
This is Our Time

Qiu Meng couldn't find the tiniest hint of hesitation in Zhiji Jing's words. At first, she might have taken the past into account. But now believing that Qiu Meng outright threatened Daji's life, Zhiji Jing lost her composure — itching for a blood bath. Daji was the arms, the legs, the heart and soul of the Myriad Beast Gang. If Daji didn't have a future, the Eastern Continent's mysterious beasts all headed towards ruin, and their grand dream, the ambition powering their actions, all doomed to destruction. Zhiji Jing couldn't accept such words, not even from Qiu Meng to whom she owed her Holy Road. 

'Fair enough. Splendor, I know that you will never sell my secret, which is why I have no problem revealing my identity to you. However...' As his words reached this point, Qiu Meng's tone took an abrupt shift. Maniacal rage and killing intent erupted in his eyes, and he raised one hand at the sky.