
The path of life

They say demons are cruel but that's just an opinion. The truth is, humans are the most cruelest beings, especially the higher ups. The nobles make the lower ranks fight for them while they hide in their castles. They force young children to wield swords. They forced me with the title of "Hero'. They forced me to kill, and if I didn't they would whip me till I bled. I grew up hating the nobility as I watched them kill my family and friends, and they claimed that the demons did it and that I needed to finish them soon.

I was fourteen when I made the deal with the Demon Emperor. We both were on the Verge of death, both of us in our own pool of blood.

"I don't want to kill you, I just want to kill those worthless nobles. The one's that killed the people I loved and cared about. So do me a favor and bring me the head of the former Demon king." I said as I struggled to get up on my feet.

"What If I don't want to" she says, doing the same as me.

"Then I won't help you defeat the human nation" I say as I start to heal both her and myself." Besides once I go back to the kingdom they'll see me as a threat and try to kill me, or they might say I'm the new Demon Emperor"

"Why do you hate your own kin" She asked, as she move closer.

" Do you really think I wanted to be 'The Hero'"

"You've been abused, haven't you"

"Teach me on how to rule over people, or to be the Demon king"

" Fine I'll teach you but you have to become one of my generals in the demon army" She says throwing the head of the former king." Take it but you better come back".

" Of course I will" I say walking out of the demon castle.

It went as I thought it would. When I reached the kingdom of Henroya they praised me than the Holy Church began to spread lies saying that I was corrupted, they all wanted to kill me.Of course I kept my promise, running back to the demonic lands where I asked Siva, the Demon Emperor to change my appearance.

"What the heck! You made me into something I despise" I shouted as I looked in one of the reflective pillars.

Once a boy with dark moppy hair, now a boy with white hair and blue eyes, much like a prince.

" Your part of the Demon family and since you want to learn at least look like your part of the royal family, of the Demon kingdom."Siva says as she hands me a pair of clothes.

Four years have passed....

I'm eighteen and I've lived with the Demons whom I got to know and make friends with. They all respect me not because I was a general but because I didn't behead the Queen. I noticed that she always tried to flirt with me when we were alone. She gave me a pentagram mark on my left hand which disappeared as soon as she cast it.

My name is Nicholas Whitestone, My former name was Edmund Millers but that was when I was the kingdoms puppet. The so called 'Hero'.

Four years being in the demonic lands and you can see who is truly evil. The demons are kind and keep to themselves but the humans, they attack us they feared us because we had the powers of the goddesses, they want these powers to themselves.

I have lead many of the first order to protect the border lands. Although many demon tribes are cautious of me for being human, they welcome me for protecting them.My name spread throughout the Demon Nation. Nicholas, The black wolf, cause I had a cloak of a huge wolf fur.

The human nations haven't heard my name yet nor will they ever. Even though I'm a general the demons call me 'My lord, His Majesty, Overlord, My king' Which wasn't my title but since I was close to Silva It was said that I was with her.She didn't seem to mind so I was a ruler over the demon territories.

( So I messed up a bit and I redid the chapter but I made sure to keep the same stuff.)