

"If my brother is willing to hand over the Nine-leaf Vitality Grass, then I am willing to use this token to compensate Your Excellency."

Saying that Fang Zheng took out a token, which was simple in shape, triangular in shape with rounded corners and three words on the front. Stacked in the shape of a tower - "reward order", there are also three words behind it - "reward for meritorious deeds".

Reward orders, reward meritorious deeds.

"My brother is not the clan elder, so some things may not be clear. This reward order is specially awarded to Gu Masters who have made great achievements to the family. Even the clan elder, few people have it. With this token, you can go From the family's underground wormhole, choose any Gu worm. The Gu worms in the wormhole are all rare things, and four of the top ten Gu worms on the material list are selected from this underground wormhole." Fang Zheng explained road. This token was given to Fang Zheng by the patriarch in the last River Swallowing Toad incident, and this time it came in handy.

Fang Yuan was suddenly moved.

He was not surprised by this. The Gu Yue Clan was a clan that had stood for hundreds of years. It would have been impossible without some background and accumulation for such a long period of time.

In fact, as long as it is a family with a long history, there will be a secret place for keeping Gus similar to an underground wormhole.

It's just that to get the Gu worms here, you must be a minister of merit. There must be great credit, and at the same time loyalty is commendable.

Fang Yuan is only a rank 2 cultivation base now, not even a clan elder, and he is still 108,000 miles away from this qualification.

"If I want to leave the family, I need to store Gu worms. This token is a good choice. It's just..." Fang Yuan was a little worried in his heart.

Jiuye Shengji grass was abandoned. It did bring a lot of help to Fang Yuan, but it was not suitable for the future.

The nine-leaf vital grass is indeed very precious and it is a micro source of money that is in short supply. Fang Yuan now has so many Gus on hand, and a large part of the feeding cost is supported by it.

However, there is nothing not for sale in this world, only the benefits are too small to be moved. Although the nine-leaf vital grass is precious, as long as the price is right, why can't it be sold?

The so-called Gu worms are just tools. It is a means to achieve the ambition of the heart. What if it was the Spring and Autumn Cicada? As long as the situation is right, it can be better to give up in exchange for it, why not do it?

If you want to get it, you must first learn to let it go.

Moreover, the healing effect of the Nine Leaf Vitality Grass is not outstanding, and the Vitality Leaf produced cannot be treated continuously.

Fang Yuan was worried that even if he changed the token and went to the wormhole, he might not be able to get the ideal Gu.

Fang Zheng has been observing his words, he misunderstood Fang Yuan's hesitation and said:

"In the wormhole there are not only rank 4 Gu worms, but also rank 4 Gus. Brother, you will not suffer, if you regret it later, we can exchange it back. It just takes a while and it has to be done in secret. In addition, our brothers are deeply in love and we are willing to personally gift you a thousand primeval stones to your brother."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan raised his eyes and couldn't help but look at Fang Zheng again. He felt a strange emotion in his heart.

"Is a thousand primeval stones given privately? This chip is added, hehe, it seems that he has really grown up, and he will be an outstanding person in the future." Fang Zheng sighed softly in his heart.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan took the token in Gu Yue Fang Zheng's hand and handed over the Nine-leaf Vitality Grass to the other party.

Fang Yuan's active transfer allowed Fang Zheng to quickly refine the Nine-leaf Vitality Grass. But at the same time, Fang Yuan showed a slightly profound expression: "Brother, your growth really surprised me. Did it all come from the cultivation of the patriarch?"

Are you testing me? Still doubt me? Compared with me, your amazing deeds are more incredible, right?

Fang Zheng put the Nine-leaf Vitality Grass into the aperture, he smiled and said "Brother's aptitude is only C-class, but with his proficient skills and deep fighting background can overwhelm the crowd in the academy, which makes the academy's elders puzzled. The solution. Moreover, after graduating from the school, it took less than two years to reach Rank 2 upper stage. This kind of thing, if it is put on any Gu Master with C-level qualifications, it is a fantasy. But the elder brother has really realized it, even the clan leader cannot understand the reason. In contrast, what is Fang Zheng's achievement? In front of my brother, Fang Zheng is always the last to enter and my brother praised it. "

The two looked at each other and smiled, thinking in their hearts that they were really brothers.

* * * *

After sending Fang Yuan away, Fang Zheng wanted to take a breath and talk to the old monster Fang Yuan, it was too brain-burning.

"Master Fang Zheng, you look a little tired, let me knead it for you." After Fang Yuan left, Qing Luo walked in and came to Fang Zheng's back intimately. A pair of white and soft hands helped him knead his temples.

Fang Zheng smiled, hugged Qing Luo and said with a smile: "Madam, don't call it that anymore, it's really unfamiliar. My husband, if you really want me to relax, we might as well go to the house and relax for a while... …"

"I hate it, husband, it's only the daytime, it's not suitable. Wait... Husband, please be honest with your hands!" Qing Luo knocked off Fang Zheng's mischievous hand and continued to massage him. Then she said something casually. "By the way, husband, about Miss Yao Le..."

Fang Zheng said with some distress: "The matter of Yao Le belongs to a political marriage. After all, I am the young patriarch now and I will take over the Gu Yue clan in the future, so I need the help of Yao faction. The best way to get help is to get married, the interests are tied together and we can unite the front. Madam, if you don't like it, or I will refuse..."

"No need, I'm satisfied to be by my husband's side." Although Qing Luo scolded her in her heart, all men are like big pigs' hooves and she can't wait to knock Fang Zheng's head off. However for the sake of his latent work and the interests of Xiong clan she still endured it.

Fang Zheng pulled Qing Luo to his side and stroked her smooth little hand: "Madam, you are really considerate. It's my luck to have you here."

In this way, the news of Fang Zheng's marriage with Yao faction, after Gu Yue Yaoji's publicity, made the whole Qing Mao Mountain know. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Zheng simply organized Qing Luo and Yao Le's marriage ceremony together, just because Qing Luo was a mortal and Yao Le was the little princess of Yao faction. So Yao Ji asked that Qing Luo could only be a concubine and she wanted Qing Luo to be Yao Le's dowry girl.

Fang Zheng did not refuse this, but he considered Qing Luo to be very angry. You must know that Qing Luo is a genius of the Xiong family, a little princess-level character and she is in the Xiong clan line except for the patriarch faction, the only line in power, why does Gu Yue Yao Le humiliate herself so much! However if you can't bear to be small, you will make big plans. Qing Luo can only endure it. She has nothing to do and stick a scarecrow to write the names of Gu Yue Yao Ji and Gu Yue Yao Le, and stick a few needles to let out her anger.

On the wedding day, many Gu Masters came, and even the other two cottages sent some representatives.

"Congratulations to the Gu Yue clan's young patriarch who has finally become a family!" Xiong Batian, the young patriarch of Xiong clan came to congratulate him, clapped his hands and the two Xiong clan Gu Masters brought in a box of gifts. Among them, there were primeval stones, gold and silver jewelry and some special products such as honey from Xiong clan.

Fang Zheng hurriedly returned the salute and then Gu Yue Man Shi took them to the place where they were waiting.

The Gu Master from Bai clan also came and Fang Zheng, the leading Gu Master had also seen the white sickness with a sick face and not very healthy body. He said apologetically: "I'm sorry, our young patriarch doesn't know where he went today, so I will come here on his behalf to congratulate the young patriarch Fang Zheng. I hope the young patriarch Fang Zheng will not mind."

"It doesn't matter, I have already accepted the kindness of your Bai clan." Fang Zheng smiled, Bai Ning Bing was originally a free-spirited person and it was normal not to like such common etiquette.