

Erica witnesses the murder of her entire pack after her father refuses to hand her over to the ruthless alpha. She wants blood and she goes to the council hoping they will help her. But their leader Alpha Sev is headstrong and doesn't want to involve himself in a feud between the two packs. Not caring that she is his mate. The elders decide to force them together hoping to show his gentler side but the only way she will agree is if he will help her own plan in return. They decide to attack him only to uncover something much bigger: a trafficking ring that he is involved in. Once he is down it isn't over as they must bring down the entire organization. Which is spearheaded by Council member Fay. In their journey, they expose the corruption within the council and find love in each other. Once it is all done a new council is established with the leaders being the trustworthy friends they encountered on the way.

DaoistEmeCER · Teen
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


The room fell into silence soon after that. She felt him loosen his grip on her  as she moved to the edge of the bed. She didn't regret what she had said to him.  He had been nothing but coy towards her since they had met with each other and she felt as though she was allowing her people to drift off. She knew that she had to focus on her own priority. She had to worry about her need for revenge. She had no  time to worry about this man that seemed to be taking over her very thoughts.

If her family were to see her now they would be somewhat disappointed to see exactly what had become of her. 

The next morning when she woke up it was to the sound of shuffling coming from the other side of the tent. She groaned as she sat up slowly on the bed. She turned to find Sev standing there with his bare chest and her eyes widened at the sight as she felt her throat dry up.

Her eyes ran over his tattooed arm and his sculpted chest. She felt her eyes linger over the very sight of him as she sucked on a deep breath. "You can stop looking at me." She heard him say. He hadn't caught her eye as he  turned to give her his broad back.

She filed as she tried to clear her head but she watched as he flexed his muscles.  A part of her felt as though he had been doing it on purpose just to rile her up.

"I wasn't looking". She muttered as she got off the bed. She heard him let out a low hum but it was clear that he wasn't the least bit convinced by her words.

"They will bring in a tub for bathing." He announced it to her. She gulped before nodding her head at him. She watched as he slowly turned towards her as he ran his eyes over her. He moved his hand towards the west band of his trousers as he smirked towards her.

"There is only one, which means that we are going to have to share." He said to her. He watched as she raised an eyebrow at him in response as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What game are you playing at. Actually scratch that . What is all of this? Is this your way of trying to punish me or something? What have I done?". She said to him in a hissing tone.

She watched as he hummed at her in response before he took slow steps towards her. He came to a stop directly in front of her as he took a hold of her chin and tilted her head up to look at him.

"For someone who doesn't want to be weak you seem to be very vulnerable around me." he  chuckled. She didn't know what this side was. She knew he was toying with her but she didn't appreciate it.

She  gulped as she sucked in a  deep breath before she took a shaky step away from him. Her eyes narrowed slightly at his words as she let out a sigh from her lips.

"Yes, well you make it hard when you seem to be doing everything that you possibly can to rile me up." She said to him in a hissing tone. He didn't answer her immediately as he only shrugged his shoulders at her in response but he made no attempt to deny her words.

They were both pulled out their thoughts when they heard someone clear their throat from the  entrance. The flap was pulled back as two women brought in a tub of water.

She watched as their gazes lingered in him and she couldn't help but growl lightly as she flashed her teeth at them.

She watched as they widened their eyes for a moment before they scurried away making their way outside. She couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in her that she had been able to shrug them off.

"Well, I see that someone is jealous." He said to her and she could sense the amusement that was clear in his tone. She watched in one swift motion as he pulled down his trousers.

For a moment her eyes flickered towards the large thick rod that hung between his legs. She was quick to look away as a blush formed on her cheeks.

"Why so shy. I am sure that soon enough we are going to have to do this. After all I don't think that Fay or the loon goddess will allow us to stay like this". He said to her and she couldn't help but gulp as she furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean? How?" She asked him.

She watched as he stepped into the tub as he positioned himself into it. He sighed as his muscles relaxed. "Well. Soon enough you are going to go into heat since I have marked you and you will be even more desperate for me than you are now." he said to her in a matter of fact tone.

She gulped at his words, shaking her head. She had heard of that. It was something that  the moon goddess put in place in order for wolves to complete the mating  process with one another but something told her that she could handle it. She knew that he was most likely pulling her leg and it wasn't as bad as he made it seem to be.

"I am sure that I can handle it. I know that you're only making it seem worse." She said to him as she narrowed her eyes on him. She watched as he chuckled before shaking his head at her.

"Yes I am certain you can handle the feeling of fire coursing through your body. You have no idea what you are in for." He said as he sat up in the water.

"Now be a good girl and bathe me."