
Resonance - Dream Path

- Awakening Center -

Walking through the dimly lit hallways of The Awakening Center, Mother was on her way to 005's room. In her right hand, resting on her hip, were two reports: 'A Written Down Summary of 003 - Amulet of Sealing' and '142's Exploits in The Realm of Resonance'.

- Heavenly Court, Entrance -

With his mouth agape, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord looked down at a rank-5 Gu Master actively growing in minor branches of attainment.

"At this rate, he will have Wisdom Path Master-level attainment within 7 months." He muttered under his breath, astonishment written on his face.

Without turning his head, Tower Lord narrowed his eyes and tilted them ever-so-slightly toward Feng Jiu Ge, who was standing by his side with a big grin plastered across his face.

While Tower Lord didn't say a word, he didn't need to, as Feng Jiu Ge could easily tell what he was thinking: "Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, or rather Ta Lou. Do you want to know where I found this man?" He said with a light chuckle, like he was begging to be asked, but if he was asked, he would reply with 'not telling'.

However, what was Ta Lou to do? He had to know where such a talent was found, so like a bear stepping into a jaw trap, he asked, '"Where did you fin..."

Only to be interrupted by Feng Jiu Ge. "not telling."

Veins began to grow along Ta Lou's forehead as he internally consoled himself, "Be patient; you were given one of the greatest privileges in all of Heavenly Court, being the lord of Heaven Overseeing Tower; don't tarnish Heavenly Court's name by responding to the most immature rank-7 Gu Immortal to have ever existed."

Having calmed himself, Ta Lou turned his attention back to Feng Jiu Ge, who had an even more smug look on his face than before.

Noticing a frown developing on Ta Lou's face, Feng Jiu Ge made an insane statement. "He has more talent than the waves of the Eastern Sea, the sturdy trees of the Southern Border, the hidden dunes of the Western Desert, and strength that surpasses the elements of the Northern Plains."

That message contained deep meaning, as when people of great talent were born in the Eastern Sea, they would be referred to as waves. For the south, sturdy trees. Hidden dunes in the west. And lastly, referring to the harsh environment of the north, were the elements.

Looking back at Shi Yan, who suddenly grew a minor level in Wisdom Path attainment, Ta Luo couldn't help but agree with Feng Jiu Ge's statement. A sudden spark of realization came over him. "Wait! Didn't you say he's also talented at Sound Path?"

The moment those words reached Feng Jiu Ge's ears, he let out a loud laugh as if he'd just heard a really bad joke. Lifting his hand to remove a tear sneaking away from his eye, he stated, "It isn't just Sound Path and Wisdom Path that he has talent for."

"There's a third!?" Shouted Ta Lou with excitement in his voice, like a school kid receiving extra candy from the teacher. Being talented enough to become a master in a path within even ten years would be something that any super clan would spend a fortune to get their hands on, but if you turn ten years into seven months and make it in three different paths, then you have something that will shatter the sands of time, have roots that cover the four corners of the world, create waves that sink civilizations, and blow winds that rip dynasties from their foundations.

"That Gu Master has taught me many things, one of them being that their are 'Four stages of competence.'"

~"Unconscious incompetence: A Gu Master knows little to nothing about refining Gu worms and doesn't see the usefulness in having the skill."

~"Conscious incompetence: Though the Gu Master doesn't understand how to refine any Gu worms, they recognize their own weakness as well as the value of having skill in refining Gu worms, at least in their own path."

~"Conscious competence: The Gu Master knows the recipe for refining a Gu; however, he requires heavy focus in order to successfully refine the Gu, and if that focus is broken, like a recovering alcoholic put under too much stress, they'll revert back to incompetence.

~"Unconscious competence: The Gu Master has had so much practice with refining a Gu worm that it has become second nature, and now they can begin to experiment mid-refinement, making little changes here and there to see the results, or perhaps even refining another Gu while in mid-refinement."

Noticing that Feng Jiu Ge's explanation would take a while, Ta Lou pulled out an Analysis Gather Qi Gu to see which paths were mostly closely linked to Shi Yan. While doing this wouldn't tell him what path Shi Yan had a talent for, it would tell him Shi Yan's level of attainment in different paths, from highest to lowest.

"Once one reaches the state of unconscious competence, they begin to enter a state of free flow, where everything flows easily and freely, no different than breathing."

As Feng Jiu Ge kept talking, the first Qi to show itself to Ta Lou was Sound Path, the density of which showed master-level attainment.

"Unconscious competence is just another word for a piece of attainment. Talent is just a word for how fast one can keep reaching unconscious competence for every Gu they use."

Ta Lou began to slow down his nodding as he heard those words. The next Qi he received was from Time Path, minor level attainment. "Ah, the same as Fairy Bai Qing."

Fairy Bai Qing is a fairy of Spirit Affinity House and the wife of Feng Jiu Ge.

"When Shi Yan told me those words, I told him about true meaning that can be acquired through an inheritance from special experts."

The next Qi was Space Path, prompting Ta Lou to slightly cock his head to the side in mild confusion. He had expected the next Qi to be Wisdom Path. Next, he turned his head to look behind him at Cang Xuan Zi; he couldn't quite explain it, but something about Shi Yan's Qi felt similar to that plant's.

Cang Xuan Zi is an intelligent Immemorial Desolate Plant. It was planted in Heavenly Court by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable with the agreement that it doesn't need to follow orders but only provide its fruits every thousand years, which can expand the sky of the immortal aperture.

"And like a true genius, Shi Yan used my words and created something 'new'. He began to emanate a sound impossible to replicate, even by my standards. He said that 'all things give off a frequency, and if unconscious competence is solid like thoughts colliding in the head, then it's only natural that it will also produce a frequency. By causing my own body to produce that same frequency, I'll than begin to resonate.'"

Ta Lou's eyes began to expand as hundreds of Qi's he'd never before seen began to enter the Gu.

"Resonance is when something is subject to an external force that matches its natural frequency. When that external force hits its target, the target starts vibrating with a larger amplitude. The important part isn't the vibration but rather the absorption of the energy. What would happen if you entered a dream-like state while absorbing the energy and allowed your mind to process that energy?"

Ta Lou's legs shook as he took a step back. "Great Dream Immortal Venerable..."

I wanted to release this chapter with the other one; however, due to intense neck pain, I had to delay this ones release. Enjoy!

KlLOLOcreators' thoughts