
Revenge of Moonlight

Roxoroa · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Awakening

Eyes open, confusion sets in as Moonlight finds himself in an unfamiliar body, a body that does not belong to him. A sense of realization dawns upon him - his soul has returned, but his physical vessel is different.

Standing up, he takes in his surroundings and discovers himself in a dense forest. Curiosity compels him to venture further, leading him to a serene riverbank. Suddenly, his attention is caught by another individual whose face is unknown to him.

"Who is this guy?" Moonlight wonders aloud.

Before he can approach the stranger, a surge of pain grips his mind, thrusting him into a void that does not belong to him. Confusion reigns as he contemplates whose consciousness he has intruded upon.

in the void, Moonlight finds himself face to face with the person he encountered earlier. The realization strikes him - this person is Deman, and somehow Moonlight knows this fact, despite the circumstances.

"You are... Deman," Moonlight utters, struggling to comprehend the situation.

"Haha, because you are in my body," Deman responds.

Comprehension dawns upon Moonlight, as he realizes he now inhabits Deman's body. Contemplating his fate, Moonlight asks, "So, this body will be mine, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Deman affirms.

Driven by curiosity, Moonlight probes about Deman's demise. But, sensing pain and darkness in Deman's history, he decides against delving further into the matter.

"It seems like I already know your story," Moonlight empathizes, "You were betrayed as well."

Exclaiming in anguish, Deman concedes, "Ah, yes. My brothers killed me, for I am the bastard son of the king."

As Deman prepares to depart, Moonlight pleads, "Wait, Dema--"

Before Moonlight can complete his sentence, Deman vanishes, leaving Moonlight alone with his thoughts.

Moonlight wakes up, bathed in moonlight, and contemplates his new identity.

"Now, I am Deman, the bastard son of King Brorakh of Elvas," Moonlight muses. "First, I must secure my place in this new life. But, as per your memories, I cannot even ascend to the God Palace. Just wait, brothers, and sisters."

With a sense of purpose, Moonlight heads towards the royal palace. Upon entering, he comes face to face with his brothers, Borat and Brook - the third and fifth sons of the king.

"Oi, bastard, come here!" Borat calls out disdainfully.

Moonlight approaches cautiously, aware of his newfound status.

"It seems like you're not dead," Borat sneers.

Acknowledging the revelation, Moonlight responds calmly, "You knew about that."

"Of course," Brook interjects. "Big brother informed us of the plan. But, how are you still alive? You should--"

Interrupting Brook, Moonlight's eyes dart with a wild intensity as he grabs his neck and demands, "Where is our brother?"

Caught off guard, Brook desperately tries to fend off Moonlight's grasp, casting a spell. However, to his shock, Moonlight calmly utters, "Nullify."

In an instant, the magic dissolves into thin air, leaving the two brothers dumbfounded. Brook stammers, "Wait, how? When did you--"

The sudden arrival of the king halts their conversation as he enters the scene, his authoritative presence commanding respect.

"Deman, what do you think you're doing?" King Brorakh addresses Moonlight sternly.

"I apologize for my rude behavior, my lord," Moonlight responds, bowing in deference.

"There is something I wish to discuss with you. Come with me," the king instructs, leading Moonlight away from his brothers.

As they leave the field, Moonlight's mind races with anticipation for the revelation that awaits him in the upcoming conversation.

~end of chapter 1