
Revenge To My Ex: With the help from his boss

Follow the stroy of a young woman betrayed by her lover. And she vowes to take revenge. with the help of her ex's boss. will she get her revenge?. In the opulent confines of their exquisite mansion, Lorain stepped into the bedroom, calling out with excitement, "Honey, I'm back from the market! What should I prepare for dinner?" However, what awaited her was a heart-wrenching scene that shattered her world. Before her eyes, her once-beloved boyfriend, Chris, was entwined with her best friend, Jane. The shock hit her like a tidal wave, and tears welled up as she launched into a fury, attacking Jane. "Jane, how dare you sleep with my boyfriend!" A stern voice interrupted the chaos, "Lorain, STOP!" It was Chris, and what he uttered next was a devastating blow. "Lorain, I no longer want you as my girlfriend. Jane is my soul mate." This revelation left Lorain stunned. Chris, who had professed his love for her for three years, was now claiming another as his soul mate. Doubt and disbelief clouded Lorain's mind. "Did she talk you into this? Is it a prank? I know you don't mean this, right, love?" As emotions spiralled out of control, the truth emerged – a truth Lorain couldn't fathom. "Lorain, come to terms with it. I don't want you," Chris declared, his once-loving tone now distant and cold. The pain of Chris's sudden change weighed heavily on Lorain. Moments ago, they were planning their future, and now everything seemed lost. “Lorain don’t leave please.” "Wait, my love. When I come back from the market, I'll prepare a nice dinner for the two of us," “But I don’t want you to leave.” “Stop being such a cry-baby I’ll be back in no time.” “Fine when you come back, I have a surprise for you.” A flash back of earlier enveloped Lorain’s brain as a wave of disbelief came across her face. It never occurred to Lorain that this unexpected twist was the "surprise" Chris had alluded to. "Lorain, you and Chris were never meant to be. I always had been the right person for Chris," Jane asserted, adding another layer to the betrayal. ‘The one right for him what absurd’ Lorain couldn’t take any of this blow of betrayal no longer. “No No how come the two of you are soulmates all of a sudden Chris tell me tell me Chris!!”. Shouting She can not just believe this is true no way. The smile that flashed across Jane’s face. Thia came like a slap to Lorain. ‘What they were cheating on her under her nose’. Desperation and confusion consumed Lorain as she pleaded with Chris, "But Chris, you love me! Tell her you love me, not her. Tell her to leave, Chris!" However, Chris's callous words cut deep. "You are not in my level, you are not working, you just sit home and do nothing you are a good for nothing.” “And tell me why I would want someone like you. You are not worthy of being a Miss Williams.” "Your bags are already packed what's left for you is to take them and leave dear best friend". "Please Please Chris stop this madness and come to your senses please tell Jane she is the one who has to leave". Chris just turned his back on her. Left shattered and rejected...

boudy_01 · Urban
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10 Chs


"Let us take some pictures, I think someone would love to see them," Mark said, taking his time and savouring the moment. "You are so beautiful, no wonder she is so jealous of you. You are so perfect." Meanwhile, on the bed, Lorain was on high alert, fully conscious now. The thought that this man was going to assault her shocked her to the core, causing all the liquor to leave her body.

"Revenge is nice when your victim has no will to fight, don't you think, Lorain. I mean you get to do whatever you like. Also, do you still remember what you said to me."


Mark had publicly offended Lorain at a social event, making crude remarks that deeply humiliated her because Lorain had refused to leave Chris for him.

"One day Chris will leave you with nothing and you will come running in my arms Lorain." Firming with anger how come Lorain refused him over a no body Chris. He Mark Paterson, a rich young man from birth all the girls were throwing themselves just to please him, while here she is and rejecting him. How is compared to a no body with such a poor background. Mark was too pissed.

"You will never have me Mark, even a touch of my single strand of my hair. Besides Chris will never leave me."

In anger Mark started a fuse over the rejection. In response, Lorain cleverly arranged a situation where Mark was compelled to publicly apologize.

During a grand party, Mark had made disrespectful comments about Lorain, tarnishing her reputation in front of a crowd. Lorain, quick-witted and composed, seized the opportunity to turn the tables on Mark. She confronted him, demanding a public apology for his offensive remarks. The crowd, now curious and attentive, eagerly awaited Mark's response.

Caught off guard, Mark had no choice but to apologize in front of everyone, his arrogance replaced by embarrassment. As the hated arrogant young master of the Peterson group the public humiliation fuelled bitterness towards him. The humiliation caused headlines. The Arrogant Young Master forced to publicly apologise for his mistakes.

This caused a huge fall in his business company and people began to distance themselves from Mark since they didn't want to be affected and all he called his friends disappeared the moment he was ached to the bottom, this forced Mark to hide in the shadows for a long time before he can show his face once again. Mark vowed to make her pay for the humiliation and suffering he endured.

 *********End of flash back********

As Mark turned, he was met with a surprise. Lorain struck him with a bottle of champagne on the head with such force that he crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Lorain quickly dressed herself, shouting, "Help, he fainted!" at the top of her lungs. Hoping the guards outside the locked door would open it, she continued, "Boss Boss, wake up!" They surrounded Mark, paying no attention to Lorain. She seized the opportunity to escape, running for her life.

"Bring some water!" The leader of the bodyguards shouted. "Boss, you are awake, thank God!" Looking around, he realized, "You idiots, where is she? Ran after her NOW!" Frustrated, Mark had lost his only chance for revenge, who knows when another opportunity would present itself.

Meanwhile, Lorain ran for her life, she noted the of group were following her. The park was the nearest place where she could potentially find a hiding spot. 'There is no way they can find me, or can they? But the park is huge and dark.' She hid behind a huge tree, praying not to be seen. Breathing heavily out of exhaustion and fear, she held her breath, desperate not to alert the guards.

"She could not have gone that far; look around, she can be hiding anywhere," the leader of the guards said, hoping to find her in realisation of how big the park was. 'We can't leave without the girl, who knows what might boss do to us.'

"Look around," He shouted. The guards approached where she was hiding. A crack echoed as Lorain stepped on a fallen tree branch. 'Oh my God, please don't come this way.'

"Wait, I heard a sound over there," one of the guards said, approaching her hiding spot. Lorain was sweating with fear. 'Oh Lord, please, please, please don't come here,' ready to run for her life. "Come, let's leave," the leader of the guards insisted. However, the other guard seemed transfixed, as if he saw something or someone. 'Is it me, or is there someone there?'


"You want to sleep here," irritated, they lost the girl, and this one is standing as if he saw a ghost. He still has a lot to deal with when they went back without the girl. 'Oh, whatever, maybe it's just a tree shadow,' the bodyguard thought, as it was dark to see in the park. When they left, Lorain felt a shock of relief. For once, she thought they might catch her. She decided to sleep in the park just in case they are searching for her elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Mark harboured a burning desire for revenge, nursing his wounded pride. He couldn't shake the memory of the public apology and the subsequent disdain from those around him. Consumed by the need to redeem himself and driven by a growing obsession with Lorain.