
Revenge Of Billionaire's Wife

[The cover is not mine, I had just edited it.] [Warning : This book is going to contain adult scenes.] Amaya shocked and terrified to find out that her boyfriend was sleeping with her sister on the day she came out from jail, she was in jail because of her sister's mistake. She got into an accident and found herself back 7 seven years ago when everything bad with her was started, the same day in which she got into the jail because of her sister Kate's crime. Will she able to save herself this time? What will she gonna do after that? How will she going to change her faith? *********** [Amaya POV] My leg was hurting, but I tried my best to move. Before anyone came to check the balcony, I opened the window to get inside the room where I landed. Inside, I saw a man staring at me silently, as if I had committed a crime. He was staring at me constantly, as if observing from the balcony. I didn't have time to explain everything, but then he said, "You have guts to jump from the 10th floor. It's good that you're alive." As he looked at my body, I glanced down and noticed my dress was somewhat unstable from the jump. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly fixed my clothes and then looked back at him. I was stunned by his appearance; he was incredibly handsome. He had grayish eyes that seemed to pierce into someone's soul. He was taller than me, even though I'm 5.7 ft tall, he appeared to be around 6.2 ft. His body was perfectly covered by a bathrobe. Wait, he was just in a bathrobe. His face seemed familiar, like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't quite place it. *********** [Adrien POV] She rushed inside the room upon hearing the police approaching to check the balcony. As she entered, she caught sight of me sitting on the bed, staring at her intently. I noticed her dress was messy. My gaze inadvertently fell on her legs, which were fair and smooth. I quickly averted my eyes when I realized what I was doing. It was embarrassing; I shouldn't have been ogling her like that. But she was the one who had leapt onto my balcony like a cat. She was cute and adorable, and I found myself waiting for her to give an excuse, but she seemed lost in thought, trying to figure out what to say. ***** [Adrien POV] I was about to say something, but then I heard a sweet and seductive voice from behind me. I knew that the policeman had also heard it. I looked inside the room, as did the police, and I was shocked to even look at her. She was just in a freaking towel around her bare body. Oh my god, I felt some sensation around my body. She was looking damn sexy. She said, "Ohhh darling, who has come to disturb us in our personal time," in a very seductive tone. My ears were burning after hearing her. She started coming near me slowly, and I looked at her body structure, her body curves near her waist. She came near me and stood beside me, keeping one hand on my shoulder, and came very close to my body. Our faces were close. I could feel her breath on my neck. She looked at the police and said, "Sir, you were disturbing us in our private time." I know how nervous she was a moment ago, but look at her now. She was very confident while speaking. Her acting is quite good though. Does she know what she was doing to me? She was very close to my face, and I could feel how smooth and beautiful her skin is. Her facial structure is very strong.

silklove_ · Teen
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66 Chs

marriage contract..

He opened the door and left from their without looking back. What the hell? He came to my house? How does he know where I live? Is he really Adrien? I mean, I have read somewhere that he never gives any interest in girls.

I looked at the envelope he had given me. Wait a minute, Is he going to charge on me? For disturbing his privacy? What if he case on me? My life will be ruined before even starting. I was on the urge to cry, but I thought of opening it, I hope he will spare my life.

I opened it, and it contains a marriage contract. Wait,what is he trying to do? Is he proposing me? No, no, no, Amaya, this is not true. He is Adrien Markram. We just met once in a life.

Okay, I think I should just stop overthinking and read the papers carefully. What if it is something else. I read the paper carefully, and it is not a marriage papers it is like a contract between two people. What does he want from me? It has written that I can get a job in his company but with only one condition. I have to sign the contract.

I saw inside the envelope, It has some pictures and contract. I opened it and read it carefully. I was shocked to see it. Wait, this has my fathers signatures in it. Why did he sign something like that?

It had written that my father had sold me to someone whose age is 65. How can he do that to me? Maybe this is not true. I read it carefully, and it was signed many years ago. When I was 10. He sold me for 30 million dollars? It is a lot of money.

Wait, I still remember that time when my father suddenly became so rich. I was so small to understand anything. He had a lot of money that he even started a business that succeeded. Now, he is under the top 50 richest people in the world.

But why would someone buy me for this much money? I mean, he can get anyone. It doesn't even contain the real information of the old man.

I can't believe my father has done this. I never expected that he would have done this much shameless thing to me. It has been written that when the girl turns 21, he will take me from my family. I still don't understand.

In the contract, It is written that even after giving the amount, I can't be able to take it back from him. That means even if I give him back his 30 million dollars, he will still not take it.

Does that mean I have to go? I just turned 21 a few days ago. What is happening in my life. My eyes are filled with tears. Everyone around me just tried to break my heart into pieces.

I never imagined that my own father would do this. I was feeling unconscious. I don't know how to control it. Why father? Why?

I cry mercilessly, and this time, I feel like I shouldn't deserve to live. I want to become happy. I want someone to care for me. But at end everyone just breaks my heart.

I looked at the ceiling of my room. For a minute, I made my mind. I will take revenge from him. I will kill them they don't deserve to even live. At first, i just wanted them to regret what he and kate had done, but know I will make their life hell.

I looked at the file, and their are some pictures of Liam and Kate together. Well, it wasn't just a normal picture, it makes it proof that they both were couples.

It would be solid proof for making my sister career to an end. I looked at the contract of marriage. It wasn't very much complicated. It is just simple, he will give me a job and security if I sign it.

I was looking at the marriage contract, but then suddenly my phone rang. I looked, and it was an unknown number, I picked up the call, and it was Adrien.

Adrien: "I know it would be hard for you to believe me. You can check it yourself."

Amaya: "Why are you helping me? What do you want from me?"

Adrien: "Babygirl, i just want to help you. And about that contract, I want your help because my parents were forcing me for marriage."

Amaya: "Why did you choose me? Their are many girls who can help you."

Adrien: "But I want you."

Amaya: "Listen, Mr.Markram, it is not easy to buy me."

Adrien: "Well, you will accept it. I know that."

Amaya: "What made you think I will accept it."

Adrien: "Because I know that you want to make your family pay for it. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen between us. You can do whatever you want after marriage. I will not force you to accept it. But remember, one thing, whatever I want, I will do anything to make it mine."

Amaya: "I will think of it. Thank you for the photos, but I don't need your help."

Adrien: "You're welcome, baby girl."

Amaya: "I think you know my name. So call me Amaya, not baby girl."

Adrien: "Okay, baby girl, byee~"

He hung up the call without even listening to me. Why did he call me baby girl? He is a scumbag. I hate him. How could he enter into my house like this. Well, I did the same thing, but it is different from me.

I don't know if I should trust him or not. But I don't have any other option. The last time I was in jail, that's why nothing had happen. But this time, I don't want to be slave of 65-years-old-man.

I can't believe those papers. I have to find out the truth myself. I will ask Donovan. But what if he tries to hide it. I know this paper is real. It contains illegal signs. He can kill me or kidnap me if i don't go with that old scumbag.

I didn't want to think more about it. I got into the kitchen and took a wine bottle. I sat and drank the whole bottle. I don't want to think anything.

I don't want to cry about my father. It hurts so much. I don't have anyone by my side. I know that Adrien also wants something from me. Why would someone help me. I was laughing at my own suiation. Well, I don't know if I should sign it or not. I know it is impossible to get a job.

I can't even get enough money for a living. And my scumbag father would surely won't let me live a proper life. I am not even able to make my dreams real.

I don't want to sign it. But I know i don't have any other option. But I will try to make a solution. I think I should just let things go Iike this. I looked at the contract. I took my pen and signed it.

After signing it. My eyes started to get blurred. I closed my eyes and put my head on the table. I was feeling dizzy because of alcohol.

A/n: Please, try to show a little support. It will encourage me to continue writing my story. If you're reading it, please leave a comment and give some power stones to my story. These little gestures would make my day. Thank you.

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