
Revenge of the steel Monarch

kenji, the steel blooded monarch ruled for 20 years. the Demons driven back. the monsters contained. peace had returned to Elysia. and the whole continent of kalor. the kings own vassals betrayed him. blades aiming for his throne. The steel monarch died at the age of 39. killed by his own people, the king couldn't help but smile. that is until he looks over and sees his own brother smiling from the shadows.He dies in hatred and regret. Before he died he killed all those who betrayed him. however, that was not the end but the beginning. I am alive? where am i? what will he do with his second chance. will he return to being a ruler? [Authors note] all inner thoughts and places or time changes will be within [ ] All people talking will be within " " First-time character names will be ???? all hushed conversations will be in ( )

Jay_W · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

kenji, the steel blooded prince

kenji wakes slowly the pulsing in his veins slowly ebs.he grabs the blade rushing back to the village. he thinks to himself as he runs.

[I have to hurry]

he pats his pocket, checking the flower. it is still there he sheathed his sword. the wind feeling oddly different. his vision seems to be more dynamic than before. he can now hear sounds farther than normal. he is one with steel blood. However, this change is beyond that.

kenji hears the sound of a fight far off in the direction of luala and runs faster. [No Another new change? I should go over the differences in the timeliness later. for now, my mother needs to be cured.]

[Back in luala nighttime.]

the dwarf is panting. the demon stands bigger than before chuckling. a slurping sound as it licks the blood from its fingers.

the demon speaks, although sounding like the dwarf it sounds... wrong. "I was young. That isn't an excuse. We only took a few village children."

the demon says as it's ears twitch. "Food that hasn't run?" kenjis mother steps outside coughing. holding onto the door of her home.

"What's going on out here? she coughs up more blood as she falls to her knees. "Kenji, where is my son kenji?"

the dwarf rushes to help her, but the demon is first. it looks down at her as she looks up they meet eyes.

[Back to that far-off place shrouded in the dark. "The witches' hands on the orb she smiles in a demonic way, her teeth chattering in excitement. "I Finally Found you!!! Queen of kalor magician of the void." she sends a secret command to the demon.

"Kill her now!!!"

the demon lifts its bloodied claw just as it was to swing down. the woman closes her eyes with a smile. "At least my son won't have to be burdened anymore." Ventris screams out as the demon suddenly loses an arm.

ventris taken aback saw a brief flash the. the woman was gone. however, he didn't have to wonder what had happened for a long time. a chill runs down his spine as he turns. ke ji stands holding his mother. blood dripping off the tip of his blade.

"You dare your filthy puppet. my mother is off limits." ventris can feel the boys' bloodlust.

[Can a child of twelve really let off such a bloodthirsty aura? where was he all this time? This child is truly your son, kaiser.]

kenji walks forward the demon angry rushes for kenjis mother. kenji is in front of it instantly.

"I said she is off limits. he swings his blade the demon jumps into the air. wings sprouting. it cackles

"Little mouse is strong, but I will have my meal." Suddenly, the demon jerks a bit. kenji is holding the Demons left leg.

The demon starts to panic it turns its head back to the mountainside. then a ringing in its head starts. it grabs onto it with its remaining arm. (Since you can't do it yourself, I will help you. don't disappoint me) the voice stops as the demon starts to glow. Its wings envelop it ad it floats higher in the sky. an orb of darkness surrounding it.

its wings grow serpentlike scales its missing leg and its leftover leg fuse together lengthening into a serpents tail. its torso elongates it's arms growing back doubling from its previous size. it's head growing three long horns. a loud scream echoes as the moonlight behind the beast shines.

kenji stands still in the moonlight left to him. his mother coughing nearby. he looks at the blade in his hand. then holds his free hand to his chest. looking up his eyes aglow with his will. his silver eyes sparkle as he readies himself.

The roaring comes louder as the beast dives toward kenji. kenji looks towards ventris sighing.

"Take care of my mother ventris. I know you can't use your strength while protecting her. Just protect my mother. I'll repay this favor."

Ventris smiles, playing with his beard a bit. "Oh, I look forward to that. a favor from you is worth a lot."

Kenji smiles as he jumps off a nearby wall into the sky to meet the demon. his eyes glowing as his blade and the demon clash. a echo. Suddenly, the ground rumbles, causing kenji to lose focus. The demon takes this chance, slashing at kenji. kenjis eyes glint using the Demons momentum kenji turns slashing at the Demons face. the demon uses its wings to hit kenji back to the ground.

kenji, his blade stabbed into the ground, kneeling, coughs up some blood. his mother wakes up looking at the scene. she starts to cry. "Please, son, you don't have to protect me anymore." The demon cackles before speaking.

"Too bad none shall leave here alive all shall be my prey." The demon floats down its face scarred with a long slash. it frowns, rubbing its face. " Vile food, how dare you harm me?!

Kenji stands slowly, blood trickling down his face. his eyes show pure determination. he starts running towards the demon. the demon cackles as kenji gets close.

however, its cackling is cut short when a man cuts the demon in half. a giant toothed blade splattered in crimson. his armor shining in the moon also splattered in blood. he removes his helmet, his steel colored eyes staring down at kenji, and his mother. his teeth gritted, and he turns as the demon turns into two.

A deep voice echoes through the night as soldiers appear from the rubble around the ruined homes. "Knights of kalor guard the queen and the prince."

kenjis mothers tears slow as the knights surround kenji and her. one holds his arm out to kenji. kenji pushes it aside, going to his mother.. she looks on as the kings gruff voice sounds again. both Demons shudder with fear as his eyes glow brighter and brighter.

"You are now my prey. let's see how you deal with me!!!"