
Revenge With The Power of Monkey King

When his father was killed, his family wealth was taken, his hands and feet were all broken, he gets the heritage from Monkey King. Since then, he dramatically rises, he would kill God if God is on his way, he would kill Budha if Budha is on his way. Qin Feng wearing a coat of gold, holding the magic cudgel: "I want this thirty-six universes, all beneath me!"

KhanQi · Urban
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530 Chs

A Dead End!


On the Bank of Taolin spring, Qin Feng opened his eyes fiercely and shouted with a low voice.

Suddenly, the qi storage inside him exploded, expanding by two or three times in an instant, followed by a surging influx of spiritual energy, and finally maintained the spiritual power in the air-storage at a moderate level.

Qin Feng also knows that it is not a good thing to be eager for quick success and instant benefit. He breaks through the spirit and does not continue to absorb the spirit after practicing.

He raised eyes.

There is a ray of early morning light falling into the peach forest, ten miles of peach forest, flowers dancing, beautiful.

This breakthrough took a whole night.

"You wake up."

At this moment, the voice of a girl came. Qin Feng stood up quickly. Behind him, Yunling was sitting on a branch of a big peach tree in a long white dress.

A big living lady sat on the slight branch and did not cause the branch to quiver half-way.

There were two squirrels and some birds around her.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to practice here."

Qin Feng stood up and smiled. After the breakthrough, the surging feeling in his body was extremely comfortable.

"Nothing. I'm bored to be here all by myself. If you want to come later, you can come, however... I have a request."

Yunling gently floated down from the branches, and the jade foot stepped on the ground. Her noble and cool face had a touch of wit.

"Master, please say."

Qin Feng looked at the silly girl in front of her and wondered what she would ask for.

"Every time you come to the peach grove, you have to bring me a gadget outside."

Yunling said this, Qin Feng did not know why, in the heart of him he feels pity for the woman in front of him.

Ninety-seven years old will be able to knot the Dan. Looking at her young appearance, it is estimated that the date of knotting Dan will be earlier. In such places as Yunshui, there is no criticism for having such talent as the top talent.

And a fairy look.

If this kind of woman is outside, everywhere she goes, she is sought after by millions of people.

But unfortunately, in the past hundred years, no step has been taken.

"Why don't you go out by yourself?"

Qin Feng did not understand if it is the fate of her master, but her master has died for seventy years, which stipulates are dead, but people are alive, it is to let this lady die in this old age?!

"Master's orders must not be violated."

When Yunling said this, her eyes had very complex emotions. Qin Feng could see that she wanted to go out very much, but the order of her deceased teacher had been engraved in the marrow.

Qin Feng could not understand such things, but he would not impose his ideas on others.

"I see, good bye."

Qin Feng finished, then turned around and walked into the peach blossom forest.

Dressed in white, floating like a dream, Yunling looked at the distant Qin Feng, has expectations in her eyes, looking forward to the next time, Qin Feng brought her novelty.

Half an hour later.

Qin Feng walked out of Taolin. When he closed his eyes, there was a piece of stone and wood behind him. It was barren and lonely.

But he knew that the name of Xiantao Mausoleum was not false at all. It was indeed a mausoleum. There was something buried in the tomb. It was a confined heart.

With a long breath, Qin Feng shook his neck and walked in the direction where he had stopped before.

Five minutes later, a sapphire-blue Ferrari sped off on the nearest road in Xiantao Ling.

Now, it's seven o'clock in the morning.

It takes about two hours for Qin Feng to rush back to the Qin Group Building from here.

At 8:30, Qinfeng was only a few kilometers away from the group. The car stopped at a traffic light and waited for the passage.

Just then, the cell phone rang.

This is Deng Qing's call.

"Uncle Deng? Is there anything urgent so early?"

Are you free now? Can you come to the group building?

At the other end of the phone, Deng Qing's voice was very solemn.

"I'll be right there."

Qin Feng answered, then hung up the phone.

Deng Qing... It must have been something discovered, otherwise, he would never have been in that tone.

From Deng Qing's words, he heard a hint of fear.

When the traffic lights changed and Qin Feng stepped on the gas pedal, the speed of the car rose again, and the traffic policemen were stunned when he changed lanes and overtook.

However, they did not catch up. After all, he is driving legally, but he is better at driving.

Qin's building, people are continuously greeting Qin Feng, until he reaches the top office of the chairman.

As soon as Qin Feng pushed the door, he saw Deng Qing sitting opposite his desk.

Nangong Yiren also came to work early, and today she is wearing the purple dress with a sling and waist tied last night.

According to group rules, the chairman's secretary should wear formal clothes.

But Qin Feng did not say, nor did anyone dare to remind the Nangong Yiren, and Nangong Yiren did not have that habit, so she has been wearing this.

At least in Qin Feng's view, it looks much more comfortable than that formal dress. The most clothes Qin Feng saw on Qin Xiao in his life are the formal dress, and he hates to wear formal dress.

"Uncle Deng, did you wait a long time?"

Qin Feng hurried over. Deng Qing wanted to stand up to show respect. He was pressured by Qin Feng and sat down.

"There's no need for this between uncles and nephews, just suit yourself."

Take a seat on the chair, Qin Feng looks slightly congealed: "Uncle Deng, you just spoke in a bad voice. What happened?"

Deng Qing looked at the Nangong Yiren who stood aside.

"It's all right, my own man. Nangong, shut the door."

Qin Feng said.

"Oh, ok."

Nangong Yiren quickly closed the door, and then went to the three-dimensional window, looking out at the traffic.

Although Qin Feng doesn't mind Nangong to listen, Nangong is very clever and doesn't listen when knows she shouldn't.

"TheTianjiu project is a dead end."

Deng Qing spoke in a calm voice with fear in it.

After the withdrawal of Qin's capital yesterday, Deng Qing analyzed and investigated the project in passing. At first, he did not think that, after all, the real estate projects are profitable industries. In many people's view, as long as enough money is invested, the later return profits will double.

But with the deepening of the investigation, Deng Qing found out!

This Tianjiu project is a bottomless pit!

If the Qin family did not withdraw its capital, it would be totally destroyed if it waited for another half month until a new period of capital was injected.

Even if the Qin family withdraws its capital at that time, it is not a loss of tens of billions, but 50 billion, or even more!

As for the details, he could not explain it to Qin Feng, because Qin Feng did not understand them at all.

"Dead end?"

Qin Feng frowned because Deng Qing used the word "dead end". There is no "end" in the world. If there is one, it will be done by people.

"Yes, I haven't found out the details yet, but this dead end must be done by others, and it's made exclusively for Qin's group!"

Deng Qing has anger in his eyes: "Yesterday, when I found out what was happening, I immediately sent someone to look it up and found that all the traces of this dead end were quickly erased overnight after our withdrawal of funds."

Don't know why.

At this moment, Qin Feng thought of a person in his mind.

It's time to meet you.

My "good" brother... Zhou Hong!