
Revenge Thirsty Elf king

Things that I never had, a family, a neighbour, a friend, neither a childhood, everything was taken from me even before I realised that it was mine. The humans, their greed engulfed all of it, and I as a baby was left with nothing and no one by my side. They took everything from me, but now it is my turn, now I will take everything that they cherish and protect, I will color the walls of their houses red with their blood. I know that there is nothing that I will be able to achieve from this bloodbath, but there is still one thing that I can get from this bloodbath and that is revenge, the pleasure that this revenge will bring me is beyond something I can think of, finally I am ready to enter this battlefield. I shall show them what fear and pain is, I promise to make them kneel and cry at my feet for death, this is the pledge of me, THE KING OF THE ELVES, I shall be remembered in the history by the name 'REVENGE THIRSTY ELF KING.' WARNING: This is a 16+ work As it contains (depiction of war, bloodbath, massacre, and slavery) @EMPEROR_WORDS_1416

Emperors_words1416 · Action
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14 Chs


Malyva was walking through the trees in hurry, as he was walking all of a sudden someone appeard near him, it was as if that someone cameout from his shadows.

She was a young Elfen women, with only her black eyes visible, and rest of her face and body was covered in a black outfit.

As soon as she appears, Malyva without any change in his expressions and while keeping his pace said "Janiva, has the King, His Majesty already started his speech ?."

Janiva was the name of the Elfen woman who has appeared out of nowhere, as she was following Malyva she said "No sir, but it's about to start any minute ".


On a huge boulder that was somewhat rectangular, an Elfen man with grayish hair and green robe, sitting by hanging his legs near the edge of the boulder, a golden royal cup filled with some liquid was kept by his side, and only the back of that Elfen man was visible.

As Malyva was approching near the scenario he heard a loud voice,

" O, People of my kin, who follow me, with trust and belief , I have gathered you all here to speak about something, that I believe, is very important."

"As you all were informed by your troop leaders, tomorrow is the day when we have to finally stand against our enemies, those enemies who have been threatening our survival for years, those enemies, who have been constantly secretly capturing our kin, our sisters, mothers, daughters , and wives for a long time and have been turning them into their SLAVES, our enemies  who don't even consider us their equal, instead in their eyes, they see us as wild beasts who are good looking and are good at speaking, tomorrow, it is the day when we go at war with these enemies."

"Our Ancestors have taught us that we are noble beings, they have taught us to be pateint and peace seeking."

"And we tried, we tried to be patient for years, to be peace seeking, we presented the HUMANS a PEACE NEGOTIATION, but they refused, they want our birthland, the same place where YOU were born."

"We are fighting this war not to prove them wrong, neither to prove ourselves right, this War is for our SURVIVAL, this war is to protect our family, this war is to protect our dignity, this war is to protect our innocent Children, Sisters, Mothers, daughters, and their future."

"And finally this war is to protect our birth land, this land where we were born, raised and where we meet our end."

"We shall protect this land even if it costs us our blood and life.

In this Great forest of DEVAN, our ancestors recieved blessing from our GREAT GODDESS of Devan, and we will not abandon our sacred land at any cost."

"Tomorrow, our numbers are going to be far less from them, every single one of you might have to take down five enemies, our odds of winning will look zero to our enemies, but still we are going to win."

" we will win, because we have a reason to put our lives on the line, and they lack it , they lack a reason to put their lives on the line, they are here just to fulfill their greed, their EMPEROR has turned blind, in the pursuit of conquering ALL below the sky,

My brothers and sisters, sharpen your swords, prepare your bows and arrows, get whatever weapons you are proficient in, tomorrow we shall show them that we are not only peace seeking but when time calls for it, we are also proud warriors of the Elfen kingdom."

"Remember my brothers and sisters, no matter what is the result of the battle that is going to happen tomorrow, don't loose your HOPE, have faith in the GODDESS and believe in her BLESSINGS, our GODDESS will not abandon us."

There were THOUSANDS of Elves standing near the boulder, many more were standing on the branches of the trees near the boulder, some of them had tears in their eyes while majority of them had anger, Malyva was also standing in the corner under a tree while hearing all of this. He was also filled with different kind of emotions that were visible on his face, his eyes were also filled with tears.

While every one was already filled with different emotions, The man on the boulder stood up with the golden cup in his hands, while slightly bending his head downward and looking into the cup filled with liquid, the man said

"Tonight, I am not here as your king, instead I am here as a warrior of The Elfen Kingdom, I am here to swear upon this sacred water from our Sacred pond of  Devan, and I take you all as my witnesses.

I swear that I am not going to waver in my decision.

I swear that it is either victory or death.

I swear I will fight, for our Sacred Land, for my people, for the future of our children, UNTIL MY LAST BREATH,


As soon as he completed his sentence, he raised his left fist high, and drank the sacred water from the golden cup with his right hand, his raised fist represented the winning cry of a warrior, which was like cherry on cake and it boosted the moral of the Elfen warriors to peak.




Every single Elf present their was continously reapeating this sentence with all of their strength, Every single one of them are now ready to sacrifice themselves, for their people, for their land, to acheive their freedom, to protect their families, they are ready to trample over any ememy in their path.

As the man standing on the boulder

drank the sacred water from the cup his face started to become visible, a fair man with Golden Eyes and silvery hairs, his hairs were long enough to touch his neck.

He was exceptionally Handsome with no beard or mustache, he looked as a mature man who has just entered in his 30's.

With his face completely visible, people started chanting,



He was the king of the Elfen Kingdom.

