
The King's Arrival

Looking at Kai, the sickly boy, named Theodan, eventually curbed his surprise. His expression turned serious, "You can't afford this."

Kai let out a small chuckle, and casually tossed the figure to the boy.

"It's fine, the carpenter from the village made it for me, in exchange I help him once a week. He actually thought it was a character from one of those silly plays at the capital. Plus, if you hadn't given me the parchment with the immortal drawn on it, I'd never have any reference."

Kai could see no change in Theodan's expression, so he quickly changed the topic,

"a-anyway, I hear the King and major lords have returned to the city, are you not nervous?"

Theo still seemed serious, but Kai's words immediately turned his mood sour again. He could also hear the cheers of the crowd outside. The entourage had reached the Keep.

"I had promised myself, by the time father returned I would become healthier, I would no longer be viewed as the weakling Theodan… Yet despite the two years of eating well, years of training, I only seem to have grown weaker…" Theodan said with a dejected expression. "How can I face father anymore."

Kai listened to his friend, he didn't know how to console Theo, but, he still got up and tried anyway, "don't attend today's festivities, come back to the village with me. Ill have you back before anyone notices."

Theodan let out a small chuckle, "don't be silly Kai, I may be young, but I still hold a responsibility to my house, I… Ill somehow muster the courage to make it to the Hall."

Kai let out a sigh, and was about to say something, but Theodan suddenly interjected him, with a mischievous smile.

"Although, now that I think about it. It would be rather reassuring to have you at the Hall with me, you don't need to do much, just stand to the side with the cupbearers. Ill even see to it, that you're allowed inside."

Hearing this, Kai's eyebrows furrowed, he became anxious just thinking of being around so many lords of the Kingdom, yet alone, the King himself. He quickly distanced himself from Theodan, and bowed, "please Theo, anything but that."

Theodan let out a small laugh, he found Kai's nervousness quite amusing. "You need to learn to be braver Kai. You may not understand it yet, but eventually, it'll be expected of you to be around lords, knights and nobles. This is a good opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with them, I'm sure your parents would be happy to hear of such an experience."

Thinking of his parents, Kai sighed. He wasn't much for bravery or boldness, but he understood a little about his responsibility to his family. His father had lectured him many times on the subject.

Kai's father, Damien, was third born to a Lesser Lord, Ulysses Grier. He was unable to become a body refiner, and did not show much skill in the art of swordsmanship either. So, despite his keen knowledge and impeccable demeanour, he was not well regarded by the family, especially his own father.

Lord Ulysses had four sons, and three of them had prospered as either swordsmen, or refiners. The outcast of House Grier eventually turned to the culinary arts, he moved away from the city his family was prominent in, and managed to become a renowned cook in the capital.

Over the years, Damian lost touch with most of his family, he had adjusted to the village life and was happy with a family of his own. He would occasionally take well paying jobs at the Keep, to afford a decent livelihood, and cater to Kai's education.

But unconsciously, he always hoped his son would do better than him. He wanted his son to make him proud, in the face of the family that alienated him. His father rarely talked about any of this, but Kai had some clue of it.

Kai no longer thought about his nervousness. He looked at Theodan and nodded, he was willing to try for his parents. Theo's smile faded and he became serious too, he was nervous as well. They both got up and headed for the Hall.

Meanwhile, the King along with the lords, had been welcomed at the gates of the Keep, and had been guided to their chambers to get dressed.

The lords were being announced at the Hall and entered one by one, they were meeting most of their family after a long while.

Some families were emotional and were enthusiastically chattering with their lords, who had returned after war. But there were many lords, who merely acknowledged their family and seated themselves. They had a noticeably cold demeanour.

The cupbearers were hard at work, bringing wine to the lords as they entered. Some lords were yet to arrive, they were major lords and would naturally enter towards the end. But most nobles were eagerly awaiting the arrival of King Eris, and his family.

Theodan and Kai made their way to the left wing of the Keep, where they found the entrance to the Hall, there were two burly guards standing next to the door, emotionlessly looking ahead.

Standing in front of the door was Steward Laurel Abernathy. He was a short man, but had a good built to him, his hair were lengthy and tied behind his head. His eyebrows were slightly slanted, as he was murmuring to himself.

Theodan arrived in front of him and calmly spoke, "Laurel, I'm here, no need to bother looking for me anymore." Abernathy paused and quickly looked up, there was a hint of annoyance in his eyes. He looked behind him to ensure the gate to the Hall was shut, he then stared at Theodan, "You!… Do you know how long we've been looking for you!"

"I do… I was nervous. I couldn't help it." Theodan replied with a helpless smile. Steward Abernathy still seemed annoyed, but his expression considerably softened. "Why are you still here, go, your mother is looking for you." Theo refused to move an inch, he just quietly looked at the Steward.

When Abernathy noticed this, his expression slowly became gloomy, "What do you want this time?" Theo turned his torso and pointed at Kai, who was obediently standing behind him.

"I would like Kai to be allowed inside the Hall of the Keep. It is acceptable to let him stand besides the cupbearers."

The steward looked at Kai and then back at Theo, "Brat. You don't get to tell me what is acceptable… but fine, I'll let him in. Now if that's all, leave right away."

Theodan was satisfied with the steward's response. He turned to Kai, who had a helpless expression on his face, "you go ahead, I'll see you inside, soon."

Theodan turned around and headed somewhere, although he seemed nonchalant, Kai could notice, Theo was tightly clenching onto the carving of the immortal.

Kai, was too tense to speak in front of the Steward, so he quietly entered through the door. His body felt petrified. He was dearly hoping no one would pay attention to him.

Thankfully, nobody seemed to care for his presence, they were all preoccupied with their own discussions, and agendas. The party seemed lively. There were long rows of tables laid out everywhere, they were all stated perpendicularly to the largest table in the hall, the King's table. This was where the King, his family, and all the major lords of the Kingdom would sit.

After about twenty minutes of waiting, and frolicking, the guests seemed to have calmed down, most of the major lords had been announced, only a few remained.

Steward Abernathy entered the Hall, he waved his right arm to the side, while his other arm remained behind his back. "Lord Ceres Vestar of the House Vestar, overseer of the City of Domitia, has arrived."

Everyone's gazes were fixed to the hall's entrance. The doors were open, and a figure slowly walked in. Lord Ceres was a tall man with a heavy built, and was dressed royally, with many gold embroidering on his robes.

Despite his physique, he had a perceivably kind demeanour to him. He politely greeted his fellow nobles of the Kingdom. It was difficult to notice, but his eyes felt solemn. He had slightly brown hair, and a visible scar running along the side of his left eye, to his cheek, that drew a sharp contrast from his kind demeanour.

He looked at the festivities and let out a gentle smile. His son, daughter and wife followed behind him, being the family of a Major Lord mandated you must enter with the Lord. Kai had heard of Lord Ceres before, but it was his first time seeing him in person, and he clearly felt an unsaid pressure from the presence of this Lord.

Many regarded Ceres Vestar as one of the strongest body refiners in the Kingdom, second only to King Eris.

Kai understood a little about the strength of the body refiners, they were warriors who would follow the path of reinforcing their bodies, muscle, nerves and even bones.

As a body refiner one must first pass through bone refining. Bone refining would be broken into four stages, lower, middle, high and peak. After one successfully completes bone refining, they must accomplish muscle refining. Which is similarly split into four stages.

While difficult the first two stages are still achievable in one's lifetime, but the third stage, surface refiner, was a realm only few, like King Eris, and Lord Ceres had crossed into.

However, there were speculations among the nobles, that King Eris had long reached the limits of the third stage and was already on the cusp of achieving the mysterious fourth stage, that only few in the empire of Drusa knew about.

Lord Ceres took his seat on the King's table, and his family was seated alongside him. The rest of the major lords on the table acknowledged Ceres, and began conversing with him.

Kai was still stationed next to all the cupbearers and he was slowly observing the entire feast. He had paid attention to as many people as possible, and while he didn't know all their names, he memorised all their faces.

Damien had also entered the Hall, he had to ensure everything was in order. He conversed with some of the guests, who had recognised him.

Eventually, Damian noticed his son amongst the cupbearers, but he merely smiled at him and left. There was a sense of untraceable sadness to his smile. Kai noticed that after coming to the Hall once, his father didn't return, perhaps he wasn't interested in waiting for the King.

Shortly after, the steward returned, everyone's attention was instantly on him. They were all awaiting the arrival of the final attendees. "Eris Lambros of the House Lambros, our King, has arrived!"

The King was tall and broad, he was built well, and wore a fine robe with silver embroidery over it. He had a neat beard and his hair were slightly long and silver, he had neatly bound them into a ponytail. He had thick eyebrows and well defined nose. His eyes were blue, and had an aura of arrogance to them. His demeanour was imposing, and easily made most timid.

As the King entered the hall, one could barely notice a forlorn expression on his face. Behind him, walked the Queen of Leventis, Arissa Lambros, she was a beautiful woman, but there were hints of age on her face. She had long blonde hair, and stood tall as she entered the Hall. Similar to her husband she too had a feeble expression, but she was born a high noble, and knew how to present herself better. She let out a smile as she greeted the noblemen of the Kingdom.

Behind the King and Queen, walked a thin young boy. His entrance caused the gazes of the crowd to momentarily pause on him, some were surprised, some seemed to be aware of him, and some had started murmuring the second they saw him. He had a head of silver hair similar to his father, and sharp blue eyes, unfortunately, his frailness masked this sharpness.

"I heard the King's son was weak, but this boy is nothing but bones and skin."

"It's been two years since I've witnessed the royal family, and it seems like the King's son hasn't improved at all."

"If anything he seems weaker to me."

"If things continue like this with the prince, then House Lambros could easily loose the throne after King Eris's demise." A lesser lord at the end of the hall silently remarked.

"In the coming years, it's best to be ingratiate ourselves with with the House of Vestar." The wife of one of the major lords whispered to her husband.

Kai could hear some of the murmurs, he had a strong frown etched on his face and an indiscernible amount of anger in his eyes.

The King's face was no better, he seemed to be suppressing his annoyance with the crowd, but it wasn't in his personality to keep it in.

"Quiet." The King didn't shout, he wasn't required to do so. His reputation had always preceded him, and one word from him was enough to silence the whole room. No one dared to find out what would happen if they disobeyed. They had all witnessed the King's might.

King Eris carefully seated himself at the middle of the table. To his left sat the prince, his son, Theodan Lambros. King Eris turned to his son, but Theodan didn't have the heart to look back at his father. He was looking down at the plate full of food, laid out in front of him. His eyes were slightly watery, his face had become sombre, he was trying his best to avoid the tears.

King Eris sighed, and let the matter be. He turned his gaze to the crowd, he raised the chalice full of wine,

"Let us begin."