
Revenge is always sweet

Hideo is a normal decent looking middle school student who fell in love with a girl and confessed to her. They became a couple but, the girl already had a boyfriend and was only using him to order him around. After knowing the truth, hideo became depressed and did not go to school. After a year of being depressed and being persuaded by his parents to come back to school, he came back but his body and his face greatly changed he became fat and his face was full of pimples. People started to bully him and girl looks at him full of disgust but, this did not got him discouraged and started to exercise and diet. After months of hard work he became more muscular than before and his face started to become clearer. For hideo this is not good enough. He wants to be more charismatic so, he can get his revenge on the people who used him, guys who bullied him and he specifically want to get his revenge on aimi the girl he confessed to but, used him. Suddenly, the end of his 2nd year in middle school he got a dream that greatly changed him and his body.... The world that mc visited: prison school, hotd, mahouka koukou no rettousei Ongoing:shokugeki no souma(food wars) and attack on titan world Disclaimer: english is not my first language and the first few chapters are hard to read and there is a lot of contradictions, since I was only writing to pass the time in this quarantine....please bear with it if you can. You can skip to the prison school fanfic part if you want to. I’m considering on rewriting the first few chapters if I have the time to do so... Art is not mine credits to the maker

Tento · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Aimi final part 1

Aimi told hideo everything.

*a day ago*

Kai and Aimi was going on a date.

"Kai?" A girl yelled out from behind them.

"Mm?" Kai and aimi turned around.

"Who is this girl your with kai?" The girl asked angrily.

'Shit! Why do I have to meet her here? Such a rotten luck!' Kai thought

"I'm his girlfriend, why'd you ask?" Aimi answered for kai.

"Huh? Kai! explain to me what is happening here?"

The girl asked angrily.

"She's my friend!" Kai answered.

Making aimi angry and sad at the same time.

She run away then left kai there.

"Aimi!" Kai yelled and tried to chase aimi but was grabbed.

"Kai, who is that girl? Why didn't you said you have a girlfriend?" The girl asked.

"She's not, okay? She's just a friend"

"Humph, from that reaction she's angry at you for calling her your 'friend'." She said angrily.

"*sigh* yes she is my girlfriend. Why does it have to do with you?" Kai said then shook her hand off of him then chase for aimi.

'I thought I'm his only girl!' She thought as she felt her heart getting crushed.

She rode the train then went home.

Kai called her but she blocked kai. Since, she was angry at kai.

-back to the present-

"Oh, so that's why you're trying to go for me? To get revenge on him? If it is I'm not gonna entertain you" Hideo ask

"Nuu~! That's not it! I like you a lot I really like this smell coming out of you! I can't resist it!" Aimi explained.

"Look I'm already this wet from hugging you!" Aimi said guiding hideo's hand towards her pussy.

"Come sit on my lap" hideo said then walk towards the bench.

Aimi felt hideo's crotch then started to shake her hips on it.

"You are this hard as well"

"Put it in yourself"

Aimi unzipped his pants then grab his cock.

'So big! Bigger than kai! I miss it so much!' She thought as she drools.

She then guided it towards her entrance then put it inside.

"Ahhhn!" She moaned unconsciously as she puts the head inside her pussy.

'Ahh! This is it! I want more!' She thought then started to shake her hips faster.

"Hideo kun! Your thing feels sho good!" Aimi said then started to lick hideo's neck.

"That feels good aimi" hideo praised as he took aimi's top off then started to lick her nipples as he suck them.

"Ahhn! That feels good hideo kun!" Aimi said as she bounce up and down.

Hideo bit her nipples marking it with his teeth.

"Ouch! It hurts hideo kun" she said but, she had a happy face.

"Stick your tongue out" hideo ordered.

Aimi did not retaliate and stick her tongue out.

Hideo started to suck on her tongue. Aimi stopped moving as she came then fell towards hideo.

"Ahhhn! More kiss me more! Hideo kun!"

Hideo kissed her more roughly this time biting her tongue lightly from tjme to time

Hideo noticing lifts her up then started to pound her while standing up she wraps her arms around hideo.

"Ahhn! Ahh! M-more! I want to feel hideo kun" she said as she kiss hideo.

After a long pounding, hideo felt his dick is about to burst.

"I'm cumming! Aimi take it all in!"

"Y-yes please! Cum inshide me" she said with her tongue out.


"Ahhhhh!" She moaned loudly as she felt hideo's semen pouring inside her.

"Ahh!ahhh! That was so good!" Aimi said she tood up.

"Kyaa!" As she stood up she fell on her butt.

"I'm still not done aimi" hideo said as his cock gets erect again.

'This is the girl I liked! I will fuck her till she drown in pleasure' he thought.

Aimi looked at hideo with shocked expression as her boyfriend would be done after one shot.

He lifted her up and made her put her two hands on the bench.

Hideo started to move his cock towards her entrance and started to pound her.

"Your pussy is tighter than before"

"Ahhn! Hideo kun!" She moaned as she felt hideo moving inside her pussy.

This continued for a long time.

"Ahh! No more hideo kun! I will go crazy from cumming too many times." She said with a blissfull face.

"I only came twice, though" hideo said as he move his hips slapping aimi's ass.

"Ahhn! No more please!" She complained but, her face tells another story.

"I'm cumming aimi"

"Ahhhn!" She screamed as she felt hideo's semen pouring inside her.

"Come again tomorrow" hideo whispered in her ears then bit it lightly.

"Y-yesh!" Aimi answered with her melted expression.

Hideo left aimi then went home.

This goes on for a while until hideo's tournament game. Hideo would have sex with aimi till she faint making her come back for more.

Right now, hideo is inside a basketball court with a lot of people watching.

"Hideo kun." Ichinose called out for hideo as she handed him a bottle of water.

"Thank you" hideo said.

"I-I" ichinose stuttered as she tried to say something.

"Is there anything?" Hideo asked

"About the thing you said before. I decided"

"Oh, is that so?" Hideo said expressionlessly.

Hideo did not do anything to ichinose for the days they have meeting. He would just target her with his 'pheromone' and that's all. Ichinose would beg him but, hideo would refuse making ichinose be more desperate.

Hideo targeted her with his 'pheromone' suddenly.

'Ahhh! This smell! I can't get enough of it' she thought as she fell towards hideo with her wobbly legs.

"You okay? Ichinose senpai" hideo asked as he catch her.

Ichinose rubs her face on hideo's chest not caring if anyone can see her.

"Senpai, shuntaro is looking at you" Hideo noticed shun looking his way with angry face.

"I-I don't care, I like you more!" She said while looking up at hideo with melted face.

Hideo then kissed her on her lips. She was shocked for a while then closed her eyes.

"Ahh! Ahh!"

She panted after parting their lips

The people who saw it talk to themselves. Some girls saying "how romantic!"

"Hey! What are you doing to Ichinose!" Shuntaro said waking up from his stupor.

Hideo grinned then pushed ichinose away from him.

"Y-you!" Shuntaro yelled as he lounge towards hideo.


Before he could reach hideo, a slap sounded around the court.

Some people noticed what happened and some are ignorant to what happened.

"Itee~ senpai why did you do that?" Hideo ask while rubbing his face.

"Hmph!" Ichinose said then left.

Hideo told ichinose to slap him as they would get caught.

"Senpai you look cute when you get flustered" He whispered

Ichinose blushed then left as if she is angry.

"Let's go shuntaro!" Ichinose said as she drag riku out of there.

"That fucker just stole a kiss from you" shuntaro said angrily.

"It's nothing don't get into a fight. Don't get our team to be disqualified." Ichinose said angrily.

"I understand" shuntaro said while gritting his teeth.

In the crowd two girls was watching the whole thing. They look at ichinose with angry looks.

Soon it was hideo's team turn to play.

Hideo as usual pulled a win scoring 70 points all by himself which made the crowd be and some school who was scouting for their school to be surprised.

Ryouka was surprised since its her first time seeing hideo play.

"Shiori, you didn't tell ryouka how good hideo kun plays"

"Well, you didn't ask" shiori answered

"I guess, you're right!"

"Did you fell more in love?" Shiori ask ryouka.

Ryouka nodded then look at the court.

Some crowd where talking about who he is and some girls are getting interested to him.

Hideo outshined shuntaro as much as he can to show him who is better.

Hideo walked up to the bench then sat down one sit away from ichinose.

Hideo has been attacking her with his 'pheromone'

Ichinose then got closer to hideo then she starts to pant heavily

"I want you hideo kun!" Ichinose said as she rubs her legs agains hideo's legs.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet" suddenly hideo stood up and said to the coach.

Ichinose heard him then look at hideo leaving.

"C-coach I gotta buy some sports drink to use later for the team!" She said then left as she got the approval.

She run towards the mens bathroom her heartbeat increases as she open the door.

Then someone pulled on her from the other side then was kissed passionately.

She panicked for a while, but closed her eyes as she noticed who it was.

"Ahhh! More I wanna taste hideo kun more" she said when they parted their lips then started to kiss again as they fight with their tongue.

Hideo started to play with her tits while squuezing her ass with his other hand.

Ichinose did not slack as she puts her hands inside hideo's pants.

'Ahh! Hideo's erect cock ! I miss it!' She thought as she pulled hideo's cock out. Stroking it up and down.

Ichinose kneel down then started to lick around hideo's head.

"Ichinose let's not do it here" hideo said as she pulled her inside the stall.

"Sit down there" hideo said

Ichinose sat down kn the toilet then started to lick hideo's big cock as she stroke it with her two hands.

"That feels good ichinose!" Hideo praised her. Ichinose smiled then started to suck deeper and deeper until it hits her throat.

Hideo grabbed her head then started to move his hips.



"Urgh! Ichinose your mouth pussy feels so good!" Hideo praised then moves his hips faster.

Soon hideo felt his dick becoming bigger then started to cum inside her mouth. He didn't warn on purpose making ichinose cough repeatedly.

"Put your hands there" hideo said

Ichinose only nodded then bent her ass towards hideo.


Ichinose moaned as she felt hideo's cock gojng inside her.

"I'm gonna put it all in" hideo said

"Please put it all in!" She begged.

"Ahhh!" She screamed in pain as she felt her hymen breaking.

Hideo didn't wait for her to be used to the pain as he started to move roughly from the start.

"Ahhh! It hurts! Stop for a little bit!" She said as her voice gets cut off everytime she gets pounded and tears started to flow out of her eyes.

"I don't care" hideo said then started to move faster.

Soon the pain she felt started to turn to pleasure as she moan loudly while saliva drips down the side of her mouth.

"Are you sure it's okay to moan loudly here?" Hideo asked as he grabs on her hair while pounding her from the back.

She covered her mouth with one hand while moving her hips syncing it with hideo.

"Hey! Did you see that guy?" A voice said outside the stall.

"Oh, the guy who scored 70 points by himself?"

"Yeah that guy is crazy good! I think noone can win against him!"

"Looking back at it his team did not do that much. They have a bad teamwork so,I think if he gets targeted he won't score."

"Yeah, that seems to be the case but, they still lost even if they did team up against him."

"Ahhn!" Suddenly a moan came out of the stool.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah I did"

The guy walked up to the stall and knock.

"Hey! What are you doing there?"

"Stop dude he might be watching some porn and his earphone accidentally got cut off."

"Ahhhn!" Another moan can be heard from the stall.

"Let's not bother him."

"That was close isn't it? Senpai" hideo whispered then bit her ear lightly.

"No! Im cumming!" Ichinose said

Hearing her words hideo move faster attacking her weak point.

"I'm cumming!" She moaned loudly as she came and her legs starts to shake.

"I'm not done yet" hideo said then change her position.

Hideo lifts her up putting her back against the wall and started to pound her faster.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! No more! I just came! Hiii!" Ichinose moaned as she came again with her tongue sticking out.

Hideo started to suck on her tongue and pound her pussy.

"I'm gonna cum now" hideo said

"Please cum outside!" She begged.

"I understand!" Hideo said but as he moves his hips faster.

"Nuuu!" Ichinose complained as she felt hideo's semen shooting inside her womb. Her face has an happy expression contrary to her words

"That felt so good ichinose" he said as he left.

Hideo sat back down on the waiting room. Since, the game ended already. They were preparing for the next match.

Soon ichinose came back with shaky legs carrying sports drinks.

Shuntaro came up to her and carried the bags.

"Are you okay? Your legs seem to be shaking." Shuntaro ask in concern.

"No, I'm okay thanks for helping" Ichinose said smiling at shuntaro then sat down.

Hideo locked her with his 'pheromone'. As he talk to the other club members.

Soon the tournament ended with hideo's team winning. Making them qualified for the semi finals.

After the tournament some scout came up to him and offered him a scholarship on their school. Hideo declined everyone as ryouka's school was not mentioned.

He left with the club member then met shiori and ryouka waiting for him in front of the entrance. He locked his 'pheromone' equally to the three of them.

"Hideo-kun!" Ryouka and shiori run towards hideo then hugged him.

"Okay, can you let go now?" Hideo said as he tried to remove their hands off of him.

'This smell I miss it!' Ryouka thought as she sniff hideo's smell in. After a while she let go.

Ichinose was looking at them and look at ryouka and shiori with angry look. She want to cudddl with hideo without minding it.

She decided to break up with shuntaro but, she doesn't want to do it in a vicious way.

"Coach, sorry I will pass on the celebration" he said then left when he got the permission.

"Let's go shiori and ryouka" he said.

Ryouka and shiori hugged hideo. Then, look at ichinose with a grin.

Ichinose noticed their grin and got angrier.

The club members where jealous of him as well as shuntaro.

They left then ate somewhere to celebrate by eating.

"Hideo-senpai is such a good player!" A first year student praised.

"Yeah, he was so good at his handlings, shooting and everything." A student agreed.

"I'm so jealous of him. He is celebrating with two girls as we speak" another club member said.

"Yeah, it was shiori senpai and a cute girl!"

Ichinose gritted her teeth and clench her fist on anger hearing hideo with the two girl.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" She slammed the table and left

"Mm? Is ichinose senpai alright?" They ask looking at shun

"I don't know" shuntaro said then continued eating.

Ichinose is at the bathroom she was tearing up inside the stall.

"Sniff* I want to be with hideo kun!"

"He said he would be with me!"

She complained loudly as she cry.

Suddenly her phone rung and saw the name of the caller. She answered immidiately.

"Hello, ichinose senpai!" A voice called out from the other side of the phone.

"Hi-hideo kun? What is it?" She ask.

"Ahhn! More! Hideo kun!" Suddenly a moan called out from the other side of the phone.

"You wanna come here?" Hideo invited ichinose.

"No! I don't want to when you are with other girls" she said as she heard moans from the other side of the phone.

"Is that so? Hmmmm" hideo said then was kissed by ryouka.

"Hideo-kun do me next, okay? Ryouka missed your thing!"

"Be patient we got a lot of time" hideo answered.

"Since, you don't want to go. I'll hang up good bye! Have fun on your celebration with shuntaro" hideo said then hang up.

Ichinose started to tear up again as she felt her heart ache.

'I-I love you hideo-kun! Please don't do it with other girls!' She thought as she cry.

Hideo on the other side was at ryouka's house since it is pretty close to the place of the tournament.

They continued their session until ryouka and shiori fainted.

"Ahh! That was so much fun!" Hideo said as he lay down between the two woman.

After a while, both of them woke up and look at hideo with a bright smile.

"Oh, you're awake!" Hideo said then kissed the two of them.

"Wanna shower together?" He asked the two of them.

They only nodded then walk towards the bathroom.

Ryouka's house was pretty big since her family is pretty wealthy.

They showered together then hideo felt his cock growing bigger.

"You wanna do it?" Shiori ask as she felt hideo's cock getting erect behind her back.

Hideo did not reply and just slipped his dick inside shiori.


"Oh, you're already this wet without foreplay?" Hideo said as his cock went in smoothly feeling her wet pussy.

"So unfair! Ryouka want to do it too!" Ryouka said as she went inside the bathtub. Since the bath tub was big three people can fit in easily.

They ended up having a threesome in the bathroom.

Ryouka and Hideo then left with shiori. Shiori cuddling with him. Making the male around be jealous of hideo.

They parted their ways then went home.

A/N: sorry for not uploading yesterday! I was gonna upload this but, only wrote about 300 words. Since, My friend invited me to play basketball with them. I was so tired when I got home and went to sleep immediately after takjng a shower.

Edited some parts where I got shuntaro's name as riku.