
Revenge Of Billionaire's Wife

[The cover is not mine, I had just edited it.] [Warning : This book is going to contain adult scenes.] Amaya shocked and terrified to find out that her boyfriend was sleeping with her sister on the day she came out from jail, she was in jail because of her sister's mistake. She got into an accident and found herself back 7 seven years ago when everything bad with her was started, the same day in which she got into the jail because of her sister Kate's crime. Will she able to save herself this time? What will she gonna do after that? How will she going to change her faith? *********** [Amaya POV] My leg was hurting, but I tried my best to move. Before anyone came to check the balcony, I opened the window to get inside the room where I landed. Inside, I saw a man staring at me silently, as if I had committed a crime. He was staring at me constantly, as if observing from the balcony. I didn't have time to explain everything, but then he said, "You have guts to jump from the 10th floor. It's good that you're alive." As he looked at my body, I glanced down and noticed my dress was somewhat unstable from the jump. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly fixed my clothes and then looked back at him. I was stunned by his appearance; he was incredibly handsome. He had grayish eyes that seemed to pierce into someone's soul. He was taller than me, even though I'm 5.7 ft tall, he appeared to be around 6.2 ft. His body was perfectly covered by a bathrobe. Wait, he was just in a bathrobe. His face seemed familiar, like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't quite place it. *********** [Adrien POV] She rushed inside the room upon hearing the police approaching to check the balcony. As she entered, she caught sight of me sitting on the bed, staring at her intently. I noticed her dress was messy. My gaze inadvertently fell on her legs, which were fair and smooth. I quickly averted my eyes when I realized what I was doing. It was embarrassing; I shouldn't have been ogling her like that. But she was the one who had leapt onto my balcony like a cat. She was cute and adorable, and I found myself waiting for her to give an excuse, but she seemed lost in thought, trying to figure out what to say. ***** [Adrien POV] I was about to say something, but then I heard a sweet and seductive voice from behind me. I knew that the policeman had also heard it. I looked inside the room, as did the police, and I was shocked to even look at her. She was just in a freaking towel around her bare body. Oh my god, I felt some sensation around my body. She was looking damn sexy. She said, "Ohhh darling, who has come to disturb us in our personal time," in a very seductive tone. My ears were burning after hearing her. She started coming near me slowly, and I looked at her body structure, her body curves near her waist. She came near me and stood beside me, keeping one hand on my shoulder, and came very close to my body. Our faces were close. I could feel her breath on my neck. She looked at the police and said, "Sir, you were disturbing us in our private time." I know how nervous she was a moment ago, but look at her now. She was very confident while speaking. Her acting is quite good though. Does she know what she was doing to me? She was very close to my face, and I could feel how smooth and beautiful her skin is. Her facial structure is very strong.

silklove_ · Teen
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66 Chs

I was in police station

"What the hell are the police doing here?" I thought as they entered. "Sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but we need to investigate you regarding Director Lee's case," one of them said. I knew this would happen. It's all done by my father, Donovan.

"Okay, I will cooperate with you, but may I know the reason for the investigation?" I asked. The police replied that Lee had mentioned wanting to meet me at the hotel, implying that I was involved in the attempt on his life.

I couldn't believe my bloody father would do this just to save one daughter. He's trying to blame me.

We were in the police station, and I sat in the interrogation room. They asked me, "Did you go to the hotel?" I replied, "Yes, I was at the hotel, but I didn't go to meet Director Lee." Then they asked, "Then whom did you go to meet at the hotel?"

"Why would I need to answer this? It is my personal life. If you want to know if I went to meet Director Lee or not, then check the CCTV camera," I retorted. The police replied, "We need to know about it because somebody removed all the recordings from the camera."

"Okay, I went to meet Adrien Markram," I admitted. I knew I didn't go to meet him at the hotel; it was just an accident. However, I knew two of the policemen had seen us together, so they wouldn't dare to lie about the incident and go against Adrien.

The police started laughing, "Seriously, you were with Adrien Markram?" I knew they wouldn't believe me, but then one of the police officers came in and saw my face. He looked scared.

The officer was shocked to see me; he was one of the police who saw me with Adrien. "Oh my God, what is she doing here?" he asked the other officer who was laughing at me. The other officer replied, "Sir, she was saying that she went to meet Adrien Markram in the hotel. But what happened, sir?"

"You bloody idiot, I saw her with Adrien Markram with my own eyes. She was in his room. Why did you take her for investigation?" He was scared because if I knew Adrien, he was the richest and could do anything to anyone. Even the police were nothing in front of him.

I felt sorry for using his name; well, I hope he will not kill me for that. I looked at everyone; their reaction was funny. They were convinced after hearing him. They even believed everything.

"Sorry, miss, for this misunderstanding," one of the police said to me. I knew that this would work, but now, in return, I have to do something for my sister and father.


Adrien's POV:

I was in my office, in the middle of a meeting, but I couldn't focus. My thoughts were still consumed by that girl. Damn, she was so beautiful.

I couldn't forget the scene when I held her wrist. I was furious at those cops. She was so sexy, her body curves... I was losing control. Her towel slipped from her soft body, and I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. If I did, I would have ended up having my way with her against the wall and fuckk her. I left the hotel, but babygirl, I will find you soon.

I almost forgot I was in the meeting; someone was constantly calling me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person. It was my assistant, Davin. Without waiting for a second, I instructed him to end the meeting, and I went straight to my cabin.

I still couldn't get her out of my mind. I had to find out more about her. I looked at Davin and said, "You have to find a girl named Amaya." Davin replied, "But sir, there are many people with the same name. How will I find her?"

I looked at him and said, "I met her in a hotel room. She jumped into my room from the balcony, and in the adjacent room, Director Lee was staying."

"Is this enough information to find her?" I asked him. He replied, "Yes, I will gather all the information about her."

He left my cabin, and I sat at the table, searching for news about Lee. I wanted to know if she was involved or not. I found nothing related to her, except for reports mentioning that celebrity Kate's sister was taken in for interrogation. Could she be Kate's sister?

I decided to leave it to Davin; he would find her soon. I closed my phone. It was the first time I had seen any news about directors; after all, I had control over the entertainment industry. I owned almost all the major companies in it.

I tried to focus on my work, but her image kept invading my thoughts. After two hours of waiting, someone finally knocked on the door. I thought it would be Davin, but it was one of my employees. My mood was almost ruined.

I looked at her with irritated eyes. She was usually here seeking attention, but I always directed her to Davin. "Give me a proper reason for coming here," I demanded.

She replied nervously, "Sir, I just wanted to present my project." I was angry; she could have given this project to her department head. "Give this to your department head, and don't dare to come here for trivial reasons," I warned her. She replied, "Okay, sir," and almost ran out of the cabin.

A/n: Please, try to show a little support. It will encourage me to continue writing my story. If you're reading it, please leave a comment and give some power stones to my story. These little gestures would make my day. Thank you.

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