
Revenge of the hybrid witch

In a world filled with magic, very little is deemed impossible. One should be willing to read the white between the black. For it is there, that the deadliest of secrets lay. More often than not events of the past tend to intertwine with those of present and future. Morgan is your average teenager. She had loving parents, good grades, a best friend anyone would kill for and a sure entry into the university of her dreams. Life was at its finest until the arrival of someone she barely remembered turned her world topsy turvy. Overnight she is plunged into the world that was only supposed to exist in fairytale and Lore. And as if that wasn't enough a storm is coming as buried secrets are uncovered and blood feuds as old as time are rekindled.

BabY_MikealsoN · Fantasy
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15 Chs



After I left her in Lucia's care, I proceeded to interrogate him. Daniel explained that he had found her close to the the eastern border and that she was being chased down by rabbid dogs. I thanked him and tried to convince myself that war wasn't the way to go.

But everything in me was telling me it was. He had kidnapped my mate, tortured her and attempted to have her killed. What was she doing, if I didn't know better I'd say she was working against me. I should have guessed he'd hide her somewhere my soldiers wouldn't look when they went to search for her if it came to that, then I'd have to turn her to save her.

Cassy grabbed my hand and led us to an empty room. "Listen to me Kai, I'm going to tell you something and you cannot tell a soul not even Morgan when she wakes up do you hear me?" She asked in that motherly authority tone she used to used on me when I wss little. I nodded play dumb, it'll get you more information.

"Morgan, she's not human at all so she will survive it just that the seal on her prevents her from healing like a supernatural would, the day I found her I-" she was interrupted by the opening of a portal and the appearance of the same mystery man.

"Why are you in a hospital room?" He asked her and for the first time in my life I saw Cassandra Cain tongue tied. He waited for an answer when his eyes hinted at realization and narrowed. He walked passed us and straight into the room morgan was.

We followed him and I immediately regretted it. The room was heavy and hard to breathe in, he turned to us and his eyes were pitch black. "Who?" He spoke in a voice that commanded respect. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt in all my centuries of being alive.

"She was kidnapped by Demetre, he tortured her and attempted to have her killed," I tired my best to speak. The authority coming from him was unbearable he walked to me and grabbed me by the neck, "and where were you when she was taken?" I took his hand in an effort to loosen his grip. "I had left her in the room to get her food when she woke up from the coma."

He let go and looked at Cassy, "this means war; I will wipe out the entire species, man woman and child,"

"Please don't, let me handle it. Calm down Giordano." A feral growl came from him as if he was not terrifying enough. "Fine."

In the next second the room was back to normal. I did a double take when I realized what name she said. I looked at her and she nodded.

I couldn't believe it, he was dead. That's what the history books had said but how? How was Giordano VetsMata, the first and only VetsMati king alive?

It had been a week since she woke up. I was surprised she came to that early. The only thing was she didn't speak or acknowledge anyone's presence. Not mine, or Cassy hell not even Mia and the girls when they came over.

Everyone told me it was trauma and that she just needed time but I couldn't help but think otherwise. I had sent Drake and Daniel to her house. Luckily they went undetected. All they came back with were the false adoption papers and a locket. I was brushing her hair when I looked at the locket again, like really looked at it and my breath caught in my throat. I had known she was from a powerful bloodline but this, it was the mother of all surprises. It was well hidden, the design barely visible but once you did see it you'd have to be a fool not to recognize that symbol.

I kissed her and went off to find Cassie. As expected I found her in her workshop and immediately showed her the locket. She seemed to recognize it on first glance "why does she have this?" I asked, she knew as well as I that she couldn't hide the truth for much longer and so she spilled her guts. Everything, she told me everything and I was left in complete and utter shock.

That was, it was supposed to be impossible.