
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · Sci-fi
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129 Chs

Episode 468: The beginning of a counterattack (4)

"… … Miracles will definitely happen to those who believe and act."

Dolores covered her mouth with both hands and muttered in a low voice.

Anyone who saw what was happening in front of their eyes could say that, even if they were not members of the Rune Church.

A bunch of giant spiders, and one spider that was by far the biggest of them all.

Time had passed so quickly that the baby madam, who had once been as small as a lump of dust, had now become a mother with a huge body.

A huge mother with a bunch of small(?) children who look exactly like her!

"… … "I can't believe it."

"It's much bigger than Madame Eight Legs."

The cub was so huge that even Camus and Iyen, who had seen the mother before, could not hide their surprise.

It almost felt like a mountain was moving.

Gurgling… …

A wall of spiders blocks the stream of water polluted by the Red Death.

A spider monster from the world.

For those who live on poison as their staple food, the red death was like a rich meal they had not seen in a long time.

The power, size, and gluttony of the spiders, which even demons were reluctant to confront, blocked even the seemingly unstoppable wave of red death.

Gulp, gulp, gulp-

The streams of water that the spiders touch become clear and transparent again.

The energies of red death were all being eliminated by countless spiders.

Priests on one side and spiders on the other block the Red Death.

Flubber was also swallowing up as many poisonous people as he could, growing in size and at the same time inhaling more and more of the Red Death.

Camus and Iyenne said, putting their arms around the shoulders of Dolores who was next to them.

"Hey, Holy Water Vending Machine. I heard you and my boyfriend were in a good mood earlier. What should I do now that I'm sad that I have less work to do?"

"Ah, that's a shame!? And who's the vending machine! It is blasphemy! "And why is Bikir your boyfriend in the first place?"

"Oh, I also benefited from this saintly juice a long time ago. Hahaha-"


Behind him, Sinclair was barely holding back his laughter, and Cirko was just standing alone with a sullen expression.

at that time. Madam Baby bowed her head in front of everyone.

Coo coo coo coo coo… …

The baby madam slowly lowered her face to where Vikir was standing.

The sound of the carapace rubbing against the carapace surrounding the joint was transmitted like an earthquake through the ground.

It's a bit strange to see it become a full-fledged adult without even seeing it.

Vikir also looked at Madam Baby with a slightly wary attitude.



Madam Baby lowered her head in front of Vikir and smiled brightly.

Back when he was in the dormitory at Colosseo Academy, he would wait alone in his room while Bikir went out to take classes, and he always had that look on his face when Bikir opened the door and came back.

[nuclear nuclear nuclear-]Madam Baby rubbed her head towards Vikir.

An intense hug that seems completely oblivious to his increased size.

"… … hmm. Yeah, yeah. You've grown a lot. "Really a lot."

[Gyeong-Geun-]When Bikir strokes him, he wags his tail and snuggles into my arms like in the past.

Even though he has grown in size, he is still still a kid.

At that time, familiar voices were heard above Madam Baby's head.


"Brother! "I'm here to help!"

How could I forget this voice?

Where Bikir looks up, he can see the faces of those he met in the flood.

Ahul, whom I had met in Naraksu, and Ahun, whom I had not known was alive or dead, were holding a bow and looking at Vikir.

Behind him, all of Balak's warriors, who were thought to be dead, are seen smiling at Bikir, revealing their white teeth.

[Crumbling!]A loud noise erupted from behind Bikir, who was just about to wave his hand.

Bakira, who had become Iyen's phantom, was roaring towards the sky.

Then, a roaring response was heard from where Balak's warriors were gathered.

A wolf that looked exactly like Bakira stuck out its head.

Viola becomes Ahyul's partner. Bakira's daughter.

Wolf father and daughter also reunite after a long time.


Puff! puck! Per-billion!

The fearsome archery skills displayed by Balak's warriors began to push the Germans back.

In particular, Ahyul's performance was almost unrivaled.

Based on the stats obtained from the Naraksu, she was overwhelming even the power of many of Balak's senior warriors.

"You've improved a lot, Ahyl."

"… … Hunting chief!

Iyen roughly strokes Ahyul's head.

As soon as Ahyl saw Iyen's face, her eyes filled with tears.

Meanwhile, Bikir asked Ahun, who had landed on his side.

"What about the Chief?"

"He was attacked by a devil in the shape of a horse. It was because of the aftereffects he suffered from the battle with Adonai. Yet he broke off the tip of its horn... … ."

After hearing Ahun's words, Bikir nodded quietly.

Perhaps the reason he was able to defeat Amdusias right after coming out of the Maw Tree was because Aquila had fought hard before.

Amdusias was also unable to overcome the aftereffects of Aquila.

At that time, there was a hand tapping Bikir's shoulder.

Kirko. she said, her eyes shining.

"Now is your chance. "It's time to counterattack."

Bikir also nodded in agreement.

Soon, all the reinforcements began to push towards the mountain peak.

"Capture the head of the Leviathan family!"

The Baskervilles, the Morgue, the Quo Vadis, the Bourgeois, the Tochka reinforcements, and even Balak and the Spiders.

Flauros became a target for everyone gathered here.

[…] … her.]Flauros laughs as if it is absurd.

But the situation was clearly tilted.

Even the poison release, which was their secret weapon, was destroyed by the priests of the Quo Vadis family and the spiders of the Sea of ​​Water, making the situation quite difficult for the devil.

Moreover, the warriors of Baskerville and the Morgue were tearing the Germans apart with terrifying force even at this very moment, so there was a risk that the battle would end in an instant if the battle continued like this.

Flauros looked back at Vikir and smiled.

[okay. I admit it. I guess I saw your world too easily.]A declaration of defeat came from the devil's mouth.

However, Bikir knew better than anyone else that victory was not a victory unless the enemy's life was clearly put to an end.

This is especially true when dealing with demons.


At the same time that Vikir kicked off the ground and ran away, Flauros also leaned back.

'… … You have to catch it here.'

Flauros is a strong and cunning being.

This is true of all demons, but among them, Flauros was a being with a much higher risk.

Bikir ran up the mountain peak with the determination to kill himself.

The Germans tried to block, but the cover of the five men following Bikir was blowing away the obstacles and opening the way.

Camus, Ienne, Dolores, Sinclair, Circo.

Scorching flames, iron skewers, powerful rain of arrows, divine protection, golden giants, and blood-sucking snakes shattered the wall of poisoners trying to protect Flauros from Vikir with overwhelming force.

And Vikir broke through the collapsing wall of Germans and caught Flauros behind him.

"The devil is."

black sun. Eight fierce teeth are revealed.


The hunting dog had a strong murderous intent.

Right then.

[…] … Oh, my son!]Flauros suddenly turned his face over.

A black shadow shimmered in front of Flauros, who had pulled back his leopard skin and revealed the facial skin of Hobbes, the head of the Leviathan family.

at the same time.

… Cough!

Bikir had to lift Beelzebub to block the heavy scythe falling on the top of his head.


A tattered black long gun flutters about after numerous melees.

Harvester. He was blocking Vikir's path, spewing out thick poisonous fog.


The sword and scythe collide, creating countless sparks.

But the harvester was no match for Bikir.

The more teeth there were, and the more dizzy the sword strike, the more the harvester was being pushed away by Vikir mercilessly.

"Some poisons don't work on me."

After speaking, Vikir removed the scythe with his sword and at the same time struck the reaper's chest with his palm.


The sound of the clavicle being broken open came from the harvester's chest.

But Flauros didn't care at all.

[Hold on just a little longer, son! The movement magic circle will be activated soon.]The line was uttered more to mock Bikir than to encourage the reaper.

Flauros removed Hobbes' face again and sneered at Vikir.

[Now, write 'that'.]After hearing Flauros' command, the harvester immediately took out a handful of something from his chest.

A black sphere, with barbed thorns sticking out in clusters.

Bikir recognized at a glance what it was.

"The seed of the tree of hell!"

[Yes! Do you come out when you're bored?]Flauros answered instead.

The red poisonous dance was gathering around me again.

The reason why space is distorted is probably not only due to the seeds of the Maw Tree.

"It's space movement magic!"

"It's quite high class, bro!"

The urgent voices of Camus and Sinclair were heard from behind.

Vikir gritted his teeth and increased his speed, but it seemed like he would not be able to completely block the numerous seeds of the Hell Tree flying in front of his eyes.

If you get hit by that, you don't know what will happen.

'If you are dragged into a fantasy world again, there is no answer.'

It would be a really big deal if I were to be dragged into the abyss once again in such an urgent war situation.

Bikir had no choice but to give up on attacking head-on.

… … But at that very moment.

"Bikir! go!"

There was a voice that opened the way for Bikir.

… Puff puff!

An entity that opens the way for Vikir by using its whole body to block the seeds of the Tree of Hell that fly in like volcanic bombs.

Bikir couldn't help but open his eyes wide at the unexpected help.


He was gritting his teeth, his body covered in blood.