
Reverend Insanity – The Heaven-defying Rebellion

Reinhard has just finished reading the Chinese novel “Reverend Insanity”. He was disappointed that due to the ban by the Chinese Government, this masterwork amongst its peers was in an indefinite hiatus. Just as he was about to post a comment criticizing the Chinese government, he suddenly found himself enveloped in light. When he regained his senses, he unknowingly became the master of a land spirit weirdly obsessed with mushrooms... -------- Me is only playing with chat gpt. i have given up long ago but chatgpt makes *writing* fun.

Anonymous_Nobody_a · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

CHp 5

In the vast realm of cultivation, Immortal Apertures hold a secret trove of valuable resources. Among these, there exists a renowned marketplace known as Treasure Yellow Heaven. It serves as a hub for Gu Immortals to trade and exchange a myriad of cultivation resources, ranging from Gu Worms to refinement materials, and even rare flora and fauna.

Located within the ethereal expanse of the Immortal Apertures, Treasure Yellow Heaven pulsates with an otherworldly energy. Its bustling streets and vibrant stalls offer a mesmerizing array of goods and services, catering to the diverse needs of cultivators.

At the heart of Treasure Yellow Heaven lies the concept of the "treasure light." This mysterious and ever-changing phenomenon determines the value of the items and services traded within its walls. The stronger the treasure light, the greater the perceived value and the higher the price demanded for the goods.

Cultivators enter Treasure Yellow Heaven, their eyes alight with anticipation, seeking to capitalize on the value of their resources. With each transaction, a fee must be paid, corresponding to the worth of the exchanged items. The fee acts as a measure of balance, ensuring fair trade and preventing frivolous exchanges.

The currency of Treasure Yellow Heaven extends beyond mere coins or stones. It encompasses the Immortal Essence Stones, a precious form of currency that holds intrinsic cultivation energy. These stones serve as a medium of exchange, allowing cultivators to acquire resources and services they require for their advancement.

Within the bustling streets and hidden corners of Treasure Yellow Heaven, cultivators haggle, negotiate, and barter. The market thrives on the intricate dance between buyers and sellers, where every party seeks to secure the best deal while navigating the ever-shifting dynamics of the treasure light.

But beneath the surface of this prosperous realm, secrets and hidden treasures await discovery. Rumors abound of elusive artifacts, ancient cultivation techniques, and forbidden knowledge that can only be unlocked by those who possess both the resources and the courage to delve deeper into the mysteries of Treasure Yellow Heaven.

In this realm of Immortal commerce, the value of items and the path to prosperity are subject to the whims of the treasure light. Cultivators enter its domain, their hearts brimming with ambition and the hope of acquiring the resources necessary to fuel their ascent towards greater power and enlightenment.

Within the bustling realm of Treasure Yellow Heaven, Reinhard's aspirations take a unique turn. With a desire to build a flourishing and industrially dominant society, he sets his sights on acquiring Mushroom man slaves. This race is known for its high reproduction rates. And comparable to humans, their lifespan are around 100 years.

Reinhard recognizes the potential of this human capital, envisioning a collective force that can drive economic growth and establish his dominance within Treasure Yellow Heaven. By utilizing the Mushroom man slaves' abilities and harnessing their reproductive capabilities, he aims to establish an industrialized society that thrives on their collective power.

Through this strategic approach, Reinhard seeks to gain economic leverage and carve out a position of influence within the bustling marketplace of Treasure Yellow Heaven. However, he must navigate the complexities of societal dynamics, potential challenges from other factions, and the inherent risks associated with such ambitions.

Themes of economic dominance, exploitation, and the pursuit of power underpin Reinhard's plans within Treasure Yellow Heaven. As the story progresses, his actions and decisions will shape the path towards achieving his ambitious goals.

Reinhard's motivations for deviating from the traditional ways of managing his Immortal Aperture lie in his observations of the prosperity achieved by the western countries in his previous world. Inspired by their methods of resource extraction and economic dominance, he seeks to apply similar principles within the Gu world.

While most Gu Immortals focus on creating self-sustaining food chains and developing resource production cycles within their Immortal Apertures, Reinhard sees an opportunity to disrupt the status quo. He aims to build an industrious society that goes beyond mere sustenance and resource generation.

Drawing from his knowledge of how prosperous nations benefit from extracting resources from colonies and selling processed products back, Reinhard envisions a similar path for his Immortal Aperture. By focusing on resource extraction, refining, and manufacturing, he intends to generate processed products that hold higher value in the market.

Reinhard understands that his position as a relative newcomer in the intricate web of schemes spanning the Gu world necessitates taking risks. He acknowledges the potential challenges and obstacles that may arise from deviating from the traditional path, but he is willing to embrace these risks in pursuit of his grand vision.

By disregarding the traditional methods, Reinhard aims to capitalize on the economic opportunities presented within Treasure Yellow Heaven and beyond. He envisions creating a self-sustaining economic powerhouse, one that generates wealth and influences the dynamics of the Gu world.

One crucial factor that supports Reinhard's vision of refinement, processing, and industrialization within the Gu world is the unique ability to refine both mortal and immortal materials similar to Gu refinement. This fascinating ability allows for the transformation and elevation of ordinary substances to higher levels by infusing them with primeval or immortal essence.

In this world, the process of refining mortal and immortal materials resembles Gu refinement, as the infusion of primeval or immortal essence instills them with Dao marks. These Dao marks signify a higher level of cultivation and unlock new potentials within the materials.

For instance, consider common earth. Through the application of fertilizers and the infusion of primeval or immortal essence, the earth can undergo a transformative process. The infusion of these potent energies allows the earth to acquire Dao marks, rising to a higher level of existence.

This ability to transmute mortal and immortal materials through refinement and processing opens up vast possibilities. It enables the creation of enhanced resources, valuable materials, and refined products that possess greater worth and utility. By tapping into this potential, Reinhard envisions creating a thriving industry that harnesses the power of refinement and processing.

With the understanding that both mortal and immortal materials can be elevated and refined, Reinhard seeks to exploit this knowledge to his advantage. By combining mortal resources with the infusion of primeval or immortal essence, he can create products and materials of higher value, driving economic growth and dominance within the Gu world.

However, it is important to note that the process of refinement and transmutation is not without its challenges. It requires a deep understanding of the cultivation principles, precise control over the infusion of primeval or immortal essence, and meticulous attention to detail. The refinement process also varies depending on the specific materials and the desired outcome. While significanly simpler than Gu refinement, it carries the same risk so long as if it prooves to be of sufficient a power level.

Reinhard's ambition to leverage this unique ability to refine mortal and immortal materials showcases his desire to unlock the hidden potentials of the world and create a thriving industrialized society. With careful planning, strategic maneuvering, and the utilization of his knowledge, Reinhard endeavors to harness the power of refinement to establish his dominance within Treasure Yellow Heaven and beyond.

Themes of transformation, potential unlocking, and the pursuit of economic prosperity permeate Reinhard's unconventional approach. As the story unfolds, his mastery of refinement and processing will play a significant role in shaping his journey and the fate of those around him.

A few weeks later.

Within the confines of Toad King Blessed Land, Reinhard set his grand plan into motion. The thousands of purchased Mushroom men, acquired at a significant cost of immortal essence stones, became the foundation of his industrialized vision. Reinhard deemed this investment worthy, as he saw the immense potential that lay within these industrious beings.

Recognizing the risks associated with raising slaves, particularly in a world plagued by tribulations that could easily claim their lives, Reinhard focused on a different approach. Instead of relying solely on resource generation, he shifted his focus to processing and refinement, seeing it as a path to unlock the true potential of Toad King Blessed Land.

The devastated state of the land only further fueled Reinhard's determination. The rebuilding efforts would not simply restore its resource generation functions but transform it into a thriving industrial hub. To accomplish this, the first smelting houses, chemical plants, and other processing facilities were erected. The land hummed with activity as the machinery of industry took root.

Amidst the construction, the steady hum of electric grids began to echo across the landscape. Coal power plants emerged, their belching smokestacks symbolizing the birth of a new era. Reinhard understood the importance of reliable energy sources to fuel the machinery of industry, and coal provided the necessary power to drive his ambitious plans forward.

As the industrial infrastructure took shape, the Mushroom men became integral to the labor force. Their innate abilities and reproductive rates made them ideal for the tasks at hand. Under Reinhard's guidance, they were trained and organized, their collective efforts channelled towards the goal of building a flourishing industrialized society.

Though the road ahead was not without challenges, Reinhard's unwavering determination and strategic vision propelled the project forward. The land that once lay in ruins now witnessed the birth of a new era, guided by the relentless pursuit of progress and economic dominance.

Themes of industrialization, resource utilization, and transformation underpin this chapter. Reinhard's decision to focus on processing and refinement showcases his unconventional approach and his determination to reshape Toad King Blessed Land into a powerful force within the Gu world.


In a brand-new apartment within the redeveloped Toad King Blessed Land, a Mushroom man father sat at the dinner table with his family. The flickering light from a coal-powered lamp cast a warm glow upon their faces, creating an atmosphere of comfort and security.

Father (with a tone of gratitude): "My dear family, let us give thanks for this bountiful meal and the blessings we have received in this new era."

Mother (smiling): "Indeed, my love. We have come a long way from our days as slaves. Our children now enjoy a life free from that burden."

Father (reflecting): "Reinhard may rule with an iron fist, but I must admit, his leadership has brought improvements to our lives. We have a degree of autonomy now, something we could only dream of before."

Eldest Child (curious): "Father, do you think our lives will continue to get better?"

Father (gently): "My child, I believe so. Look around us—this brand-new apartment complex, the result of Reinhard's vision. The standard of living is steadily rising, and with it, there is hope for each and every one of you."

Middle Child (enthusiastically): "I heard that there are new schools being built, Father! I can't wait to go to school."

Father (proudly): "Yes, my child. Education is the key to a brighter future. Reinhard understands this and has provided opportunities for our children to learn and grow. Your potential knows no bounds."

Youngest Child (innocently): "Father, when I grow up, can I work in one of those big factories?"

Father (smiling): "Of course, my little one. The factories are the heart of our newfound prosperity. They offer opportunities for employment, skills development, and a chance to contribute to the growth of our society."

As the family savored their meal and shared their hopes and dreams, a sense of optimism permeated the air. They recognized the struggles they had endured, but they also acknowledged the progress made under Reinhard's rule. The father couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and pride for the new life they were building for their children.

While the rule may be strict and sometimes unyielding, the father knew that it was a small price to pay for the prospects of a better future. Reinhard's iron fist offered stability and a chance to break free from the shackles of their past.

In this moment, the family's unity and the promise of a brighter tomorrow filled their hearts with hope. They knew that their journey was far from over, but they were determined to seize every opportunity and shape their destiny in this evolving industrialized land.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

edit: ... the update timer didnt work... ):

Anonymous_Nobody_acreators' thoughts