
Fallen Angels (7)

Valentina showed up bright and early for the shoot the next morning. After quickly greeting Sarah Lee, she quickly hurried herself to makeup. Today was the day she would be filming the battle scene with Shawn and there was a lot to prepare.

Thankfully Yuri was not in the dressing room at the time, so Valentina was able to prep in peace. After about an hour, her makeup had been done and the blond wig had been reapplied.

Yuri only came when she was almost done prepping. Yuri merely glanced at her before turning her face away angrily. Ignoring the girl, Valentina followed her makeup artist to get her costume put on.

Today's outfit was a white robe top with slim white pants and matching white boots. The robe was tied together with a red ribbon and her hair was tied up in a high ponytail with a long scarlet ribbon that fluttered when she walked. She had the same sword from yesterday with a bright red tassel on the sword pommel. As she walked to the set, she presented a valiant figure despite her slender body. When she arrived the choreographer from yesterday greeted her.

"Good morning Miss Valentina are you ready to review what we did yesterday?" the choreographer greeted her with a slightly evil smile.

When Valentina remembered the suffering that she went through yesterday, she couldn't help but shudder, but she put a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, Miss Moore. Thank you for taking the time to teach me yesterday. I look forward to working with you today as well."

"No need to sweet talk me, let's get started."


The choreographer first stretched her out and Valentina swore she could hear her bones breaking as Miss Moore pushed and pulled her limbs. After being tortured for 20 minutes, she lightly reviewed the moves she had learned yesterday for another 30 minutes.

When the choreographer told her she could stop, she immediately collapsed on the floor. Even though she had done the movements slowly and at half pace, she still felt as if her body would fall apart!

As she tried to catch her breath she couldn't help but think at the system; Is there any way to increase the stamina of this body? This is crazy!

[Host can get a stamina-increasing attribute by drawing. Please work harder to complete the mission so the host will not be so weak.]

Valentina wanted to immediately fight the system that replied sarcastically.

Fortunately for her, both Sarah Lee and Shawn both showed up. Valentina immediately got up from the floor and arranged her clothes. She couldn't believe that the director had seen such a sloppy appearance from her.

"Good morning Director Lee and Shawn." Valentina bowed her head in embarrassment and greeted them first.

"Good morning Valentina. I love to see that you're practicing hard but don't overwork yourself. We are going to start filming soon so come along and I will describe what you'll be doing." Sarah Lee responded while Shawn just smirked and nodded at her.


Scene 4: The fall of an angel

Characters: Angel 2 – Valentina, Demon 1 – Shawn, Angel 1 – Yuri

Valentina stared at Shawn; her face full of anger as he laughed demonically.

"It's a shame you found out but it's true. I've never loved her. I was only using her. So, what are you going to do about it hmm?"

Valentina slowly withdrew the sword from the scabbard and pointed it at him.

"I will tell her the truth. Then I will beat you down and make you apologize for playing with her heart."

"I'd like to see you try." At this moment, the demon also withdrew his sword. There was a momentary pause, then the two of them dashed at each other.

As if they were dancing with each other, the swords swept past each other as they ducked and avoided the hits. One in black, one in white. One smiling evilly. One righteously angry. Yin and Yang. The hair and ribbons flowed as the two bodies clashed. Then they separated before clashing again. Back and forth, again and again, they kept meeting and separating in a dance full of violence. Their clothing ripped slowly but surely. Red marks appear on the white clothes as her injuries accumulate until the white figure gains the upper hand.

With one large sweep of the sword, the demon staggers before failing blood leaking from his neck.

The demon stared in shock at the angel before he slowly fell. Before he hit the ground, a small figure dashed to catch his body and lower it to the ground.

The angel gripped her stomach where she had been slashed and asked in shock, "Wh- what are you doing. Get away from him he betrayed you!" the last bit came out as a yell.

Yuri, the figure who had dashed out yelled back, "The only betrayer here is you. You're jealous! Jealous of me being loved! He warned me that you would be, but I never thought that you would kill my true love."

"Listen to me. He has been using you-"Valentina dropped her sword and tried to interrupt her friend. She slowly approached and tried to reach out, but her hand got slapped away.

"Go away! Go away I hate you! I'd rather become a demon than listen to your words! You killed him!!!" Yuri screamed while clutching the demon.

The demon reached out and slowly grasped Yuri's face. He slowly caressed her cheek and Yuri closed her eyes, savoring his touch. He whispered some words before his hands dropped. At an angle where Yuri couldn't see, he smirked at Valentina before perishing.

"Please listen to me, I did this for you." Valentina interceded almost tearfully. Although her face was stoic, it looked wan, and with all the cuts and blood on her, she looked pitiful. Anyone who saw her sorry figure would have no choice but to forgive her.

Still, Yuri stood firm. After gently placing her lover on the floor, she stood up and slapped Valentina hard across the face.

While Valentina stared in shock, she shoved her down and spoke coldly to her.

"On account of our previous friendship, I will let you go this once, but I'll be joining the demons. The next time I see you, I'll destroy your heart the way you destroyed mine. I know you've always hated demons, but I thought your love for me would override your prejudice. Clearly I was wrong, and my one true love paid the ultimate price and perished for it. Lesson learned."

"Please listen to me. He was using you! I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, you know that!" Valentina shouted from the floor. Her body was sprawled from being shoved and she held her injuries with a pained expression on her face.

"Don't let me see you again." With those words, Yuri turned and walked away. Her once joyful expression twisted until it became one of hate and anger.

Suddenly Valentina fell to the ground and screamed in pain.


It was the sound of a pained wounded beast.