
Revenge With The Power of Monkey King

When his father was killed, his family wealth was taken, his hands and feet were all broken, he gets the heritage from Monkey King. Since then, he dramatically rises, he would kill God if God is on his way, he would kill Budha if Budha is on his way. Qin Feng wearing a coat of gold, holding the magic cudgel: "I want this thirty-six universes, all beneath me!"

KhanQi · Urban
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530 Chs

Smash the door

    Celestial City Yong Gate.

    Previously, the major forces were meeting in Xin Ge. As the news of Qin Feng arrived, it would naturally not open, and all of them gathered in the place of Yong Gate.

    They want to see the legendary Qin Feng, what a style!

    He can even be jointly recommended by Xianling College and Qi house as a candidate for the lord!


    At this moment, the atmosphere of this Yong Gate is obviously very unusual.

    "Why don't you open the gate? The man is already outside the door. "

    "open? How? Yusu Lord did not speak, do you dare to open? "

    "Is it just like this?"

    "What's the matter? How do I feel that Mo has a great opinion of that man named Qin Feng? Did they know each other in the past? "

    "I don't know... Let's take a good look. "


    For the closed door, all major forces are talking.