
Reverend Insanity Fanfiction : Rise of Mo Bei

Reborn as Mo Bei, an avid reader of the manhwa and youth is to follow the path set by Fang Yuan and rise above the heavens in an attempt to become the master of Qing Mao Mountains, and perhaps more. However, who knows what fate reserves him? This is a fanfiction of Reverend Insanity, but there is a lot of changes, so read at your own risks!

Dark_Greem · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Peak Stage Rank 1 Gu Master

Mo Bei sat cross-legged, his eyes closed as he focused on his cultivation. He had only been in the world of Gu for six months, yet he had already made significant progress. His talent as a Gu Master was evident, and his hard work had paid off. Now, he stood on the cusp of breaking through to the peak stage rank 1 realm.

Mo Bei's mind was focused, his breathing steady as he visualized the walls of his aperture. He knew that breaking through would require him to shatter those walls and rebuild them sturdier and stronger. He had been preparing for this moment for weeks, gathering the necessary resources and studying the techniques required for the breakthrough. With the protection fees and hunting activities, Mo Bei had gathered over 1100 primeval stones, far exceeding his initial estimatations.

It seemed like his capitalist mind had earned him a talent at earning money in the village.

As he focused his attention on his aperture, Mo Bei felt the familiar presence of his [Liquor Worm] Gu. The worm wriggled its way through his meridians, carrying with it the primeval essence he needed for the breakthrough. Mo Bei focused on the worm, channeling his own energy into it to amplify its power.

Suddenly, Mo Bei felt a surge of energy as the worm burrowed deeper into his aperture. He felt the walls shudder and crack, and he knew that he had succeeded in breaking through. He opened his eyes and looked down at his aperture, seeing the new, higher quality walls that had replaced the old ones.

But the breakthrough wasn't over yet. Mo Bei could feel the instability in his aperture as he struggled to reconstruct the walls. He knew that if he didn't do it quickly, he risked losing all the progress he had made. Countless Gu Masters failed to breakthrough due to lack of discipline during their breakthrough. He would not be one of them. He focused all his attention on the aperture, channeling his energy and using his knowledge of Gu techniques to rebuild the walls.

For a moment, Mo Bei felt a sense of panic as he struggled to keep the walls in place. But then, with a burst of effort, he managed to stabilize the aperture. He sat back, breathing heavily, but a smile of triumph spread across his face. He had done it. He had broken through to the peak stage rank 1 realm.

As he sat there, Mo Bei reflected on the journey that had brought him to this point. It had been a challenging six months, but he had adapted quickly to this new world of Gu. He knew that there would be many more challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on. With the power of his [Liquor Worm] Gu and his own determination, there was nothing he couldn't achieve.

Gu Yue Mo Chen made his way to the courtyard where Mo Bei was usually cultivating. He had felt fluctuations of primeval essence, and he was worried that his grandson injured himself. As he approached, he saw his grandson sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed in concentration.

Mo Chen cleared his throat, and Mo Bei's eyes snapped open. He stood up quickly and bowed to his grandfather.

"Grandfather, it's an honor to see you," Mo Bei said, his voice respectful.

Mo Chen nodded in acknowledgement. Ever since his grandson became a Gu Master, his whole persona changed, and his attitude turned for the better. As a loving grandfather, Mo Chen had investigated Mo Bei's progress in the academy, using his connections with the academy elder. It was no secret that Mo Bei had become the class' overlord, triumphing over Fang Zheng, Chi Chen and the other students.

"I hear congratulations are in order. I can see you broke through the peak realm...That's quite impressive, especially for someone who has only been in the world of Gu for six months."

Mo Bei smiled modestly. "Thank you, grandfather. I couldn't have done it without the guidance of our family and clan's teachings and the assistance of my [Liquor Worm] Gu."

Mo Chen studied his grandson for a moment, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "I have to admit, I'm surprised. Your sister, with her B-grade aptitude, took a year and a half to achieve that level. How did you manage to progress so quickly?"

Mo Bei thought for a moment before replying. "I suppose it's a combination of things, grandfather. My [Liquor Worm] Gu helped me access higher quality primeval essence, which allowed me to break through the walls of my aperture more easily. But also, I've been working hard to study and practice every day, to hone my skills and expand my knowledge."

Mo Chen nodded, impressed. "That kind of dedication is rare in someone so young. It bodes well for your future as a Gu Master. But, you must also be careful not to let your ambition blind you to the dangers of this world. It can be a cruel and unforgiving place for those who underestimate it."

"I understand, grandfather," Mo Bei said, his tone respectful. "I will remain vigilant and continue to work hard to become stronger."

"Mo Bei," Mo Chen said, finally looking up, "I need to speak with you about the state of our clan. As you know, the Gu Yue Clan has been in a period of transition recently, with new factions rising and old ones losing power."

Mo Bei nodded, knowing that the Gu Yue Clan was the most powerful clan in Qing Mao Mountains. However, he also knew that its situation would become very dire with the incoming beast tide. In order to rise in the Gu world, he needed to acquire authority. Becoming the family head was a good thing, and he had the qualifications to do so as a talented heir. However, this was not enough. Being the head of the Mo family would not suffice to match his ambition.

He needed more.

He needed to expand the Mo family, to make it stronger.

However, his grandfather made him realize that the situation was not so simple as what was depicted in the novel.

"In particular, the Chi family has been gaining more influence and rising quickly, despite being a newly rising family branch," Mo Chen continued. "Even though you managed to surpass Chi Chen in the academy, he is also very inexperienced and probably lacked the time to adapt. The Chi faction has more people, which will make it very likely he will catch up to you in the next few years. He is also a B-grade talent after all"

Mo Bei listened intently, understanding the weight of his grandfather's words. He knew that the Mo family branch had a lot of authority within the Gu Yue Clan, but that they also had a lot of responsibility to uphold that authority and protect the interests of their clan.

'But you are wrong, grandfather...Chi Chen is a fake who relies on the Chi Elders to increase his cultivation speed, causing him to have many impurities in his aperture. On the long term, he not only has inferior C-grade aptitude and impurities, so he will be worse than my own subordinates!', Mo Bei thought with confidence

"That's why I need you to continue working hard, Mo Bei," Mo Chen said, his eyes intense. "You have the potential to be a great Gu Master, and the future of our family may well depend on your abilities. You must be prepared to inherit the household and take on the responsibility that comes with it. I...I can already feel that I won't be around for much longer"

Mo Bei straightened his back, his expression determined. He had made sure to play the role of the perfect family heir. The sooner he inherited the household, the quicker he would be able to monopolise resources and expand the strength of the Mo family branch. He wanted this authority, but his ambition was nicely covered by a flawless act: "You should not say that, grandfather. You are full of vitality! I will work hard and do everything in my power to help our family and clan maintain our position of authority."

Mo Chen smiled, his eyes softening. "I have faith in you, Mo Bei. But remember, it won't be easy. You will face challenges and setbacks, but you must remain focused and determined. And I will be here to support you, every step of the way."

Saying that, Mo Chen took out a valuable scroll from his robe, causing Mo Bei's eyes to shine with excitement.

His grandfather said in a clear voice: "Although it will only be official when you reach peak stage rank 2 realm, you will inherit the household, Mo Bei. In my heart, I know that the family will rise. This is the biggest treasure of the Mo Family. Inside this scroll, there is a path of advancement that has been created and optimized by each family head over the years. Each family head walked a path slightly different. Inside, you will find the inheritance of the Mo family. Unlike the Chi family that relies on mobility and versatility, we are more cunning. Most of the clan elders rely on the rank 3 [Golden Moon], [Frost Moon] Gu and [Illusory Moon] Gu. However, you will find in this scroll the recipe for the [Poison Moonblade Gu]"

Mo Bei's heart shook with excitement.

He had never heard of his grandfather's Gu until now. However, it was obvious that the reason why the Mo family was so influential was associated with his grandfather's strength. It seemed like most of his strength revolved around this valuable rank 3 Gu.

'Poison, huh...It suits me a lot', Mo Bei analysed