
Revenge of the Ntr Prince

This is an evil book //Ntr, incest, r@pe, mind break, murder, war, evil mc. . Prince Lu, a perverted prince of a powerful Empire Mizu, realizes that he only wasted his life playing with women. But it was too late to change now. His father- the Emperor had been killed by his General, and Prince Lu himself soon followed him to the grave. But! He reincarnates as a young master of a small state. And he has a hot milf for a mom! But that is least of his concerns. Prince Lu assumes his new identity of young master Wind and embarks on the road of cultivation so that he can take revenge! The only problem is that the only techniques he ever learned in his past life were all ‘Dual Cultivation’ techniques. With no other option, Wind walks forth this path while trying to get stronger. Follow his journey in Revenge of the NTRPrince.

Inkyug · Eastern
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Everyone collates

"Step aside love." Maya said to Maurice. "I don't want to hurt you."

Maurice smiled as he looked fearlessly at Maya. "You don't love me. & If you didn't want to hurt me, your weapon still wouldn't be in your hands."

"Can't you play along for a change?" Maya spouted with a frown. "What are you doing here anyway? Since when do you know this elf?"

"That's confidential information." Maurice said while stealing a glance at Aerin. "To get to Aerin, you'll have to step on my corpse." Maurice made his stance clear.

"Humph!" Maya snorted staring at him angrily. She had been with Maurice for a few years and liked him. But she was never loyal to him. And now that Maurice stood between her and her goal, she felt only anger but no hesitation in her heart. "Then I'll do just that." She said before looking at Qiang.

"You're looking just as delicious as that night, boy." Maya said to Qiang and licked her lips while staring down at his crotch. Maurice frowned. He figured out a lot with just this simple sentence but didn't react to it much. He had long since realized that this woman wasn't loyal.

"You gifted me with a healthy baby, born with wood element constitution." Maya added. "I devoured him and gained a huge boost in cultivation. Now that you've come to me, I'll reward you with a good time in bed if you abandon your master and side with me. We even have numerous beautiful women you can lay with. You can make many babies with us hehe."

"Excuse me?" Qiang blurted out blinking at Maya. "Did you just say, devour? You devoured…a baby?"

"Hahah! Of course I did." Maya chuckled "This is good way of obtaining a boost in cultivation."

"You…you…!" Qiang's lips trembled and so did his body. This was a horror for him. This woman that stood before him had devoured a child! & to boot it was her own & Qiang's! "How could you…!?"

"Calm down, Qiang." Maurice warned. "Remember what I taught you. Control your emotions & even purge them during combat. Otherwise they'll lead to defeat."

"Hahah. Not only that, I even sent your mother Xiao in Ork King's lap. She'd have been fucked to death by now!" Maya laughed evilly, successfully inciting Qiang's anger.

"How dare you!!" Qiang shouted angrily.

Whoosh! He vanished from his spot, appearing right next to Maya.

Clank! He unsheathed the butcher blade which hung on his back and swung it at Maya dangerously.

Boom! He was kicked in the gut by Maya and thrown aside forcefully. He crashed into the tough wall, creating a hole and falling on the other side.

"Ohok!" Qiang coughed out blood. But thanks to his wood element constitution he recovered quickly. But as he stood back up, he found himself surrounded by multiple opponents.

Quickly afterwards, loud sounds echoed as Maurice and Maya battled it out, damaging the formation controls along the way as they showed no restraint. Maurice was still at level 10 Master realm while Maya had already reached the Sage realm. But Maurice was still able to fight her on equal footing. This showcased his combat prowess.

Meanwhile Qiang fought with the nuns who attacked him in unison. The outcome of the battle was decided the moment Qiang let his anger get the best of him. Had he stayed by Maurice's side and defended Aerin who excelled in healing magic, they could have fought a battle of attrition and won. But now, Maurice and Qiang were tangled separately with stronger opponents while Aerin was left unprotected.

Two nuns lunged at Aerin with the intention of killing her. Aerin fled from the room right away, being chased by the nuns closely.

"I must get away!" Aerin shouted in her mind and resolutely ran blindly, straight into a man that stood in her path.

Bam! She collided with the man and got unbalanced, falling back on her big hips.

"Now, just what the fuck is going on here?" This man muttered as he scrutinized the surroundings. At once the battle paused as everyone looked at him.

"Who are you?" Maya asked with a frown. "Bring that elf to us, & we'll reward you for it."

"Heh. When requesting favors, you should ask politely." The man said stepping into the light. He was Wu Shang.

"You! How dare you a mere level…6, Sage…" Maya's words came out slowly before she fell silent. Level 6 Sage realm! Wu Shang was currently the strongest in that room! Aerin's cultivation didn't count as she only knew healing magic.

"M…my apologies." Maya immediately softened her tone. "Who are you if I may ask? Could you please help us detain that elf? We'll offer you many resources as thanks."

"Now that's more like it." Wu Shang nodded and smiled. Maya smiled back feeling relieved. Maurice and Aerin's hearts sank.

"That elf lady is an ally of the revolutionary army." Maurice spoke aloud. "If the sir may be so kind to help that lady escape, the revolutionary army will reward you handsomely."

"…" Wu Shang looked down at Aerin and she looked back up. "You sure seem an important figure." Wu Shang spoke as he checked her out. Sensing his perverted gaze, Aerin frowned and covered her massive breasts with her arms. Wu Shang smirked before glancing at everyone with a sweeping gaze.

"I'm looking for the elder of Order of Chaos. Someone, excelling in healing. Which one of you is that?" Wu Shang asked aloud. The nuns exchanged glances.

"You are looking for Order of Chaos elder…" Maya muttered. "Black cloak…messy hair…!" She gasped. "You're the demon king!"


Meanwhile outside, the dwarves fell down one after another, devoid of energy. They had all been killed by Wind's group.

"Keep moving. I see that the flow of energy underground has stopped." Wind said to others. "The traps ahead will most likely not activate."

"How did that happen?" Plant King asked.

"I don't know. We might find out once we reach the central hub." Wind said as he disappeared from his spot, quickly sprinting forward. The others followed suit.


"I will teach you the healing aspect of chaos technique if you protect me and my allies." Aerin proposed. The moment Wu Shang revealed his objective and his identity was deduced by Maya, Aerin understood everything and offered the best deal to Wu Shang, granting him what he seeked, in exchange of protection.

"Demon King! You've been attacking Order of Chaos and many elders have perished under your assaults." Maya said at this point. "We have the same enemy. This elf is one of the last few righteous elders of the organization. Help us cull her and we'll reward you greatly."

The three of them offered Wu Shang many things. He glanced at Aerin and stepped forth. Everyone became tense.

"I'm on the elf's side." Wu Shang declared. Aerin heaved a sigh of relief while Maurice felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

"Are you sure?" Maya called out. "She's a formation expert; you might fall into her trap later. Help us instead and detain her. Then you can interrogate the healing method out of her."

"You have a point too." Wu Shang said and Aerin's heart sank again.

"Stop screwing!" She growled in frustration.

"I haven't even started." Wu Shang smiled as he grabbed Aerin by the hair and pulled her towards him.

Boom! The floor shattered into fragments and chunks of plaster flew about, as Maurice leapt towards Wu Shang using his full power; leaving his back open to Maya.

Fwip! Maya's whip cracked in air, slashing at Wu Shang's back. His armor melted at the very touch, and acidic poison dripped down his back, melting his skin and causing lethal damage.

"Arrgh!" Maurice growled in pain but kept charging towards Wu Shang. He swung his blade and used his strongest attack.

"Butcher's cleave!" Maurice shouted, hurling all of his energy into this one attack. He compromised with Aerin's safety but he only had this one chance against Wu Shang so he went ahead with it, hoping for the best.

Boom! Strong explosion occurred, destroying the entire room and damaging the surroundings. Maurice fell down, half dead. His attack earlier had been wasted as Wu Shang summoned a thick-skinned demon to obstruct it for him. The demon was cleaved to death but served its purpose of protecting Wu Shang.

"Not bad for someone at your level." Wu Shang uttered.

"No! Maurice!" Aerin screamed.

"Master!" Qiang shouted.

Wu Shang released Aerin's hair playfully and she rushed to Maurice, immediately casting her healing magic on him.

It worked only enough to save his life, but Maurice was still badly wounded. He was unable to move as his backbone had melted much. Maya's poison was too deathly! Maurice fainted soon.

"Such a pity." Maya shook her head. "Girls, grab that green haired boy. I'll handle Aerin."

Qiang put up a fight but was quickly suppressed by the multiple Master realm cultivators. He could only sulk now.

"Thank you for the help." Maya addressed Wu Shang. Even though Wu Shang had released Aerin in the end, allowing her to save Maurice's life, Maya dared not point fingers at Wu Shang as he was stronger than her. His judgment decided the outcome of things.

"No problem." Wu Shang said expressionlessly before gazing at Aerin. "I'm not amazed with your healing capabilities, elf."

"I poisoned her earlier." Maya said. "It'll take a day for her healing to fully return.

"I see." Wu Shang uttered. "& You are…?"


Meanwhile Wind's group charged ahead, decimating all the hurdles in their path but the traps were too many. Unfortunately, there was no other way around it. Even though the energy was no longer flowing into the formations, rendering them useless; the traps were still a mechanical structure. They worked just fine and slowed down Wind's group.


By this time inside the central hub, Aerin had been stripped naked and was currently writhing on the floor in pain as Maya whipped her continuously, tearing wounds through her skin. Despite being at a higher cultivation level than Maya, Aerin was as helpless as an ordinary woman.

Maya began torturing her in numerous ways and Wu Shang calmly observed. He simply needed the information that Aerin had refused to reveal after her defeat. Wu Shang had his ways but he was afraid of causing harm to Aerin's mind. Hence, he stayed his hand and let Maya have her fun. Screams echoed in the building.

"Grab her limbs; I'm going to lop off those breasts of hers." Maya said while grinning. Four nuns proceeded to grab Aerin and pinned her down.

"Such a waste. She could be used well for dual cultivation." Wu Shang said, shaking his head.

"Oh, it's alright." Maya said without looking at him. "I'll leave her vagina intact and keep her alive. Plus, with her healing magic, she'll be able to regenerate her body parts soon. & Then, I can lop them off again hahaha!" Without a doubt, Maya was one crazy cruel bitch.

Maya climbed on Aerin and groped her huge plump breasts enviously. She then brought out two sharp metal hooks and ruthlessly pierced her big nipples.

"No!! Ahhh!" Aerin screamed as blood flowed out of her nipples. Maya smiled and then pulled on these hooks cruelly ripping out Aerin's nipples.

Screeching loud screams rang in everyone's ears as Aerin was mutilated. Maya proceeded to slap and punch her before actually chopping off Aerin's breasts entirely and tossed them away. Blood spurted out in a fountain, dyeing Aerin and Maya red. Everyone watched Aerin's miserable state emotionlessly except Qiang who was gritting his teeth in horror.

"Let her go! How can you do something this inhumane to anyone!?" Qiang shouted.

"Humph! This is just the beginning." Maya spat coldly as she stood up. Aerin was struggling between her feet in agony as blood flowed out incessantly and pain assaulted her strongly.

"How do you feel Aerin? You're no longer beautiful hahaha!" Maya shouted before taking off her pants, sliding aside her panties, crouching and then started urinating on Aerin.

"Aaaahhhh!!!" Aerin screamed until she no longer could. Maya's urine was like acid. It directly burnt down Aerin's skin, disfiguring her upper body and even melting her throat.

"Don't kill her." Wu Shang warned Maya.

"Yes, yes. Don't worry." Maya smiled at him while zipping up her pants. "She is an elf. She cannot die just yet." Saying so, she glanced at the miserable Aerin while summoning a blade from her ring and smirked evilly.

"Now about those hips of hers…" She muttered.


"What the fuck!" Wind suddenly cursed as he used ten thousand li sight to scout around him. The central hub was within sight and he could see through the walls, observing the events inside.

Swoosh!! Wind used sword dance moves to speed up and quickly left others in the dust.

Hei frowned. This was not Wind's way of doing things. Wind was always cautious and never overestimated himself. Suddenly his observational technique provided him the view of the central hub too.

"Oh, the horrors!" Hei exclaimed and chased after Wind towards the hub.

"What's going on?" Saiyu asked. "Why are they both in such a hurry and look horrified?"

"Just pick up the pace." Plant King said, not leaving the two girls behind. Since Wind and Hei went ahead, he naturally became responsible for ensuring Lan and Saiyu's safety being senior to them in cultivation.

Bam!!! A wall was blown away to smithereens as Wind leapt directly at Maya. Maya too reacted quickly.

Boom!! Blades collided and shockwaves erupted radially outwards.

"Humph! A mere Master realm warrior." Maya snarled. "You sure are strong for your level though. But how dare you interve…!"

Puchi! A golden shimmering spear was pierced into Maya's sides, inflicting mortal damage. As Wind pulled out the spear, Maya immediately retreated and healed herself while her minions surrounded her defensively.

"This brat!" Maya was thoroughly shocked at the power Wind just displayed. It was way beyond what a Master realm cultivator could release. Thanks to Perfect Body cultivation technique, Wind could draw out twice as much power at any level. He could totally fight Sage realm warriors with ease. Defeating them however…would be something uncertain.

Wind stayed silent as his energy erupted unrestrained surprising everyone in the central hub. Wind stared at Aerin whose breasts, hips and even all limbs had all been amputated! Her skin was badly burnt. She lost her voice and was barely alive.

Swoosh! Hei landed beside Wind, revealing his level 4 Sage realm cultivation. This instilled apprehension in everyone's minds. Only Wu Shang was unfazed.

"Have you lost your mind, Wu Shang?" Wind asked coldly without looking at him. He walked towards Aerin instead. No one dared obstruct him since Hei's cultivation deterred them.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Plant King, Lan and Saiyu also arrived, revealing their full cultivation.

"Level 5 Sage realm!!" Maya blurted out. She was terrified now! Two sage realm warriors plus a very troublesome boy who could catch her off-guard with ease! Odds were against her now. She could only count on Wu Shang.

"We're meeting after a year Wu Shang & the change in you is quite opposite to what I had hoped for." Wind muttered as he squatted down and jabbed at certain acupressure points on Aerin's body. Her bleeding immediately stopped and her chi calmed down.

"But skip that, have you forgotten whom you serve?" Wind asked.

Wu Shang sighed and smiled bitterly.

"My apologies." Wu Shang knelt on a knee to reveal his loyalty.

Maya and everyone else was stunned. Demon King serves a mere Master realm cultivator? Who is this boy?!

"How is Xiao? Is she here too? I miss her so much!" Wu Shang continued. Plant King squinted his eyes not liking the sound of his words. Meanwhile Maya's heart sank to rock bottom. She immediately looked for exit but paused as she noticed Plant King's eyes on her. He was obviously ready to pounce on her and kill her any moment. Maya pursed her lips anxiously.

"Plant King, could you help this elf?" Wind asked. "I've given her first-aid but this is my limit."

"I can give it a shot, but I am no doctor." Plant King said, giving Maya a warning look before walking towards Aerin. "She seemed to be poisoned. I cannot cure it without…dual cultivation." He said quickly diagnosing Aerin.

"Let me be of service. I'm still a doctor." Wu Shang said, summoning a potion from his ring. "I have just the perfect antidote for all sorts of poisons."

Wind got up and awaited Wu Shang.

"How do you know Xiao?" Plant King asked as Wu Shang came close to him and Aerin.

"I'm her lover." Wu Shang said proudly.

"He's a slave to her." Wind corrected him. "& bound to serve me too."

"…Fuck!" Wu Shang muttered while feeding the potion to Aerin. Immediately the poison in her body was curbed away. Her natural healing magic activated on its own immediately.

Blue light was emitted from Aerin's body, making everyone take a step back. Her figure was obscured as the light intensified. A few moments later, the light faded, revealing Aerin in her peak condition. Her limbs had grown back fully and her breasts too. They were huge and plump. She was currently naked and all the men around her felt an immense urge to grab her and r*pe her senseless. Wind was no exception but he along with others, retrained this urge.

"You bastards! I'll kill you all!" Aerin growled. "How dare you! How dare you!" She lashed out on Wu Shang, attacking him with her sharp nails.

Bam! Wu Shang kneed her in the gut, immediately making her vomit blood and yanked her blue hair, making her scream.

"Now, don't get ahead of yourself." Wu Shang warned. "I just saved your life. Is this how you thank your benefactor?"

"Fuck you!" Aerin cursed hatefully and then looked at Wind as though begging for help. This boy was the real benefactor who somehow made Wu Shang volunteer to heal her.

Gazing back at her, Wind smiled slightly. "Let her go and step back." Wind said coldly.

Wu Shang released Aerin immediately and stepped back.

"That must be Maurice." Wind ignored Wu Shang and glanced at the unconscious black man. "Plant King…"

"Understood." Plant King nodded and walked towards Maurice to heal him. Aerin wanted to do the same but she was still too afraid of the monsters in human skin around her. She subconsciously walked up to Wind and hid behind him.

"Demon King Wu Shang." Maya spoke at this point. "Please help us escape. There's another way of healing people except the Chaos technique. We'll go straight to the source. I promise you; you'll get everything that you want. Betray that boy and come with us." Wu Shang was her only option. She stood no chance against Wind's group otherwise.

"Fuck off." Wu Shang muttered.

"Well I'll be damned." Suddenly a familiar voice echoed. "Everyone is here?" A beautiful woman waltzed into the light revealing herself. She was wearing dark green clothes with light armor and armlets. A long sword hung by her waist. She had long black hair, tied in a bun. She wore no make-up but was exceptionally beautiful. Only Aerin surpassed her in beauty but the warrior vibe around this woman distinguished her entirely.

"Xiao?!" Almost everyone blurted out at the same time.

Shing! Xiao unsheathed her long sword staring at Maya whose heart sank to rock bottom.

"You trapped me in the goblins' lair." Xiao said to Maya. "I'll give you a taste of the horrors I experienced there."

"You harmed my Xiao?" Wu Shang growled looking at Maya.

"Shit!" Maya cursed.

Swoosh! She immediately fled.

Swoosh! Two figures leapt at her. The first to grab her was Wu Shang who kicked her down and pinned her on the floor. Xiao reached them next and directly stabbed Maya in the back, making her scream in pain and pinning her on the floor properly.

"Ahh!" Maya screamed. "Let me go or you'll all suffer miserably! You don't know who's backing me up!"

"Humph!" Xiao snorted and green light flickered on her spatial ring. Immediately several orks were summoned out. They were all Xiao's children who were thrashed thoroughly by Xiao until they submitted to her and now were willing to do her biddings.

"Beat her to death." Xiao said coldly and walked away. Wu Shang followed her closely saying love-sick things to her excitedly but Xiao ignore him completely. Meanwhile Maya's screams echoed in the background. Everyone else remained silent. Maya's subordinates dropped their weapons and surrendered. Qiang was released and he immediately tended to Maurice who had now healed completely but still needed to recover his chi.

"Master, are you alright?" Qiang asked with teary eyes.

"Yes, I'm feeling better." Maurice said & then looked at Plant King. "You have my thanks, sir."

"It's nothing." Plant King smiled before looking at Qiang deeply. Maurice too looked at Plant King & Qiang back & forth.

"They are too similar!!" Maurice shouted in his mind.

Plant King smiled at Qiang. "You are Xiao's son?"

"I am." Qiang answered. "Who are you, sir?"

Plant King smiled and patted Qiang's head. "Well undoubtedly I am your father. I'm known as Plant King."

"Father…" Qiang uttered. Finding his father had been his goal after losing Xiao. & now he had found him just like that! Not only that, even Xiao turned out to be alive and well.

"Mother you're alive!" Qiang exclaimed happily as Xiao walked closer. Everyone's eyes on the dazzling milf. They were all happy to see her.

Xiao smiled at Qiang with relief that he's safe and sound. Then Xiao looked at Plant King & her heart fluttered a bit. This was a fine gentleman she wouldn't mind courting. Then she glanced at Maurice who had taken care of Qiang all this time. She nodded at him and Maurice nodded back. Xiao walked past them all and went straight to Wind who sighed smilingly, watching her every step.

"I've missed you." They both said at the same time and Xiao with just a thought, stowed away her armor swiftly, unbuttoned her shirt, revealing much of her fair big breasts and hugged Wind tightly, stuffing his face into her deep cleavage just like old times. Wind breathed in Xiao's scent deeply & smiled, hugging her tight and caressing her back lovingly. As a matter of fact, Wind was already hard in his pants & wanted nothing but to strip Xiao naked and fuck her hard right away! But he controlled himself. He had big plans which required him to gain control of a large army, several allies and he naturally needed Blyn state and revolutionary army's forces for that reason. He needed to maintain a righteous heroic image of himself in front of everyone. This was one of the issues that plagued the nobility everywhere. They had to keep up appearances. All their vices and debauchery were done behind closed door. One could follow a frivolous leader but would they follow a mother-fucker? Wind didn't want his bad side to reach Alexia's ears just yet.

However, would Xiao care about such things? She was a bold mature warrior woman and well, also a downright nymphomaniac slut. She pulled Wind's head out of her breasts and smirked lustfully.

"You've grown more handsome and stronger since the last time I saw you." Xiao said smilingly. "Come, give mother a kiss."

Saying so Xiao kissed Wind fully on his lips and hummed into it. This was a deep and long passionate kiss that only lovers would share! Everyone's jaws dropped at this sight. They were stunned. Even though many of them were aware of Xiao's nature, they were still jaw dropped about this kiss due to envy. Not to forget that Xiao was getting heated already and rubbing Wind's crotch shamelessly. Wind broke the kiss and panted. His face was flushed and his heartbeat was rapid.

"Now this is one shameless fuckworthy milf!" Wind exclaimed in his mind as he looked at Xiao heatedly. But next his lips moved slightly as he used Whispering Travelers technique to quickly inform Xiao about his diplomatic situation with Blyn state and asked for her cooperation. Xiao bit her lower lip with regret. Then she grabbed Wind's erect penis over his pants and smirked.

"I'll have you later then." She whispered before letting Wind go. Wind was rather surprised at how much dominant & bold Xiao had become over time. The last time they were together, she was still someone whom he could slap and strip naked and make her submit with ease but now Xiao seemed to be the opposite and even more lustful than before. Experiences shape people. Xiao's character development was one of its kind.

Meanwhile Maya's screams had stopped. She had been beaten to death. Her squashed up corpse was splattered on the floor while the orks growled viciously before devouring her raw. Xiao let go of Wind and turned around. She didn't even bet an eye on dead Maya and wen towards her dear people.

"Mother!" Qiang called out as tears flowed down his cheeks & he ran towards Xiao.

"Oh, my son..!" Xiao exclaimed and hugged him tightly, stuffing his face in her soft bosom.

"Mother, you are alive and well. I'm so happy!" Qiang cried while rubbing his face on her breasts.

Xiao sighed. "Yes, I'm also so happy to finally meet you again." Xiao caressed Qiang's hair and kissed his head while planning a threesome with him and Wind later on. Then she looked at Plant King who was smiling softly. Earlier he was stumped at Xiao's kiss with Wind but he was certain there was an explanation for it. Regardless, nothing had ever wavered his unconditional love for Xiao and nothing ever would.

"…" Xiao raised her slender hand gesturing towards Plant King who came close to her. Xiao touched his face and pulling him closer for a deep kiss. As their lips met, everyone's jaws dropped again. What's with this woman!? She's kissing every good-looking man in her sight?!

"…" Wind stayed silent observing the development. He gritted his teeth and sighed. He may be the leader of most of the people here and held sway on Xiao but she was not a loyal woman. Plus, she already had a child with Plant King. She was also powerful and strong. No man alone could claim her. Not even Wind.

"Oh well." Wind uttered, letting go of his any childish emotions towards Xiao. He finally looked at her as entirely just a woman who was best for casual sex and not for developing emotions for. He was not her master so he couldn't control her sluttiness towards other men. At least not for now. Wind ignore Xiao's further passionate actions and rubbed his nose with an awkward smile as he conversed with Hei using Whispering travelers.

"Mother has a bold nature." Wind explained and sighed helplessly. He was faking it. Wasn't Wind the one who started the downfall of Xiao's character?

"I see that." Hei said awkwardly while glancing at Xiao. A subtle lustful light flickered in his eyes momentarily.

At this point, Aerin softly tugged at Wind's shirt.

"Who…who are you?" She asked. Compared to the curses she was spouting at others earlier, currently Aerin's tone was extremely delicate and cute as looked at Wind with quivering lips. This young man was her savior! Aerin could never forget how Wind had barged in with murderous intent towards those who harmed her. & She wasn't even familiar with this person.

"I'm Wind." Wind said with a smile while bringing out a white robe from his spatial ring and handed it to Aerin. "Prince of Carny, son of Xiao & Deodomus. Who are you, fair lady?"

"I'm Aerin." Aerin said, grabbing the robe and slowly putting it on. Naturally her body was exposed to Wind while she was wearing the robe. It made Wind's heart waver. Aerin was a top beauty surpassing even Xiao by a notch! But he licked his lips and didn't make any moves yet. Aerin blushed slightly before continuing to introduce herself.

"I'm an elf. The last one remaining in this mortal world." Aerin said. "I stayed behind to help humanity survive against powerful beasts. I am also one of the top elders of Order of Chaos- an organization dedicated to getting rid of beasts that may be of threat to the humanity."

"…" Wind was amazed by just this much information. He had only learnt vague things about elf race that vanished thousands of years ago, leaving nothing behind except the cursed contract technology and the foundations of strategy system. Along with dwarves and other races such as orks and dragons had also once existed but disappeared in time. But to think he'd meet an elf in real someday!

"Thank you for protecting our race." Wind said and bowed towards Aerin. "Humans didn't repay your kindness with gratitude. I'm so sorry about what happened earlier."

Aerin shook her head. "You saved me. If anything, I'm not hateful towards humanity."

"I am at your service Lady Aerin." Wind said. "& I'm thankful for your magnanimous and forgiving nature."

Aerin fanned him with a wave of her hand while smiling. She looked incredibly cute.

"You have our thanks, Wind of Carny." Maurice suddenly uttered walking towards him. He had been completely healed by Plant King's. He had also learnt of what transpired while he was unconscious.

"You may ask whatever resources you desire. Revolutionary Army will not stint on providing it to you to show our gratitude. Lady Aerin has been our valuable ally. Plus, you and your group have saved my and Qiang's lives as well."

"…Revolutionary army? …Rebel forces!" Wind exclaimed in his mind but remained stoic on the surface.

"Why would I want anything in exchange of doing what any righteous human naturally ought to do?" Wind said. "Protecting others and upholding justice is also what being a noble I'm expected of doing." He spouted heroic dialogues shamelessly.

Maurice and Aerin smiled, seeing Wind in a brighter light. Meanwhile Lan, Saiyu & Hei were also mesmerized by Wind's heroic stance and words. Only Plant King and Wu Shang could sense his hypocrisy.

Protecting the weak? Didn't Wind r*pe girls? Upholding the justice? Didn't Wind trick numerous people, commit murder and even use his own mother for dual cultivation? Righteous human?! What a joke. Plant King and Wu Shang would roll their eyes but they were currently too occupied with Xiao. Xiao had once again lost herself in the heat of the moment as she kissed Plant King passionately. Qiang when tried to utter something, Xiao opened her shirt and stuffed a breast in Qiang's mouth.

"…" Wu Shang was stunned beyond limits and paralyzed with anger, envy and awkwardness. The woman he loved was kissing another man right in front of him. Not only that, she even had another son that he didn't know of? It only took a glance at Qiang to realize that he was Xiao and Plant King's child.

"Mmm…" Xiao moaned into the kiss while Plant King caressed her back and slid his hand under Xiao's belt, grabbing her perked up hips. Meanwhile Qiang was sucking on his mother's nipple. Yin water flowed into his mouth, refreshing him with good quality of yin chi. Xiao now had water element constitution so she was now a walking source of yin water.

"Hey-hey what are you doing!" Wu Shang growled as he approached and pulled Xiao's arm, breaking her kiss with Plant King. Xiao looked at him and smirked.

"I'd show you your place but I'm in a good mood." Xiao said and kissed Wu Shang deeply, stunning him and Plant King too.

Plant King didn't give up and pulled Xiao back for a kiss again while pushing her down. Qiang was pushed away as Plant King and Wu Shang wrestled to get a hold over Xiao. Soon Xiao was lying half naked on the floor kissing the two in turn while they grabbed one breast each of hers and started fondling and squeezing, trying to outdo one another in stimulating Xiao. Her moans soon echoed aloud in the entire building.

This chapter was modified to fix some flaws.

Inkyugcreators' thoughts