo residence before spending the night having fun with both Shen Cui and Gu Yue Mo Yan to celebrate his breakthrough.

The next morning the sound of camel bells could be faintly heard in the spring breeze. The farmers straightened their bodies as they headed down the mountain, only to see a caravan moving like a colorful worm from the mountainside, slowly showing its head.

"It's the merchant caravan!"

"Yes, it's already May, it is about time for the caravan to come."

The adults caught on the situation at once, and the children stopped playing with the water and clay in their hands. Together, they energetically approached the caravan.

The merchant caravan's arrival was like a bowl of boiling water that poured into the peaceful and serene Qing Mao Mountain.

The caravan merchants entered the Gu Yue mountain village one by one, lead by a Treasure Brass Toad. This toad was two and a half meters tall, its entire body orange-yellow in color. The back of the toad was thick and full of warts and knots. It was like the lumps of bronze nails on ancient city gates.

On the Treasure Brass Toad's back, thick ropes were tied around plenty of goods. At a glance, it seemed like the toad was carrying a giant backpack.

A middle aged man with a circular face full of pockmarks sat cross legged atop the toad. He was fat and had a large belly. Both of his eyes formed into slits when smiling. He cupped his fists as he greeted the surrounding Gu Yue villagers.

This man's name was Fu of the Jia clan. His cultivation was at Rank four and he was the leader of the merchant caravan this time.

The treasure toad hopped slightly as it moved forward but Jia Fu who was sitting on its head was stable and steady. When the toad hopped, his height would level with the windows on the second floor of a building. Even when he was back on the ground, he was at a height greater than the first level of the bamboo buildings.

The originally spacious streets were suddenly rather packed and narrow. The Treasure Brass Toad was like a beast that intruded into the midst of a great number of bamboo houses.

After the treasure toad was a huge fat worm. It had two eyes that were similar to multi-colored glass windows, the colors bright and gorgeous. The worm was fifteen meters long, its body shape resembling a silkworm. However, the surface of the worm was covered in a thick layer of black porcelain-like leather armor. On the armor was another abundant pile of goods and merchandise, a hemp rope tied around it. In between the gaps and intervals of the goods, Gu Masters sat one by one, some old and some young.

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