
Four Bandits.

{Northern Plains}

On an open field with explosions going off left and right, the corpses of nearly a thousand shark wolves lay littered across the ground.

Some weakly fell to the ground, their limbs trembling and convulsing as they struggled to breathe, showing clear signs of poisoning. Others lay motionless, their eyes closed as if they slipped into a deep sleep.

Many with their limbs no longer attached to their body.

And some with their skulls caved in and their brains exposed, clearly the work of some sort of bludgeoning weapon.

"This is the tenth Shark Wolf Thousand Beast King this month!" ~ E1409(Guns are like shoes, you can never have too many!)(aka. Gun Man)(Currently adding new holes to places they shouldn't be)

"No matter how many they send, everything dies eventually." ~ E1438(Poison is the antidote to poison)(aka. Gas Man)(Currently introducing the local populace to Mr.grim)

"Enough with the riddles when this is over I'm gonna get me some puss..." ~ E1459(If it doesn't break the first time, then hit it harder!)(aka. Hit Man)(Currently showing good old American hospitality)

"Do you speak to your mother with that mouth?" ~ E1468(Some dreams never end)(aka. Sand Man)(Currently hitting Hit Man on the head)

Sand Man sensed a presence watching him and swiftly activated his ability, scanning his surroundings. Though he found nothing, he was certain that something or someone had been there.

The thousand beast king started to awake from his slumber, forcing him to redirect his attention back to the beast.

"That reminds me, how is 'boss mother' supposed to portal to us if we were never told how to make a portal?" ~ Gun Man materialized a Gatling gun.

"Mother will find a way." ~ Sand Man puts the Thousand Beast King to sleep for the 3rd time.

"You guys remember how Mother first found us?" ~ Hit Man started to break its legs with a 50-kilo hammer. (Crunch)

"In a ditch on the side of the road." ~ Gas Man continued to show the local populace what Mr.grim looked like.

"No, I mean yes, but what I mean is how did we get to that ditch?" ~ Hit Man went to its left back leg.

Gas Man looked up, going deep in thought. ~ "I remember we robbed a Swiss Bank."

A hundred beast king jumped out at Gas Man, but just as suddenly as it had made its existence known, a loud bang sound from a Barrett M82, proceed by the guts flying everywhere replaced the wolf's existence.

"It was a trap, Micheal betrayed us!" ~ Sand Man ground his teeth from just remembering it, but had to quickly swap back to concentrating on the Thousand Beast King that is fighting tenaciously to awake itself.

"I never trusted that man since the beginning!" ~ Hit Man (Crunch)

"Really? Because if I remember correctly you said and I quote 'Micheal can be trusted'" ~ Gun Man started piling up the corpses of the hundred Beast Kings.

". . .I don't remember that" ~ Hit Man (Crunch)

"All done here!" ~ Gas Man walked out of a dense poisonous fog, with a few Gu in his hands.

"Everything on my end is also completed! Did you guys break all of its legs yet?" ~ With a grunt, Gun Man rolled his shoulders, to loosen the muscles in them.

"Last One!" ~ Hit Man's lips stretched into a wide smile reminiscent of a child's glee while torturing an insect. (Crunch)

"With this one, we can get about 50,000 primeval stones." ~ Sand Man pulled out a picture displaying the very same Shark Wolf Thousand Beast King responsible for a wedding massacre.