
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Naiara and Tobi found themselves in a hollowed chamber, a sanctuary crafted by Naiara's mastery of earth magic. The walls shimmered with a soft luminescence, courtesy of the countless crystals embedded within them, casting a gentle glow that illuminated their surroundings.

"What do you mean, an audience with the orc? I thought orcs were monsters," Tobi said to Naiara, his voice tinged with skepticism.

As they ventured deeper into the chamber, Tobi couldn't help but marvel at the ethereal beauty of their surroundings. The air was filled with a palpable sense of magic.

Naiara turned to face him, her expression serene yet determined. "Appearances can be deceiving, Tobi," she replied, her voice carrying a gentle conviction. "While orcs may have a fearsome reputation, the orc chief is more than just a creature of brute strength. He holds sway over his people and wields influence that could sway the course of our world."

She led the way with quiet confidence, her steps sure and purposeful as she navigated the winding paths of the chamber. With each twist and turn, Tobi found himself drawn further into the heart of the chamber, wondering where in the world he was heading with Naiara.

Tobi frowned, uncertainty clouding his features. "But why me? Why would he listen to someone like me?" he asked, his tone betraying a hint of self-doubt.

Naiara's footsteps came to a sudden halt, her gaze fixed intently on Tobi as she turned to face him. Tobi also stopped as he noticed naiara's halted movement. In the soft glow of the chamber, her features seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, her eyes alight with a silent intensity that spoke volumes without uttering a word.

Offering him a reassuring smile, her eyes shimmering with unwavering belief. "Because you possess qualities that transcend mere strength or status," she explained. "Your empathy and compassion have the power to bridge divides and inspire change. By speaking to the orc chief, you may uncover truths that could bring unity to our fractured world."

As Naiara resumed her stride, Tobi fell into step behind her, his gaze lingering on the graceful curve of her neck, framed by cascading braids that spilled over her shoulder like strands of liquid moonlight. With each step, he found himself drawn to her presence, the rhythmic sway of her movements echoing the ebb and flow of the world around them.

The soft glow of the chamber cast a halo around Naiara's silhouette, illuminating the intricate patterns of her braids and the delicate curve of her nape. There was a sense of quiet strength in her demeanor, a silent resolve that spoke volumes of her inner fortitude and unwavering determination.

Tobi pondered her words, a sense of responsibility settling over him. Despite his reservations, he knew he couldn't turn away from the opportunity to make a difference.

With a determined nod, Tobi met Naiara's gaze. "Alright," he said, his voice firm with resolve. "I'll do it. For the greater good I suppose."

As they walked, Naiara's lips curved into a soft smile, her gaze alight with a gentle warmth that seemed to illuminate the path ahead. Soon, they exited the chamber, stepping out into the verdant embrace of the forest. It was a sanctuary they often frequented for mana training, a hidden oasis nestled within the heart of the mountains.

Despite the chill of the surrounding peaks, the forest exuded a vibrant energy, teeming with life and vitality. The air was alive with the symphony of birdsong and the rustle of leaves, carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers and earthy moss.

For Tobi, it was a place of solace and sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos of the outside world. Here, amidst the towering trees and dappled sunlight, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, like the gentle caress of a summer breeze.

The scene before him was beyond belief, something he never could have anticipated. The very monsters he had encountered earlier now roamed freely within the forest, their presence casting a shadow over the tranquil surroundings. Tobi's expression hardened, his features contorting with determination as he beheld the sight before him.

"I shall purge them," he declared, his voice laced with a palpable intensity as he began to emanate a dark aura, his mana surging forth with an ominous power.

"No, calm down," Naiara exclaimed, her voice firm yet soothing. "I brought them here, I want them here."

Though she had intervened to prevent Tobi from slaying the creatures earlier, her abilities were limited at the time. "All I could do then was barely whisper the words 'let them be,'" she explained. "Promise me you will not kill things without any valid reason."

With a twisted and contorted face, Tobi nodded his head in reluctant agreement.

"What do you intend to do with them?" Tobi asked Naiara.

"Well, we shall hold them hostage," Naiara replied. "Depending on what information we get from their chief, most of them are fragile and we can exterminate them without breaking a sweat. What bothers me though is that their chief seemed to know my name. At that instant, I wanted to behead him, but I hesitated," she said, looking at her palm which she had shrouded in thick mana.

Tobi's brows furrowed as a frown creased his face.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Tobi's eyes scanned the diverse array of creatures that surrounded them. From the younglings playfully bounding around to the elders observing with a cautious gaze, each one seemed to embody a unique presence in the vibrant tapestry of the forest.

Tobi couldn't shake off the unease that lingered in the air, a tension born from his recent display of power. He couldn't blame the creatures for their wariness; after all, he had nearly unleashed his aura in a violent surge that could have spelled doom for them all. Yet, despite their apprehension, there was a sense of familiarity in their eyes, a recognition of shared humanity amidst the untamed wilderness.

As they pressed on, Tobi found himself pondering the nature of these creatures. Were they truly monsters, as Naiara had claimed, or were they simply beings trying to survive in a world that often deemed them as such? It was a thought that lingered in his mind, as he followed naiara to have an audience with the orc chief.

Standing before the towering tree, Tobi marveled at the wooden structure that Naiara had compelled him to construct. Its sheer size and intricate design spoke of countless hours of labor and craftsmanship, a testament to their shared efforts in shaping this makeshift sanctuary amidst the wilderness.

The house, if it could be called such, was more akin to a rustic dwelling nestled within the embrace of nature. Its sturdy walls were fashioned from the tree's own branches, forming a protective barrier against the elements. Inside, the spacious interior revealed four separate rooms, each serving as a classroom for Naiara's teachings. 

But it was the fifth room that caught Tobi's attention the most. A secluded chamber, adorned with soft grass shoots and a bed hewn from the very wood of the tree itself, offered a semblance of comfort amidst the wild surroundings. It was a place of respite, a haven where one could seek solace from the trials of the outside world.

As Tobi gazed upon the humble abode, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Naiara for providing him with this refuge. In a world fraught with uncertainty and danger, having a place to call home, even if it was just for a fleeting moment, was a blessing beyond measure.

"Now that we are here, you can head to the mountain peak, the highest one," Naiara said to Tobi with a playful smile.

"What?!" Tobi exclaimed, taken aback by Naiara's unexpected request.

Naiara giggled mischievously, enjoying Tobi's surprised reaction.

With a furrowed brow, Tobi's hand traced an intricate pattern in the air, weaving together shimmering glyphs that crackled with arcane energy. His lips moved in a silent incantation as he manipulated the magical symbols, their glow intensifying with each gesture. Finally, with a decisive motion, he crossed the final glyphs, causing them to flare brilliantly before dissipating into a sparkling mist. In the blink of an eye, Tobi vanished from sight, leaving behind only a faint echo of his magic lingering in the air.

"Time to test the mettle of this orc chief," Naiara declared, her voice echoing through the forest with a mix of anticipation and resolve.

Naiara swept into the orc chief's chamber with an air of authority, her presence filling the room with an electric tension. With measured steps, she approached the orc chief, her eyes piercing and commanding. With a voice that brooked no argument, she delivered the news that her leader would meet with him, her words hanging in the air like a promise of impending reckoning.