
Family Drama (8)

After being forced to drink the disgusting liquid in the name of health, Valentina calmly held Luca while waiting for the doctor to come and discharge her.

Roman was currently being forced to kneel down by Kaiser and she and Luca were having a conversation that was honestly giving her a headache. Her usually sweet nugget was actually arguing back with her!

"Luca, not Mom say Auntie."

"It's Mom!" the green-eyed boy vehemently shook his head, his stubborn face looking just like Kaiser's as he frowned.

"Not Mom, it's Auntie Val." Valentina softly corrected him.

"It's Mom!"

Valentina: "..."

"You were saying auntie before. Why the sudden change little nugget?"

"They said it on TV. If a boy and a girl live together they're married and become mom and dad. Since dad is dad, you're Mom. I have a mom!"

"Luca, your father and I are not married. Say, Auntie, not Mom."


Watching the boy's excitement, Valentina hid her anxiety and sent a pleading glance Kaiser's way.

"Shall I help you out?" Kaiser asked her with a smug smile.


Laughing to himself, Kaiser called out, "Luca come here."

"No." without even giving him the time of day, Luca directly buried himself into Valentina's arms, hiding his face.

Unphased, Kaiser came and picked him up, "It's about your mom. Let's have a talk man to man."

"Mom?" Luca immediately perked up and wrapped his arms around Kaiser's neck.

As the two of them glanced at her looking very identical, Valentina wished she had a camera to take a picture of it.


3 sets of eyes turned to look at Roman who had taken out his phone and had taken a photo. His gaze spun between the three of them before he rapidly began typing.

"Delete it." Kaiser coldly ordered.

"It's too late, I've already sent it to our parents," Roman screamed while ducking and covering his head, his butt sticking up in the air.

Kaiser: "..."

Valentina: "..."

Luca: "..."

How embarrassing. Where was his dignity?

"I'll get you later Roman. Valentina, I'll be back."

As Kaiser walked out and shut the door and began speaking to Luca, Valentina craned her head to hear what they were saying. Before she could say anything, Roman hopped up and got in her face.

"Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!"

"It's Valentina." she angrily corrected. it was bad enough that Luca was doing it, but she would directly beat Roman up if he continued this nonsense.

Hearing her angry tone, Roman shrunk his head a bit before shrugging and continuing.

"Sister-in-law, guess what?"

"...What?" Valentina unwillingly replied.

"Did you know? Your sister is quite a character." Roman whistled as he scrolled through his phone.

"Why do you say that?"

"Take a look and see."

Roman held his phone out to her and she grabbed it before taking a look. It was a post Aaliyah had made a couple of hours ago. In the slide of photos, there was her hospital band, then a table with flowers and get-well cards, then another photo of her leg in a boot while she posed on crutches. The caption stated:

- Conflict at the opening premier. I guess life is imitating art. Women should support other women! Thank you to all those who came to check up on me. Hoping for a smooth time filming with no more incidents once I'm healed. Sorry to the director, cast mates, and crew for the delay. #Imokay #itsalllove #agirlsgirl

Additionally, in her story, Elena Piero reposted the post as well as added a cleverly cut clip of Aaliyah fainting and falling down the stairs with the hashtag: #truth #pooraaliyah #ftbv

Seeing what she had posted, Valentina didn't know if she should applaud Aaliyah for using her head or go and beat her up for trying to get ahead of the story and gain public sympathy. Although she hadn't called her out by name, in the film Valentina bullied Aaliyah's character and now she was insinuating that Valentina was bullying her in real life as well.

Sighing to herself, she handed the phone back to Roman. 

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Roman asked her curiously as he continued typing on his phone.

"I'll just let it be. As long as I still have my role it's fine. I'm sure it's not the first time something like this has happened nor the last." If she came out now with a post, it would look like she was making excuses and just trying to defend herself. 

The amount of fans that she had and the amount of fans that Aaliyah had couldn't be compared. She wasn't interested in sparking outrage, and she was sure she was being abused to high heaven under her post. Any goodwill she had earned from being in the Fallen Angels video was probably going down the drain.

"…Are you sure?" Roman asked her cautiously.

"It is what it is. Anyway, what happened after I fainted? I didn't have a chance to ask Kaiser."

"Of course you didn't. Were you having a touching romantic moment? Planning on giving me another nephew or niece?" Roman asked her slyly.

At her fierce expression, he gulped before hurriedly responding. "My brother handled it. He blasted Aaliyah for pushing you and scolded the director for incompetently managing his cast while demanding an explanation. Although I knew he wanted to make everyone kneel and beg for mercy, he personally carried you to the hospital. Before anyone knew what was going on, the place was cleaned down and everyone was sent home by security. Aren't you impressed with my brother sister-in-law?" Roman excitedly asked. 

Seeing him look like an excited golden retriever, Valentina wanted to hold her hand out for him to shake, but as his words sank in, she looked at him incredulously.

"…He did what to the director?"

 "Ah don't worry your role is safe and it's not like my brother threatened to kill him if he didn't get a proper response ahaha. Although with the way your sister is acting somebody might actually die….." Roman trailed off and mumbled the last part.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing! Anyway, don't feel too bad that none of your cast mates sent you anything. I'm sure you would have had visitors if they knew where you were. We put you under my brother's name in the hospital so it's well-hidden. No paparazzi saw anything so you're safe."

"Good." As long as nobody saw anything, she would be fine and she wasn't worried about receiving any gifts either. She was just ready to head back home.

"Anyways, I brought you a change of clothes bought by my brother's assistant. Once you're discharged, you can change, and we can head back."

"Okay. Thanks for the update."

Roman gave her an interesting look before asking again, "Are you sure you don't want to do anything about your sister? She's clearly trying to smear you and no one is speaking up for you. I can help."

"It's fine. I don't care. As long as everything is settled and we film peacefully, I'm fine." Valentina gave him a small smile although in her mind she was mentally kicking Aaliyah in the shins.

"Hmmm, I doubt a certain someone will just let it go at that," Roman muttered quietly remembering what Kaiser had him doing all night.

"What did you say?" Valentina asked.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just you're in for a surprise later. Look forward to it." Roman shrugged while laughing.

Valentina gazed at him as if he was a crazy person before turning her gaze away. It seemed that Kaiser had finally beaten all the brain cells out of him.

Suddenly Luca burst through the door and dashed to the bed before climbing up and cuddling with her. Kaiser strolled in calmly behind him with a sly smile on his face.

"What did you talk about Luca?" Valentina innocently asked the young boy, not expecting a response.

"Dad said I can call you mom at home but have to call you auntie outside. He said I have to help him convince you to marry him so you can be my mom." Luca dutifully reported in a loud voice. He was a good boy who had been told to never lie so he didn't bother lying to his favorite auntie.

"But it's supposed to be a secret so shhhhh." He held his finger to his lips as he whispered in a loud voice.

Valentina: "..."

Kaiser: "..."

Roman: "..."

As Kaiser looked at his son, the smile on his disappeared as he wondered where he had gone wrong. Despite looking like him, his son seemed to not have gotten his brains and reminded him of Roman when they were younger. He could swear that he was much smarter than that when he was four. Although Luca was properly keeping up with his schoolwork, maybe it was time to limit his screen time and have him read more?

As for Valentina, she directly pretended she didn't hear Luca's words, directly letting it in through one ear and out of the other. She had more important things to deal with than dealing with Kaiser's nonsense.

Authors Note: telling a secret to a little kid means it's no longer a secret 😂 Kaiser is learning this the hard way. (Reminds me of the book if you give a mouse a cookie. If you tell a kid a secret...)