
Revenge Of The Cannon Fodder Villainess

Valentina Salazar transmigrated into a novel with a weak-bodied villainess character with the same name. Somehow she ended up with a system and has been ordered to make it to the top of the entertainment world if she wants to make it back home. Follow Valentina as she continues to cough up blood as she becomes a worthy actor, acquires different skills, gets revenge against her villainous sister and family, and eventually falls in love and even gets a bonus son.

Summer_Daze · Urban
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143 Chs

Chapter 119 - Variety Show (20)

As she was led down the elevator, Valentina thought that today wasn't really her day. Not only had she lost Luca, but for the first time in her life, she was being escorted out by security for supposedly stalking somebody.

Glancing at the security guard, who was an older woman of about forty with her hair pulled back in a tight bun, she looked down at the woman's finger, noting the simple wedding band. Her mind working rapidly, she removed her mask temporarily and looked at the woman with a contrite expression.

Sympathy. Sympathy. What she needed was some sympathy for the younger generation.

"Uhm, excuse me, ma'am. I'm sorry for causing you trouble. This is really embarrassing for me. I really didn't mean it. Do you mind if I stay in the lobby for a couple of minutes and use your phone to make a call to my family so they can pick me up? I really am sorry." Valentina pretended to sniffle and wipe away tears as she looked away, hoping to evoke some pity. 

After all, her phone was broken, and she didn't have any way to contact Kaiser, Luca, or even the driver without it. The only number she had memorized was Kaisers.

The security guard glanced at the beautiful young woman before sighing while shaking her head.

"I'll lend it to you, but you just have three minutes. And just a word of advice from your elder with a kid your age, you're what 18? 19? Respect yourself a little more. You're a young, pretty girl; it doesn't make sense to do this kind of thing, you know. Stalking people? That's crazy! You could be pursuing your education or trying to make an honest living instead of trying to do these kinds of things like chasing a man to advance in life. It's unbecoming. Your parents would be ashamed if they knew about this. I know I would."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry; it won't happen again. I'll change." Valentina laughed sheepishly before putting her mask back on.

18? 19? She was much older than that, especially when her past life experience was added. Although she appreciated the advice, this was all a misunderstanding! Vowing to make Kaiser pay for this somehow, she resigned herself to the well-intentioned scolding.

"I won't say too much as I'm not your relative. A word to the wise is sufficient. As long as you understand, it's fine. You look like a young woman with a good upbringing and great potential. You have time to change and correct your life path. To make your parents proud of bringing you into the world."

"Yes, ma'am." Valentina bowed her head contritely.


As the elevator opened and the security guard led her to a sitting area in the extravagant lobby, Valentina quickly took a seat and took the offered phone before calling Kaiser.

It rang all the way through before the call ended.

Immediately sending a text and deleting it, she called again, and he picked up after the second ring.

"Who's this? And how did you know that name and get this number."

"Hey…it's me."

"Valentina? Where are you? And why are you calling with this number? Luca was just found running around crying and delivered to my office. What's going on?" hearing the intensity in his voice, she sighed before explaining.

"Uhm, this is the security guard's phone. Mine is currently broken. There's been an…issue, and an employee kicked me out. I'm currently in the lobby with a security guard in the building. Could you have somebody pick me up?" she glanced up at the security woman before looking at the front desk workers openly staring at her while pulling out their phones to record her.

"Discretely, please. People are recording." She whispered in embarrassment, glad for her face mask. She didn't want to become an internet meme.

"Is that right? Hand the phone to the guard. No, just give me her uniform number." Kaiser replied in a cold voice.

"Uhh, it's xxxx," Valentina whispered, leaning down to block her voice.

"I'll be right there, don't move."

Before she hung up, she could hear him mutter, 'Heads will roll for this. It seems the entire secretary staff needs to be replaced. Fraiser, come here. How the hell do you control your staff? Hmm? You want to be fired?'

As the phone cut off, she said a prayer for the innocent assistant.


Looking up at the security guard, she removed her mask slightly so her voice could be heard.

"My ride will be here in a moment."

"Then I'll wait and watch you since I can't have such a young girl wait outside by herself."

"Thank you so much!"

Less than a minute later, an elevator off to the side opened, and Kaiser strode out with a furious look on his face. Behind him, his assistant was struggling to keep up with his long strides.

As Kaiser got to the central area, his gray eyes glinted sharply as he stared around.

Almost immediately, the people recording lowered their phones with fear.

Turning until he spotted her, he relayed a set of instructions to his assistant before turning away.

Striding over aggressively, his legs stretched to the fullest extent, he presented an imposing figure.

Standing up, Valentina glanced at the security guard before subtly waving at him. As he reached her, his hands immediately wrapped around her waist as he pulled her to face him.

"Are you okay? Not hurt?"

"I'm fine. She took very good care of me." Gesturing to the security guard, she tried to move back and gain some space, but he grabbed her tighter. She patted his hand softly until he released her.

"Let's go."

Turning to the security guard, he nodded approvingly, 

"Good job. Thank you for taking care of my guest. Reach out to Assistant Fraiser for your reward."

Seeing the owner of the company in person, the security guard waved her hands in embarrassment.

"Please don't worry about it, Mr. Grayson. It's what I should do. Simply my job and nothing more."

Turning to Valentina, she chuckled wryly, "It seems I was mistaken about you, young lady. Sorry for the unnecessary advice. It seems I can't stop doing so at my age."

"No. Thank you for the advice; I really appreciate it." Reaching out, Valentina shook the woman's hand firmly before turning to follow Kaiser.

As Valentina walked slightly behind him, her head slightly lowered as if she wanted to avoid attention, Kaiser reached his arm out and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her to walk beside him.

"Chin up. Look straight. Be proud. You're with me and you're great as you are. Just ignore the rest of them. Their opinion is not important in the grand scheme of things. Fraiser will make sure nothing gets out, or everyone violating the company code of not recording others, especially my special guest, will be terminated. Immediately." Speaking loudly, Kaiser looked around, his sharp eyes catching the people not being spoken to by Micahel Fraiser.

As they looked down contritely, he glanced at Michael Fraiser intentionally before looking away.

Feeling the intensity of his boss' gaze, Michael Fraiser gulped before continuing to deal with the crowd surrounding him.

Taking Kaiser's words to heart, Valentina glanced up but decided to focus on where he led her rather than the faces of those around her.

As the two of them entered an elevator that rose swiftly to the top, Valentina sighed and leaned her head against the wall. Honestly, she had a headache and was tired.

"Kaiser, where did you say Luca was found? Also, I'm sorry for losing him."

"It's fine. He properly confessed that he ran off. It seemed I forgot to let him know I had moved my office since he was wandering around the area of my old one. That's not important, though. Which of my employees decided to send you downstairs, escorted by security." Kaiser gave her a cold smile; his brow furrowed in rarely-seen anger.

"What are you planning to do if I tell you?"

"Fire them, of course. After I especially issued a warning this morning, this kind of thing happened? I'm pissed. So, who did it? Sing their names out. They'll be gone by day's end."

Seeing his furious expression, Valentina couldn't help but sigh. She somehow wished the day would be over.