
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · Sci-fi
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129 Chs

Episode 413 End game (5)

Episode 413 End game (5)

The deep furrows that are often engraved on the faces of veterans who have crossed all kinds of harsh lines of fire.

Wrinkles that look like scars under the corners of the eyes that are sharply stretched out, sideburns that are wildly stretched out, eyebrows so thick and abundant that they obscure the coldly sunken eyeballs, a flat nose and a square, angled chin.

Despite being wet, the uniform had knife-like creases, buttons were fastened all the way to the neck, and a black fur coat resembling a lion's mane covered the broad chest and broad shoulders.

The outfit was perfect, except that the belt buckle was fastened a little crookedly.

He was taller than anyone around him, and the club hanging below his waist had a sharp lead attached to the end.

'Orca Montreuil-sur-Mer Javert'. The prison warden of the Nouvelle Vague.

Noh Ik-jang (old man) has reigned as a symbol of Nouvelle Vague for nearly 100 years, when generations on earth have changed several times.


He put the end of his cigar to the fire burning on the ground and glanced around lazily.

A puff of cigarette smoke puffs out between cracked, salt-soaked lips.

"What is this situation?"

He took something out of his arms.

A pocket watch that has turned black and shriveled.

It looked like it was made with BDSM.

"I guessed that something had happened to BDSM. No matter what... … ."

at that time.

"Oh oh! Orca! I've lived all this time to get revenge on you! Be prepared!"

A thunderous shout echoed from behind.

Level Nine's inmate 'Mammatamuz of the Penetrating Tusk'.

The king of bandits who ruled an entire mountain range during his time on earth.

He was a villain of the pre-war generation who was so vicious that he was sentenced to more than 2,800 consecutive life sentences by the Nakajaniye Tribunal.

He rushed forward with tremendous force.

Then, he hit Director Orca's back with a shoulder so powerful that the major and lieutenant colonel guards who were blocking him were knocked down.

Puh-uh! Crack!

The sound of the tough leather being torn and the hard things inside breaking apart rang out in succession.

The result is.


It was a crushing defeat for Mamma Tammuz.

The broken shoulder blade broke through the skin.

Mammatamuz lay flat on the floor and rolled around on the floor.

On the other hand, Director Orca was still standing there without moving.

And then.

"… … "What is this?"

He raised one hand high.

The gongs and spiked clubs followed the Orca warden's arms, lifting his heavy head upward.

And just like that, it hit the ground as if a black bolt of lightning had fallen.

"What a mess!"

A deafening explosion shook the entire earth.

Not only did Mamma Tamuz's head explode, but with that as the epicenter, a huge seismic wave ripped and distorted the entire surrounding terrain.

Director Orca, who killed one of Level Nine's prisoners in an instant, began to show his anger in earnest.

Just by furrowing his eyebrows, the air around him cracked with a crackling sound.

"Hehehe - it's an Orca after all. "It would be fun to hunt."

"Isn't that old man dead?"

"Still, your strength has weakened significantly compared to before? "I'm old."

"Well, Mammatamuz guy. "He only had a loud voice, but he was a miserable person, right?"

The prisoners of Level Nine began to narrow the siege, giggling, but Director Orca was not at all intimidated.

"Get out of here, you scum."

At the same time, his club began to cry fiercely.

The two white spots on the tip of the club's black head were swung like the head of a killer whale.


The number of heads blown off by a roughly wielded club exceeds dozens.

Broken and shattered fragments of the skull, brain fluid, and drops of blood flew in all directions.

Director Orca raised his club with terrifying force and began beating the attacking Level Nine prisoners to death.

With one swing of the arm, blood clots splattered on the walls and floor, and with one movement of the body, the crowd was split in half.

Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion! Per-billion!

Even the other prominent demons of Level Nine did not dare to step forward in front of Director Orca's club.

It was around this time that the gongs, thorns, and chain at the end of the club became so covered with human oil and blood that their original color was no longer visible.

"okay. Where are Dordium and Soiret? "You must have arrived first?"

Director Orca asked.

Lieutenant Colonel Bastille, whose face had been scratched by a wolf's claws, bowed down and said.

"Are you being presumptuous…?" … "It's collapsed over there."

Director Orca's thick eyebrows twitched at those words.

When I turn my head, I see two people lying on a slope with stairs leading down.

Dordium is unconscious with his head on the floor, and Suware is unconscious with his head against the wall.

Orca, seeing the faces of her two subordinates, sighed.

"Get up."

However, both of the prison guards turned their eyes upside down and made no movement.

A vein appeared on Orca's forehead.

"… … wake up."

He spoke in an even quieter voice.

However, perhaps because the weight of the energy contained was different, the effect was even more effective than the words just before.



As soon as Director Orca spoke, Dordium and Suware suddenly came to their senses and opened their eyes.

Then he hurriedly stood up, stood at attention, and saluted.

"Loyalty! "See you, Director."

"Forget the salute. Who made you like that... … No, it's done. "Where did he go?"

"I went downstairs!"

Orca sighed again.

"I will try to do something here on my own. "You guys should chase after him and get revenge."

"… … ."

"A guy with dirty debt relationships cannot become the next prison director. "You know, right?"

Dordium and Suware flinched as they met Orca's grim gaze.

at the same time.


The backs of Dordium and Soiret's uniforms burst open at the same time, exposing their red-stained bare skin.

This is because Director Orca encouraged them by hitting their backs with his palm.

"It means that you must repay your debt clearly."

Director Orca's plan was clear.

A man who ruined the face of the prison guards and the prestige of the entire Nouvelle Vague in front of everyone.

The plan was to place all responsibility for this riot on him and execute him.

* * *

Nouvelle Vague Lv.10. A labor yard on the 10th floor underground.

A place deeper than Level Nine, which was the deepest and harshest place.

Bikir headed to the lowest working pit in Level Ten.

A place where lava flows and flames filled with oil vapor billow in the air.

The hot spring water bursting out from all over the place was bubbling and then evaporated and turned into steam before it hit the ground.

Sure enough, an unidentified sphere engulfed in blue flames can be seen lying in the middle of the pit.

Poseidon. It was the ultimate goal that led Bikir to come down to the Nouvelle Vague.

Iyen asked.

"… … "Do we have to destroy this?"

"It's similar. All you have to do is infuse shock or mana."

After speaking, Bikir showed a test.

Baskerville Type 8. black sun.

The strongest attack that Vikir could show was devastating to Poseidon.


Surprisingly, Poseidon was not broken.

However, it only absorbed all the mana, aura, and shock waves sent by Vikir.

I don't know if it was my mood, but the sphere seemed to swell a little more.

The blue flames burning around him also became a little stronger.

Iyen also nodded.

"good. Should I try it too?"

She held up the bow and arrows she had taken from one of the guards.

Bakira next to him was also preparing to shoot fireworks from his mouth.

at that time.

"Stop, you guys!"

"What are you planning?"

There was a voice from behind, disturbing Vikir and Iyen.

Dordium and Soiret. The two came to their senses and followed closely behind.

Then, Iyen's expression crumpled.

"I saved your life and you came back again without knowing how grateful I was?"

"Hohoho- I'm so proud of the fact that I barely managed to get one hit in a surprise attack from the side."

Suware also does not lose to Iyen's momentum.

Dordium was also glaring at Vikir in a more tense manner than before.

"I never thought he would have been a strong man who reached the highest realm."

"… … ."

"But I'm not afraid. "If I don't let down my guard, I will never fall."

However, Bikir was calmly analyzing the situation.

'The guys who had already lost once didn't bother to chase after us. And he doesn't look scared. That means… … ?'

After thinking, Bikir immediately shouted.

"Get back!"

Aienne stopped attacking Suware and immediately took a step back.


Clap! Cheolpudeok!

A lump of sticky slime fell where Vikir and Iyen had been standing just a moment ago.

Slurp… Slurp… Slurp… Slurp…

A huge plume of slime began to flow in front of Vikir's eyes.

This translucent green slime grew bigger and bigger, and eventually began to spread numerous tentacles behind Dordium and Suware.

It looks as if he is escorting those two.

"… … I knew it. "There was a part of me that believed in it."

Vikir swallowed his sleep.

It was a hasty misjudgment to exclude him from the prison escape plan, judging that he would not have intelligence or reason.

Brigadier General Plover.

This strange substance, whose combat power cannot be predicted with certainty as to whether it is a living thing or not, has entered the battle.