
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · Sci-fi
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129 Chs

Episode 379: The Hound of Nouvelle Vague (3)

"Krrrrrrrrr…" … ."

There is no focus in the pupil of the eye.

Its face was tilted to the side like an owl's, and foam and saliva were flowing down from the corners of its mouth.

"There's no need for it. I will kill you guys and go to Level 9. So, I'm going to make 'Boss' look at me again."

The targets of those crazy gazes were Kirko and Garm.


Kirko laid his long sword horizontally and positioned himself so that it could fly out at any moment.

But Garum was still trembling and crying.

"Key, Circo. "Wouldn't it be better to run away now?"

"Then the damage will also affect the guards in other districts. "I don't know if it's other prisoners, but if it's him, he might spread a plague throughout the region."

"Well, still… … ."

"If you're scared, go alone, idiot. "I will fight."

Kirko glanced at Garum as if he were pitiful, then fixed his gaze on the sight in front of him again.

The expert's unique aircraft aura was at the tip of a sword.

It was an aura with such a thick consistency that it seemed as if it could turn into a liquid and drip.

When Shikkeok saw that, he opened his mouth wide and laughed.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible for a girl to have been born and raised in the Nouvelle Vague."

In an instant, Kirko's expression suddenly changed.

Although she was nervous, there were slight cracks in her eyes, which were radiating cold and merciless energy.

And I watched it without missing a beat.

"It was about 20 years ago? I guess there was an incident where a prisoner was forced to insult a guard? That's why the guards at Nouvelle Vague are particularly sensitive to the worst."

"… … ."

"Crunch- Cluck- Cluck- I heard that a child was born who was like a by-product of that unpleasant process."

The sight was touching the trauma hidden deep in Kirko's heart.

It was disgusting and made Kirko explode with anger.

"Don't talk nonsense about prisoners."

Soon, Circo's long sword shot out like an arrow.

The aura, which has the properties of a gas, spreads widely in front and cuts and stabs as wide an area as possible.

It was an effective method for a large prisoner like Sikkeok.

… … however. This was simply a form of corporal punishment that created fear by making wide, shallow cuts that caused bleeding and cuts within the widest possible range, and was not a good way to quell a riot by a prisoner who risked death.


Shikkeot leaned forward, paying no heed to the barrage of slashes that struck his entire body.

"You're like a frog born and raised in a well, you've never seen the outside world, right? After all, what right does a bitch born of rape have to walk this earth? "It's useless for nothing, so it's stuck in the deep sea!"

Shikkeot chuckled and stretched out his thick arm to grab Cirko's collar.

"… … Oops!"

Kirko tried to step back but was grabbed by the collar by Shikkeok.

Soon, the sharp, nail-like teeth turned towards Cirko.

Kirko closed his eyes tightly for a moment.

… … at that time.

"Take back that statement!"

There was a triple pole sticking out from the side.


It broke the teeth with a loud noise.


He staggered back, covering his mouth with both hands.

Kirko, who had fallen to the floor, looked up with a blank expression.

There, I could see Garum's back, which I had never even thought of.

At the critical moment, Garum bravely stepped forward and swung his triple baton as if he were trying to protect Kirko.

It would have been a little cooler if my arms and legs weren't shaking like aspen trees.

However, Garum's voice was not trembling.

"Kirko is a very cool and respectable classmate of mine! "A scum like you is not someone who would dare to insult!"

"… … "What!"

At that moment, Kirko's earlobes turned red.

However, Garum did not notice it because he was concentrating on Shikkeok, who was standing up in front of him.

"Krrrrrrr… … ."

He laughed, spitting out his broken teeth.

Then, he muttered his blood-covered lips and glared at Garum.

"Is this a 'stupid split'? Despite being a spoiled dog, you're especially brave today, huh? "Is it because you touched the bitch you have a crush on?"

"… … Well, that's not it!"

"You seem to have quite a soft spot for the idiotic guard who rewards prisoners with lunch, don't you think? Does your crush know that too? "I mean, you're a weak, cowardly, unqualified, trash guard."

"no! "No!"

"Crunch- Cluck- Cluck- Nope. You and that bitch have a lot in common when it comes to giving something to a prisoner. Be it bread or a body. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

"… … Hey, profit!"

Garum lifts the three-stage baton and infuses mana into it.

Mana, overheated by anger, was shaking uneasily.

at that time.


There was a hand touching Garum's shoulder.

Kirko. She stood next to Garum in a calm manner.

"Don't get caught up in psychological warfare. That guy can't use mana. "They are doing this to shake up our composure."

"oh! "Is that something like that?"

"okay. "Let's do something together."

Garum's expression immediately brightened at Kirko's cold tone.

"huh! I will. As expected, Kirko is amazing!"

"Ugh, idiot… … ."

However, looking at the rare smile on Kirko's grumbling lips, she didn't seem to be in a very bad mood either.

… … however.

There was no passionate plot development typical of typical hero novels or shonen comics.


The BDSM chain, which he flew away with a simple swing of his arm, was swung like a whip.

Kirko's face, which had been showing a faint smile just a moment ago, turned to the side.


Cirko, who couldn't even scream on the spot, fell down after hitting his head on a rock with his neck bent in a strange direction.

Cheeeeeeeek… …

Red blood was gushing out from her head and sticking to the hot floor, cooking like blood.

"… … uh?"

Garm made a dumb expression as if he still didn't understand what had just happened.

He walked in front of him, giggling brightly.

"oh? what? Is he alive? "What a woman."

Shikkeot quenched his appetite while watching Kirko squirm intermittently.

"It's a quality with a promising future. Just like the strike from before, if he survives like this, he will become quite a hero when he gets older."

Soon, an ominous and impure light of desire emerges from Sikkeok's eyes.

"It would be a good idea to trample on such a hero-level bud in advance. Looking at it, the face and body seem to be quite even... … ."

But I couldn't move any further than that.


Separate. He was holding a triple baton and blocking the path of the fallen Kirko.

"You can never lay a hand on Kirko."


"I will protect it with my life. He is someone I admire and respect... … ."

But Garum's words were cut off midway.

This is because he threw his fist and blew away the part as if he was annoyed.


After Garum hit the rock, he fell around like a marionette whose strings were cut.

He chuckled brightly.

"A scumbag who isn't even a lieutenant yet talks a lot. This body risked its life. "I have to go to Level Nine and get the boss's confidence again."

A glare approaches Kirko with red, bloodshot eyes.



An unexpected triple baton hit Sikkeok's shoulder from behind.

It was clearly a blow swung by Garm, without any force at all.

"… … ?"

He turned his head and looked at Garum with a puzzled look.

A broken sound came out of Garum's throat.

"To Cirko… … Don't touch it... … mind… … ."

Veins like venomous snakes sprouted on Sikkeot's forehead.

"You annoying bastard."

Shikkeot raised his elbow and hit Garum on the chin.


The entire jawbone was broken and the teeth came out.

Red blood drops were scattered in all directions.



Even when Garum fell, he held on to Shikkeok's ankle and hung on.

"key… … Leco… … to… … ."

"Ah, you are so persistent. I'm trying to spend some quality time with a girl for the first time in a while... … ."

Garum, who was hanging on the floor, trembled and trembled, but looked down at the life being sent as if it were insignificant.

He grinned, showing his bloody teeth.

"Sweetheart. When you spew out murderous energy towards someone. You really have to have a strong, focused intention to kill them and shoot them at one place. That way, at least your skin will feel itchy. You can't do anything with that kind of dirty dog ​​mentality. Do you understand?"

After finishing speaking, Shikyot shook off Garum's hand and turned around.

Because I didn't even feel it was worth stepping on and killing.

"Krrrrr- Then now-"

He quickly stretched out his hands towards Kirko, who had fallen to the floor.

… … No, I tried to stretch out.


If only it hadn't been for the explosion from behind, a terrifying murderous attack that looked like it was going to bite off your neck at any moment.

"… … omg!?"

Without realizing it, I covered my neck with my hand.

The murderous force that had just been unleashed on his back was truly beyond imagination. It was so great that it not only ripped off his neck and heart, but also pierced his entire body dozens or hundreds of times.

I turned my face, covered in cold sweat, to look at the spot where Garum had been.

A dirty dog, a stupid dog.

I saw a prisoner of similar size standing behind this low-level guard who was lying down.

"Are you saying it's a way to radiate life force?"

A terrifying murderous force was exploding from him.

Bikir. Hounds of the night.

He was watching everything from behind