

Erica witnesses the murder of her entire pack after her father refuses to hand her over to the ruthless alpha. She wants blood and she goes to the council hoping they will help her. But their leader Alpha Sev is headstrong and doesn't want to involve himself in a feud between the two packs. Not caring that she is his mate. The elders decide to force them together hoping to show his gentler side but the only way she will agree is if he will help her own plan in return. They decide to attack him only to uncover something much bigger: a trafficking ring that he is involved in. Once he is down it isn't over as they must bring down the entire organization. Which is spearheaded by Council member Fay. In their journey, they expose the corruption within the council and find love in each other. Once it is all done a new council is established with the leaders being the trustworthy friends they encountered on the way.

DaoistEmeCER · Teen
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


She should have said that she was surprised by his revelation but the truth was that she truly wasn't. She knew that he was callous and from the way that he interacted with her, she was also aware of the fact that he held no forms of empathy towards her.

But she didn't know that it would extend to others as well. She knew that they were stuck with each other living this facade for now but she wanted it to be over soon so that she wouldn't have to see him again.

"Don't look at me with that stare of disapproval. You should know that I am no saint. I have never been and I never will be. I didn't ask for this." He said to her as he tried to defend himself. But she saw right through his mirage.

"So what was the point of the council? You all spoke about how you pride yourself on being the people who are there for others. Who will be there to lift the ones who are seen and yet you continue to do nothing? If you aren't doing it to help people then why are you doing it? Why are you doing any of this at all?" She said to him.

She watched as he took a step further into the room and she knew that he hoped to use his steps in order to intimidate her but she wasn't about to let him get to her. She looked him down, staring at him with a raised eyebrow as she tilted her head.

"I have my own reasons. And it doesn't involve getting myself or my pack into trouble. My duty is to my pack. You are simply an inconvenience that has been thrown at me." He said to her.

She shook her head as she closed the distance between them. She wasn't about to let him see that she was bothered by his words. She was going to remain firm.

She pressed her finger against his chest as she watched him stiffen. Slowly his gaze traveled towards her finger that she pressed against his chest and for a moment what appeared to be a look of amusement passed through his features.

"You are wrong. You were chosen in order to be a representative of the werewolf community. You were supposed to be a prime example for others to follow. They chose you because you were supposed to be the best of us so that you would be treated like a king but you have been anything but that. You have continued to show us over and over again that you are weak and that you only care about yourself". She hissed.

She pushed him back daring him to say something back but he remained still and that only served to aggravate her further. She was tired of him not fighting back and it angered her that he knew she was right and he wasn't denying it.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Why won't you fight back? You are a coward". She said to him and she watched as his eyes flashed yellow.

"Alpha?" She asked shakily as she felt her body freezes as she tried to move her hand away but he only tightened his grip on her as he sent her a light smirk.

"Hello, little mate". He said to her in a whisper and she realized that it was his wolf that was speaking. She gulped as she felt her throat dry up. She didn't know what to expect from his wolf. Wolves were often unpredictable and she didn't know what to expect from him.

"Why are you quiet all of a sudden? Why don't you tell me again how callous and cruel I am". He said to her and it clicked in her head that he was mocking her.

She felt her jaw clench as she yanked her hand away from him. "Yes you are and just because you are in your wolf's eyes doesn't mean that I will be any more afraid of you. I see through you. You refuse to help those that are in need yet you say that you are here for your people." She said to him.

"And yet you were willing to come to me for help. You weren't afraid to jump into my arms at the thought of having me help you," he said to her and she narrowed her eyes as she realized that he was trying to turn it around on her.

"Don't make me seem like the bad guy. I am the only one who is trying to help people here." she hissed.

"And yet the moon goddess chose me as your mate maybe she saw that we aren't that different and that maybe we are one and the same." He said to her with a grin.

"I will never be like you," she said and she widened her eyes when he pulled her close to him. She felt her breathing pick up and her eyes dilated as he pressed her body against his own. She tried not to be affected by his touch but she couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up.

"Your mouth says one thing but I can smell your arousal from here. Be careful, I wouldn't want you to think that you are just as callous and selfish as me. After all it was your refusal to marry that got your people killed". He egged.

And that was when she felt something deep inside of her snap. She couldn't believe that he was blaming her for what happened to her pack. Without warning she raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

"I hate you." She yelled. He let out a loud growl in response as he pressed her against his body. Without warning he crashed his lips onto hers causing her to moan loudly.

She felt fireworks explode on her skin as he slowly pulled away after a minute.

"Are you sure you still hate me?" He asked with a smirk.