

Ivan dragon found himself falling in love with Anastasia . The robot he created after thousands failure of his father in the project of making a female robot that could replace his lost wife. Ivan dragon succeeded in making the robot that his father couldn’t but he decided to love the robot as he rejected his furnace from college.

Felix_Menda_amfex · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

It was a sunny day...

It was year 3010. Tree leaves were falling to the ground , as the wind blew past the tree branches. The dar es salaam city , the city of business was filled with gadgets of all kinds moving on their own. Cars needed no drivers, motorbikes hovered on air as they sped across the business city.

Inside one of the biggest hotel in the city was owned by a famous scientist called felix dragon. He owned a number of companies that specialized in moving cars and bikes.

But he had a secret project that he has been working for ten years. Despite of him failing to progress in the project, he had lost no hope of establishing a woman of his own. That day his hand shook and he tapped his ear and a projection of the caller information could be seen.

It was Ivan dragon.

"Son are you alright? Felix queried the moment he heard the voice of his son as he was having difficult in breathing.

"Am..am not dad". Ivan answered

"Tell me son what is it?

"I want to stop studying dad..I want to come to assist you in your company".

"My brain wasn't designed for claming..I don't feel alive dad." Ivan mentioned

"Are you sure you want to quit now..I won't object any decision you make. But can't you wait for just a year to finish the degree you're pursuing? Felix dragon asked

"I can't..I'll be wasting a lot of my time. I need to know the project that you told me you'll tell me. I want to be part of it." Ivan uttered

"As you know am good with my hands than with my brain. I can fix things too just like you." Ivan added

"Mmh I've never approved any of your work.."

"Will you reach my standards? Felix dragon asked

"I will. Just give me time dad. I'll surpass you sooner than you've expected."

"I don't need degrees to be like you , I need my hands." Ivan mumbled as a yawn could be heard on the phone.

"And you say you can fix things. Try fixing your self first son".

"Get up and come here. You won't surpass me if you'll continue to sleep like that." Felix dragon uttered

"Am coming dragon.." Ivan chuckled as he cancelled the call and got out of bed.

"This son is as his mother".

"He is a genius".

Ivan opened the window using a remote that was lying on the table inside his room.

"I could have done that since long...am a fool telling him now. I never expected he'll accept me just like that." Ivan talked with robot that was playing slow music that he set the robot to play.

"Can you change the songs please . I want to hear the song...I can become just like you by ceril John". Ivan commanded

"Song I can become just like you playing in three...two..." the robot that had a watermelon shape couldn't finish counting to one as Ivan had already begun singing the song.

"I can be like youu...

"Just like you but I'll not be you coz am me trying to become me..

"Yoooh ooh i can be like you..but you can't become me..."

The song played as Ivan was taking a shower as he sung the song...

He straight went to his Father's office after taking a bath. As he took his flying motorbike as he cut the wind into two passing vast tall buildings.

But two blocks ahead near his fathers company, he could see fire coming out of his fathers office.

A rocket rangers passed past him as he was still in the sky and kissed the building twice as fire burnt the hard steel doors.

"THE MOST FAMOUS BUILDING IN THE CITY OWNED BY FELIX DRAGON HAS BEEN SHOT DOWN . TWO ROCKET RANGERS HAVE BEEN SEEN BLOWING THE BUILDING DOWN." One of the big screen in the city displayed the casualty. Ivan could see the destruction but he had to see his father....

"Dad am coming. You can't die like that." Ivan bellowed

His motorbike that was hovering on air passed the guards and it was too late for them to block him. He entered the building that was burning hit like hell.