
Revenge of the steel Monarch

kenji, the steel blooded monarch ruled for 20 years. the Demons driven back. the monsters contained. peace had returned to Elysia. and the whole continent of kalor. the kings own vassals betrayed him. blades aiming for his throne. The steel monarch died at the age of 39. killed by his own people, the king couldn't help but smile. that is until he looks over and sees his own brother smiling from the shadows.He dies in hatred and regret. Before he died he killed all those who betrayed him. however, that was not the end but the beginning. I am alive? where am i? what will he do with his second chance. will he return to being a ruler? [Authors note] all inner thoughts and places or time changes will be within [ ] All people talking will be within " " First-time character names will be ???? all hushed conversations will be in ( )

Jay_W · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

lana awakens, the harsh reality of the steel blood

kaiser sits on a chair next to the bed of his wife. kenjis mother slowly opens her eyes in the morning light. she turns to kalus and then turns away. he looks down at her with a sullen look before speaking. "I wasn't aware, Lana. I am sorry it has gone this far."

Lana sits up, turning towards the window right by the bed. she looks down seeing kenji holding the blade at his side. he is sitting in a cafe across from the inn. "He has taken care of me as much as i him. the Heir you wanted you had with her. thank you for saving him. However, I think it's time you leave us kaiser."

kaiser grabs her hand gently. "I truly didn't know she was like that. I had thought kenji could be free of his role as king if I had another son. I did not want to burden him with this kingdom." Lana turns glaring into his eyes.

"Kaiser, do you think I believe that? look at him covered in wounds. at fourteen, he should be attending balls finding love. not fighting demons." The king rubs his neck

"Listen, Lana, it is the fate of our bloodline. I am sorry he obtained it. we are the Demons' natural enemy, the steel bloods. and he is the steel blooded prince. I have a successor, and I have you back. please, Lana, consider it. no more shall fall upon you from that woman."

kaiser stands, walking out the two guards at the door salute the king. the king turns to them, glaring his eyes narrow and focused into theirs. the sense of oppression he is giving off would kill most ordinary people.

"If she suffers so much as a pricked finger, I will kill you both. Now I must go see my son."

they salute gimme sweat dripping from their foreheads.

kenji sits at the his tea. kenji sensing kalus approach. he pulls his blade as he sips his drink, pointing it at his father's throat. his father sits slowly. kalus looks down at him.

"That is a good sword you have. I'm surprised you wielded it well despite not going to the Royal swordsmanship Academy." kalus looks like he is beaming with pride. as he says that.

kenji scowls "Listen, old man, she may forgive you, but I will tell you one thing. the day she is harmed by you or that bastard of a brother of mine. I will kill you both, leaving your corpse to rot."

kaiser aughs as he pinches the blade. kenji doesn't try to move it. he knows he can not move this mountain as he is. kalus smiles widely. "That is precisely why I am so happy you are the most dutiful son I could have asked for."

The smile comes to kalus face again as kenji stands tossing some coins on the table. kenji looks back as he walks away. kalus looks at him. "Are you really going to leave? what about your mother?" kenji stops he turns his eyes to gaze at the room where his mother is. he smiles.

"well, this once I allow you to take care of her." his mother can be seen with tears in her eyes as he walks away. she runs down the stairs falling to her knees as she gets out the door. kenji where are you going. kalus stands walking towards her a carriage pulling up behind him. his knights surrounding the streets their weapons held ceremoniously.

kalus picks up Lana and carries her to the carriage. she holds his face. "Why did you let him leave he is only a child. kalus holds her with one arm. holding her hand on his cheek.

"That boy needs to do his own thing. even if I hadn't come, he would have handled it somehow." Lana starts fighting against him.

"He is only fourteen. What kind of fourteen year old can fight a demon?!" She keeps fighting as he puts her in the carriage. her body too weak to fight the king. he places his hand on her cheek. it's size the size of her face.

"Listen, we can work through what happened. she is gone. from now on, it's only you and me, and when he decides to return, our child will be welcomed back with honor!" his tone turns serious.

He steps in the carriage, shutting the door. his voice heard from inside it, he says. "To the kingdom of kalor. let's go home, men depart."

the queen looks out the carriage window. a black wisp floating from her hands towards kenji. silently, she mutters a spell so no one else could hear. she speaks in an unknown language. "utani shora Kota nnis" the wisp takes off to kenjis side.

[In the forest near luala] a demon falls to the ground. kenji stands his face covered in black blood. his eyes shine as he goes towards another demon, a dark wisp, flutters by a voice echoing in his head.

[So you are my contractor, the son of the void witch lana?] kenji smiles, turning as he cuts another demon. the blade drinks in the blood of the demon.