
Revenge Of The Cannon Fodder Villainess

Valentina Salazar transmigrated into a novel with a weak-bodied villainess character with the same name. Somehow she ended up with a system and has been ordered to make it to the top of the entertainment world if she wants to make it back home. Follow Valentina as she continues to cough up blood as she becomes a worthy actor, acquires different skills, gets revenge against her villainous sister and family, and eventually falls in love and even gets a bonus son.

Summer_Daze · Urban
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143 Chs

Meeting the Psychiatrist

Kaiser Grayson spent the majority of the night reading the file about Valentina Salazar. Although more information was being uncovered, the few details he knew made him feel sorry for the girl and also admire her resilience.

Someone who was born into an aristocratic family and was exchanged at birth and raised as a commoner. She was sickly with an unexplained illness and ostracized by the poor family who raised her. Despite difficulties, she succeeded in becoming one of the top students in the country and was accepted on a full academic scholarship to the School of the Arts abroad at Harvard.

After coming back, she strived to enter the entertainment industry and kept hitting setbacks. The industry rumors were that despite her beauty, she was gloomy, unsociable, couldn't interact with others, and tried to abuse personal connections. The woman he had met was the complete opposite. He had seen all sorts of expression on her from her quietness to the care she showed his son, the teasing look she sometimes had, and the guarded look she always showed him.

When he went to wake her, he heard the sound of cursing as well as something heavy being dragged.

When she opened the door out of breath, he had to agree with the public opinion that she was gorgeous. Sleepy green eyes stared at him through long lashes. Her dark curly hair was loose and fell all around in a tousled look. Her pink pajamas were too big and weren't buttoned properly so her slender collarbone was exposed. As she leaned against the door, he almost felt like she was trying to seduce him.

Seeing her yawn and the slight dark circles under her eyes, he immediately felt bad. He handed her the clothing he had requested due to hearing about her injuries and seeing her reject it, he decided to tease her about the nightstand. Seeing her blush and slam the door shut on him, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Kaiser went to meet the psychiatrist Dr. Howard and explained to him everything that happened yesterday.

Dr. Howard held his chin in thought before responding.

"Kaiser, based on what you're saying, I think that Luca has temporarily formed an attachment to this Miss Salazar. It was a combination of Luca being in distress, feeling the absence of a mother, and having somebody rescue him from the distress with the position of somebody he misses. Add in Miss Salazar's disposition of willingness to initiate physical contact and that might be what is contributing to his unwillingness to separate from her. How was his behavior this morning?"

"He threw a tantrum until we told him he would wake Miss Valentina. Then he settled down and properly prepared himself as ordered." Kaiser responded in frustration.

Leo Howard didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Rather than the son receiving therapy, maybe the father should receive therapy instead? Due to his strict upbringing and time in the military, he didn't seem to understand that children needed more than their physical needs met. Still, he planned on continuing to observe everything this morning without drawing conclusions.

Kaiser led the doctor to the dining room and took his seat. Both Roman and Luca were already there. He turned to look at Luca and said sternly, "You must behave and not bother Miss Valentina. She is busy and had to stay here because you refused to be good so be polite and thankful got it?"

Luca briefly glanced at Kaiser before glancing away and staring at the entranceway.

Soon, Valentina came down. She was dressed in the clothes he had given her. Her eyes narrowed when she heard Roman refer to her as Miss Salazar and she glared at him before turning away and sitting next to Luca.

Seeing her sit next to Luca and smiling sweetly at him, he marveled at the difference in treatment.

Breakfast was an interesting affair. Valentina catered to Luca, piling his plate up with eggs, sausage, and croissants while she barely ate and Roman chattered away. Both he and Dr. Howard quietly ate and observed.

Once breakfast was done. He kicked the unwilling Roman out and led Valentina, Luca, and Dr. Howard to a private room.

As they all took their seats, Luca next to Valentina of course, Dr. Howard began.

"Miss Valentina, thank you for taking the time to be here."

"Of course. I'm assuming you have some questions to ask me regarding yesterday?" Valentina replied while looking at him curiously.

"No, I've heard the details already. I just wanted to talk to Luca while you're here since he feels comfortable with you. Is that okay with you?" Dr. Howard asked. When Valentina looked at him, she noticed he had a much gentler aura as he looked at her.

"Of course!" Valentina replied. She had already agreed yesterday since it was something the child needed.


The consultation finished in about an hour. Valentina simply sat there while the psychiatrist asked Luca a bunch of questions about yesterday and his actions. Throughout the whole session, Luca clutched her hand and refused to let go causing Valentina's heart to hurt for the child.

When they were finished, Valentina gave Luca one final hug as a maid came to take him for his afternoon nap.

As the child hugged her tightly, Valentina gently patted his back before letting him go. As he was led away, he kept turning back to wave at her and she continued waving back until he was out of sight.

A little sad at leaving the little nugget, Valentina turned to Kaiser and said, "Mr. Grayson, I've held up my portion of the bargain. I will head home now. Thank you for your hospitality."

Kaiser gazed at her then said, "Are you sure you don't want the doctor to come take a closer look at your injury today?"

Valentina shook her head rapidly, Big Boss, please let me go home.

"Okay. I'll have a driver take you home." Before she could protest, he continued, "Unfortunately, the estate doesn't allow taxis inside."

"Then…I'll gratefully accept your offer. Thank you for dinner and clothes." She bowed her head gratefully.

"Thank you for finding and protecting my son." Kaiser bowed his head in response.

And just like that the two separated. Valentina vowed to never be involved with him again.