

Love and obsession are two things that often make people mistaken. Amelia—a wife, caught in an endless cycle of infidelity. Her obsession and selfishness made her forget the meaning of the sacred love that her husband—Robi Wijaya, gave. Until finally, she was pregnant and struggled to hide the identity of the unborn baby in front of her husband. However, God exposed the rot in a tragedy and opened Robi's eyes that had betrayed his love. Even so, Robi intends to pretend not to know until he can reveal the biological father of the unborn baby and expose his wife's rottenness. However, after revealing the truth about the child, many other facts have surfaced. Will Rob be able to survive? Or ... give up on the circumstances?

Ny_Kaktus · Urban
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152 Chs


Actually, according to the results of the examination, Alexander had no serious injuries except for Shock.  However, a worried Yustina wanted her son to be treated for a few more days to evaluate him in person.

  It has been almost a week for Alexander to be treated, and during that time Yustina has been reluctant to go home and has even refused to stay away from her son.  In fact, Nana is always ready to replace him, but Yustina still refuses.

  This situation made Nana even more worried about her employer.  Of course, she knew that Robert and Rose had taken advantage of this condition to continue together even though they were in Wijaya's residence.

  "Madam, you'd better take a shower first. Let my Young Master handle—"

  "No need, later."

  Yustina always said that answer every time Nana asked her to take a shower.  According to her, her employer was already very excessive, if left alone, it is not impossible that his condition will get worse.