
Revenge Is Not Enough

[Mature Content Ahead] The five Whybella sisters were hidden away for eight years since the devastating assassination of their parents. As the next heir to the thrown, the eldest sister Winema had the responsibility to take back her rightful place as the ruler of Aezetha. Training for almost a decade, the five sisters became the deadliest yet most beautiful aristocratic women in the land. Waiting anxiously for the day they can avenge their rightful spot on the throne. On the night of one of the sister's coming-of-age balls, their territory was saught out, hundreds of soldiers sieging their place of hiding, taking Winema from the rest of the family. The next day she woke up chained to a bed, seeing a devilishly handsome man through the blur of her forced slumber. Taking back her throne might not be so easy.

bbng812 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

how are you feeling

The two began to walk in the opposite direction from the other girls. The other four glanced worriedly at one another, hoping their sister and ring leader would come back in one piece.

As Winema and Sitala walked to an unknown part of the stadium, the two were so quiet one would only hear a set of footsteps moving in rhythm with each other. Winema didn't dare make a peep. She would only keep walking and hope she could beg for mercy for her mindless mistake earlier that day.

As they reached a door, Sitala slowed down, Winema following suit. As Sitala pulled a set of keys from her pocket to unlock the door, Winema couldn't help but think about the last time she and her aunt spent time together alone. Certainly not after her parent's demise.

Back when Winema was just a wee child, Sitala would frequently visit, giving individual gifts and time to all of the sisters. The two would spend time painting pictures, crocheting blankets, and learning how to craft the most unusual items. Sitala even gifted her the most vibrant set of oil paints she had ever seen. 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮? She thought.

After the death of their parents, the opposing army seized the castle, dragging the girls down to the dungeon where the execution of all five was to take place. Luckily, the loyal staff had risked their lives to help them escape, meeting their aunt in the forest where she led them deep into a far-off land where they lived today.

The staff was able to trick the tyrant king into believing the girls were dead with the hearts of fallen prisoners and the locks of all their hair. The "king" had long since believed the entire Whybella clan was wiped out of existence. The ones that mattered anyway.

When the girls arrived at the new Whybella home, Sitala secretly moved here as well. This was the home to be moved into if anything were to happen in the Aezetha kingdom. Thankfully the girls made it there safely, but their parents weren't as fortunate.

From the moment the girls stepped into this new castle, they had to learn to become the most powerful nobles the world had ever seen. From battle to etiquette to language, and even to chemistry and medicine, the girls learned and learned to become the most intelligent ladies of Aezetha. The reason for all this work was broad. The girls understood the importance of gaining knowledge and indisputable skill, but no one knew the specifics. They learned to eventually do and not ask questions.

As the two entered the room, Winema peered around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room held many things including foreign maps, artifacts, and strange weapons that quite possibly don't exist in this nation. Toward the back of the room was a large desk that dominated the attention of the room. Clearly, this was the office Sitala mainly spent her time in, either keeping track of the sister's progress, learning of potential threats, or making sure the Whybella household was hidden in plain sight.

When the second Whybella castle was made, a Serfay going back centuries in the Whybella bloodline cast a spell making sure no one would be able to find the new residence except for the members of the family itself. Staff was slowly transferred from both Sitala's estate and the main Whybella castle that had been taken.

The existence of the castle is always concealed from future generations of the Whybella family until they reach their 18th birthday during the coming-of-age ceremony, the knowledge of the castle and its purpose spreads deep inside their mind.

Sitala gestured for her to sit in the seat in front of the desk. Winema took a quick gulp before taking a seat in the soft chair. She knew the punishment was too good to be true.

"How are you feeling?" Sitala asked. Winema was taken aback.

"W-what?" She nervously replied. This was the opposite of what she was expecting. She thought she was going to get scolded for a lifetime. Her aunt is looking at her just like a mother to her child. After her sister and brother-in-law's passing, she stepped in as the maternal role for the sisters. She may be stern and intimidating in many ways, but she always was there for the girls whenever they struggled.

"How are you feeling?" Her aunt repeated, "Now that you won't be the only one in this generation with your powers, and now that we are closer and closer to finally getting back your kingdom. How are you feeling?" Winema finally processed what the conversation was about. She had always thought this talk was going to be closer when Waleria got her powers. Things were moving a lot quicker than she thought. She felt like it was only yesterday she was learning how to wield a sword for the first time.

"I think I'm fine," Win replied softly, "The others seem to be progressing at a steady rate.." She took a pause, "I think once all five of us gain our powers, we will be able to take back the kingdom." She didn't sound confident with her answer, and Sitala could hear it in her voice and demeanor.

"Did your etiquette teacher tell you not to slouch?" Winema immediately straightened herself up, "A queen needs to keep her head help up high in order to ensure you have the respect of your people and your court, especially since you are a woman." Many monarchs from many kingdoms have had either married or single female rulers. It wasn't an unfair playing field like it used to be centuries ago, but people will always have their doubts about a woman ruler, especially if she is not wed to a man.

"Anyways, do you not believe you can handle the siege of your former kingdom yourself?" She was testing her, seeing if she was capable of handling things herself. She knew Win would never be able to succeed on her own, but she wanted to hear it for herself.

Win's voice hitched in her throat. In front of her sisters and her staff, she is seen as the most collected and well-spoken person they know, in front of her aunt, however, she is a puddle of nerves and fright.

"I believe it to be beneficial for all five of us to handle this together in order for us to successfully rule our kingdom once again." She was demure in her answer, and a lot more confident in it as well. As a speaker, her voice entraps a listener's ear like a spider web, her voice sweet like honey with the weight of a hundred ships. She could easily manipulate any situation with just her words, but her beauty doesn't hurt at all.

Her aunt took note of this answer. She's glad to hear her trust in her sisters, but she needs to have a fight and independence on her own, after all, she will be the sole queen of Aezetha.

"Do remember child," Sitala started, "That you will be the one and only queen of Aezetha unless you choose to marry or relinquish the thone." Winema knew exactly where this conversation was going. She acknowledged this fact very little, but it still lingered in the back of her mind.

"While your sisters will always be by your side as your closest advisors and noblewomen, you will have to learn to lead and solve situations on your own." Sometimes she wished she weren't the eldest. Although she knew she had the strongest capabilities amongst the five, she wished sometimes the queen could be someone else, like one of the fiery twins, or the energetic Waleria, or the youngest but ever so intelligent Wayna.

"I suppose that is the truth," Win acknowledged, "I absolutely will be ready to take back the throne when the time is right. Although I will be the sole ruler, I know I can't do this without my sisters by my side." If the plan was running its course, she will be 23 by the time Wayna hits her 18th summer, which is in three more years. She had already waited eight years to exact her revenge, what is three more?

"I see.." Sitala absolutely agreed with her, yet she needed her to take charge and be prepared for if the situation becomes dire, "I'm truly delighted that you value your sisters in such a way."

Winema smiled and nodded in agreeance. She's glad that her aunt sees eye to eye on this, even if it took a little convincing.

"Although I have to say..."