
Revenge of the Exiled Young Master

Hey you, yes you! Are you tired of getting harrassed by young master? Are you tired of being told that you're courting death? If so, I have exactly the solution for you. Why not just become a young master? Then you can be the one dishing it out instead of taking it. Yep this is what the story is about.

Warsol · Eastern
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15 Chs

Courting Death

The young master walked across the room ignoring the bystanders and the Black Dog disciples as if they were less then insects to him.

"Here's the usual, lad."

The old man slid a bowl of pork porridge across the counter into the young master's hands.

"Hmm~~~ with extra pork greaves topping eh? How generous, have you finally accepted the offer to become the chef of my estate after all? Your talent for food is wasted serving these wretched lowlives you know."

The old man chuckled.

"This ol' bag of bones ain't gonna survive one day in such snobby place, lad. I prefer this place, as wretched as it might be, this suits me just fine. Plus, someone gotta feed the youngins here."

The young master let out a long sigh, yet his face showed no sign of surprise. Perhaps he had asked this question plenty times before, and the answers were always the same. He then grabbed a silver spoon from inside of his cloak, preparing to dig in.

"Hey, have you two finished with your little play?"

Chen's face now turned beet red, multiple veins could be seen on his half-bald head. Much to the amusement of his companion, Bai Lin could barely hold in her chuckles. Then, without notice, Chen's slammed his giant hand downward, breaking the table in half. To his surprise, the young master had disappeared. He turned his head around rapidly, searching for a sign of the young master. Then he felt a scald dripping on his forehead. What met his gaze when he looked up was the sight of the young master sitting comfortably on the ceiling joist, enjoying his porridge, some of it had dripped down on Chen's head.

With his rage reaching a zenith, Chen let out a deafening roar before throwing his iron ball upward, smashing a big hole in the ceiling. But yet again, the young master had disappeared, now standing behind the huffing giant. He took his last sip of the porridge, then put the bowl back on the counter.

Upon noticing him, Chen lunged forward at max speed, he was sure the attack would reach the young master this time, only to then be met with a bricked wall. His forehead was now bleeding due to the sudden impact. With a hand holding his damaged head, Chen shouted furiously.

"Don't think this is the end of it, we of the Black Dog Sect are many. An insult to one is an insult to the pack, we will hunt you down to the end of the earth. Who do you think you are?"


The Young Master responded, for the first time since he entered the restaurant, with a tint of disdain in his voice.

"Does an elephant care about the grass it trampled on? Does the rain care about the ants it swept away? No, of course, because such things are insignificant to them"

"Although, you mongrel are even lower than grass, more like termite, to be exact."

The Young Master let out a small smirk. He then pointed at the pattern on his garb.

"But I reckon at least your lady companion over there can recognize this symbol."

An unfamiliar expression quickly befell Chen and Bai Lin's faces. They recognized that symbol, an eye with a star inside. That was the symbol of the Heaven Gazer Sect, one of the Great Nine Sect of the three kingdoms. The two quickly exchanged eye contact, as if to communicate something. Then, Bai Lin spoke.

"Oh my, I didn't know we would run into people from the Heaven Gazer Sect here, much less the young master himself."

She said with a cheery demeanor, in sharp contrast with the strange expression she was showing earlier.

"Although... I wonder, why are you strolling around this part of town at time like this? If my memory serves me right, the Heaven Gazer Sect is currently holding a 7 days memorial event for the last head of the clan right~~?"

"What the Young Master does is none of your business, everyone can grief in their own way"

The young master's aide interrupted, with irritation in her voice.

"Right~~. By the way, do you know what other anniversary is happening today? The 2 years since Mount Tai Massacre."

Bai Lin said, with a taunting voice.

"Don't try it"

The aide put a hand on her shoulder strap

"Oh, I remember it now, the patriarch of the Heaven Gazer Sect perished that day. The same fate befell the Heavenly Demon Sect's matriarch and her consort. Not to mention, half of Steel Meridian Sect got wiped out, while the Shaolin Sect..."


A sound like thunder exploded from the aide's location. a smoking trail eminated from the tip of her weapon. The thing strapped on her back revealed itself to be a steel rifle, akin to a musket. The shot went right above Bai Lin's right ear, grazing the side of her head.

"Pffft, bwahahahaha, did you think that pea-shooter can hurt us cultiv..."

Chen's hysterical laughter came to a sudden stop when he noticed a crimson stream running down Bai Lin's cheek.

"... Spirit stone bullet, and of high quality too. The Heaven Gazer Sect is even wealthier than the rumor said it seems."

Bai Lin explained calmly, the near death experience didn't even faze her.

"You mongrels attacked the young master, and now you dared have the gall to lecture us on history? Next time you open your filthy mouth, it will be in the middle of your forehead"

"Xiao Mei"

The young master raised his hand slightly. Even with no instruction, Xiao Mei immediately lowered her weapon. She had been serving the young master long enough to know that gesture means he wants to handle something personally.

"My apology young master, it seems I was too hot headed again"

Xiao Mei fell back behind the young master.

"I must give you lots an applause. It seems the ragtag bunch of scums you called a Sect does have someone of intelligence after all."

He said, with visible mocking in his tone.

"But where my old man went to die is none of your or my concern. The future of our sect is promptly secured in my capable hands"

"Is that so? I guess it was too nosy of me, my humblest apology."

"But I must say, "secured" isn't a word I would use to describe the future of your sect fufu.."

She continued

"What happened 2 years ago shook our realm to the very core. The established order is now nothing more than warm lies the elders keep telling themselves. Our newly formed Black Dog Sect is just one of the many new challengers who have risen to claim this new era."

Her face distorted into an almost euphoric expression.

"But... our first prey will be the Heavenly Demon Sect. We intend to remain courteous with your Heaven Gazer Sect... for now."

"I'll take that into consideration. But remember this well, if you ever dare turn your blades against our sect. I, Liu Zheng Fei, young master of the Haven Gazer Sect, will ground you lots into pig mash"

"Fufufu... we'll see"

Bai Lin then held the injured Zhang Chen by his back, who could now barely walk with the wound on his head. Despite their differences in stature, she easily supported his massive frame without flinching. Before leaving, she turned toward Zheng Fei for one last remark.

"Oh, and one more thing, we might be just a bunch of street dogs banding together, but our bonds are thicker than blood. Can you say the same about your sect, young master?"

An uncharacteristic twitching appeared on the ever confident young master's face.

"I guess that struck a nerve fufu... good bye~~"

A sadistic grin flashed on Bai Lin's face. The two Black Dog disciples then disappeared into the crowded backstreets.

The young master stood motionless for a few seconds, his expression quickly snapped back to normal. He then noticed the coolie boy lying on floor, with his arm still broken.

"Xiao Mei, give the old man one of your bullet."

Xiao Mei swiftly picked out a shiny spirit stone in her pouch and handed it to the old owner. A surprised and grateful expression could be seen on his wrinkled face.

"That should be enough to treat this rat's injury and fix your store. Don't get me wrong, I would hate it if I can't enjoy such delicious porridge again"

"Tha... Thank you, brave hero"

The kid stood up and tried to make a bow with his non broken arm.

The young master didn't answer, he only turned toward the front door.

"Xiao Mei, it's time to go home."

"Yes, young master."

She strapped the musket to her back, ready to depart. The two then vanished into the stream of people.