

Erica witnesses the murder of her entire pack after her father refuses to hand her over to the ruthless alpha. She wants blood and she goes to the council hoping they will help her. But their leader Alpha Sev is headstrong and doesn't want to involve himself in a feud between the two packs. Not caring that she is his mate. The elders decide to force them together hoping to show his gentler side but the only way she will agree is if he will help her own plan in return. They decide to attack him only to uncover something much bigger: a trafficking ring that he is involved in. Once he is down it isn't over as they must bring down the entire organization. Which is spearheaded by Council member Fay. In their journey, they expose the corruption within the council and find love in each other. Once it is all done a new council is established with the leaders being the trustworthy friends they encountered on the way.

DaoistEmeCER · Teen
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49 Chs


The whole room froze as they all seemed to stop their movements as they turned towards her. The Alpha looked towards her with a passive look on his face as he raised an eyebrow before burrowing his face into the neck of the girl on his lap.

She couldn't ignore the sharp pang she felt in her chest at the sight of this. She sucked in a deep breath as she felt her eyes water. "Hey come on." She heard the beta whisper and she let out the breath she was holding as she turned towards him.

She was glad to have him here as he helped her to distract her even if it were for a moment from what was unfolding in front of her.

"Well what are you all looking for? The party continues". He said to the audience drunkenly. Her heart ached at the sheer mockery that was in his tone as she felt her body tremble.

"She is your new Luna. But that doesn't mean that you will have to entertain her. I surely will not". He said snidely.

She felt her throat dry up as she shook her head before turning to look away. She made her way to the opposite side of the bonfire before sitting down. She let out a sigh of relief from her lips as she tried to distract herself by staring into the flames.

She wasn't here for a leisurely time. She was here simply because she wanted his help so that she would be able to avenge her people. She had to stay focused on the task that was on hand.

"I am sorry. He isn't usually like this". He said to her but she wasn't listening. Instead, she nodded her head at him in response.

She could feel the gaze of the alpha trailing on her. She didn't want to show him her initial discomfort but she felt something inside of her snap. "Do you know that I am going to sit here idle as he makes a mockery of me?" She said with a smirk.

She noticed the look of sheer worry that was on his face as he shook his head at her and he wanted to try and stop her. But she wasn't about to stop now.

She made her way to the front of the flames as everyone turned to look at her with curiosity on their faces.

She watched the Alpha tense up and this caused her to smirk as she reveled in the reaction that she had gotten out of him.

"I know that your alpha is a very loyal and reasonable man and that was why he invited me out here to speak. I am here because my people were attacked and brutally murdered. He had agreed to show his kindness to me and my fallen people by helping me put a stop to those responsible. I couldn't think of how to thank him anymore.`` She said as the room fell into silence.

She watched as he slowly stood up from his chair as the others began to whisper around them. She knew that what she had done was pushing the limits but she had to show him that she wasn't one to be taken lightly. That she meant business as well.

He came to stand in front of her and she could feel the energy radiating off him from miles away. He sent her a deep glare as she felt

Her body tensed up.

"Is what she says true alpha?" One of the elders asked and she raised a challenging eyebrow as she dared him to refute her statement. She knew that it would discredit him and that was the last thing that he would want.

"She speaks the truth." He said calmly.

"But why would you agree to this? We don't involve ourselves in the matters that concern lesser packs. This is your own word. So why do you go back on it now?" She heard the man ask.

"Mak I implore that you don't question my judgment next time. We all know that the vampires are looking to us as the weaker species. We need to show them that we are strong and that we are an unwavering united force. We can't allow insignificant squabbles to fester." He said and she couldn't help but blush lightly at his words.

She had expected him to defend her but at least now she knew that he would keep to his word.

"You may be comfortable now but don't allow yourself to stay that way for long". He threatened her in the head.

She gulped as she nodded her head at him in response. He pulled back swaying from her slowly as she could feel the way that his gaze was fixated on her. She felt her body shiver as she tried to get his eyes off her.

She made her way back to her spot on the log and watched as the ceremony continued. She could hear the others laughing around her and she had to admit that she did admire the sense of unity that she found running through the pack lands.

But she couldn't miss the fact that he didn't move his gaze from her. As the sun began to fall they settled in to have their meal which consisted of a bore that they had skinned. She only nibbled at a piece that the beta offered her as she was preoccupied with the unwavering gaze of the Alpha that she felt on her constantly.

She eventually found herself unable to contain it as she stood up and made her way back to her tent. She sucked back in a deep breath as she lay her head to rest on her mattress. She was ready for this day to be over.

As she was about to drift off to sleep she heard a knock on her tent door and made her way to her bed. She found the Alpha standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Be careful who you try to stand off against. Next time it might just cost you your head." He warnes