
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter-8 Revanant

Daemon walked through the village after escaping the cartel hideout, deciding to head home to avoid drawing more attention to himself.

He shook his head, trying to clear the flash of the cartel's plans from his mind. "The cartel is having a shipment of slaves shipped in the next couple of weeks to Elysian Reach, and there will be an auction," he muttered. 'Now I have to lay low again because of this...hopefully I can make it to that auction it could be my ticket to Nova Veritas City and earn some fear points' he thought.

As he passed a house, Daemon felt a sudden, inexplicable pull toward it, an unfamiliar sensation that seemed to tug at his very soul. He glanced at the house beside him. Its windows were shattered, and a glowing azure light emanated from inside.

'What's this sensation coming from that house?' he wondered.

Deciding to investigate, Daemon approached the house. It was already late, the tavern had closed, and he felt confident that neither the cartel nor the detectives would catch him. When he reached the house, he overheard a conversation inside.

"You killed me, and now I have returned to kill you."

"Please wait, we did it for the village."

"Well, now your death will be for the village."

Intrigued Daemon peered through the ajar front door, which creaked ominously in the breeze. Inside he saw a grotesque creature with a black, droopy body and a glowing azure aura. The creature was speaking to a terrified man on his knees before swiftly slicing off his head.

Daemon quickly used the system to analyze the creature before closing the door.

'System, what is a revenant?' Daemon asked mentally.

-A revenant is a ghost that was revived or escaped from the afterlife. Its primary purpose is to haunt or seek revenge. As the embodiment of death, your role is to consume it, send it back to hell, or guide it to heaven.-

A vengeful ghost,' Daemon thought, 'so that's what's causing this sensation.'

-New Feature: Life and Death. As the embodiment of death, you decide who is worthy of rest or eternal torment, effectively banishing them from the mortal world.-

-Congratulations on earning a new ability: Infernal Recall.-

Information about Infernal Recall flowed into Daemon's mind, detailing how to use the ability. "Not that I have a problem with sending them to hell... but eating a ghost sounds disgusting," he muttered.

Daemon stepped through the door, noticing that the revenant was no longer in sight. The floorboards creaked under his weight as he moved inside, the air thick with the scent of decay and mildew. Dust particles danced in the dim light filtering through broken windows.

Moving deeper into the house, the feeling intensified, drawing him towards the basement. He descended the creaky stairs, he spotted a faint, ghostly azure light emanating from a corner in the darkness.

Daemon looked at the revenant, its face ugly and part of its body missing. "Who are you, and what brought you to this place?" he asked coldly.

"You don't look like you're from the village. I am... was... Samuel. Betrayed and murdered in this very village," the revenant spoke.

"Tell me, why would the village kill you?" Daemon asked. 'If I can understand its motives, I might find a way to use this situation to my advantage.'

"Do you know of the harvest?" the revenant asked.

"Yes, it's happening in a couple of days. What about it?" Daemon replied.

"Wait until then, and you will know the history of the village," the revenant said.

'Wait until then? What could be so significant about the harvest? This might be a clue to the village's secrets, something the cartel is involved in. I need more information, but I can't let this spirit roam free.' Daemon thought.

"And because of the harvest, now you haunt the village, seeking vengeance or peace? It doesn't matter. I'm here to end this," Daemon spoke.

"You... you're like them. Cold, unfeeling. What do you know of my suffering?" the revenant opened its mouth in a pained voice.

Daemon stepped closer to the revenant, releasing a bit of his death presence make the revenant move back a bit more.

"W-who are you?" the revenant asked, feeling his presence.

"I'm not here to understand your suffering. I'm here to do what I have to. Your time in this world is over. It's time to return to where you belong," Daemon said.

"No! I need Justice! They must pay for what they did to me!" the revenant pleaded desperately.

The reason why Samuel was so desperate was because had joined the village just a couple of years before everything went awry. At first, everyone had welcomed him warmly, treating him with kindness and respect. He had brought his crafting skills from the city, and his own designs had quickly become a valuable asset to the community.

In those early days, Samuel had felt a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. The villagers had become like family to him, and he had poured his heart and soul into his work, eager to repay their hospitality.

But as time went on, on the day of the harvest whispers began to circulate through the village, the once-friendly atmosphere, and suspicion hung heavy in the air.

It wasn't long before Samuel found himself at the center of the harvest, Betrayed by those he had trusted most, he was cast out from the community he had come to love.

The betrayal cut deep, leaving scars that went beyond mere physical wounds. Samuel's heart burned with a fierce desire for justice.

And so, when he returned as a revenant, it was not just to seek vengeance for himself, but for the betrayal of trust, the shattered dreams, and the stolen innocence of a man who had only ever wanted to belong.

Even if Daemon knew what Samuel went through he wouldn't cared as he gazed coldly at the revenant, his eyes piercing through its body form. "Justice is not my concern. Reward is. You've lingered too long. Your presence disrupts the natural order."

Raising his hand, Daemon drew a sigil in the air with dark energy, his voice deep and resonant as he began the incantation. "Nihilum Inferno, ex abyssus venite, Tenebris nexus, animam capite, Mortis vincla, lux est obsoleta, Daemonum voco, umbra devorate." He took a small breath before continuing, "Vitale nexum, anima dissolvite, Portae inferni, flammas ignita, Aeternum clamor, animae discede, In inferno cecidisse, in aeternum oblita."

Behind Daemon, the Infernal Gate manifested, a massive, jagged archway formed from black, obsidian-like stone. Its edges were sharp and irregular, giving it a menacing appearance. The archway stood at least eight feet tall to match the house height, towering over most beings and casting a dark, ominous shadow.

The surface of the archway was inscribed with glowing, crimson runes that pulsed with dark energy, ancient and infernal in origin. Flanking the archway were two massive pillars of hellfire, burning with blue and black flames.

The flames crackled with intense heat, emitting a low, ominous hum. Occasionally, the flames formed grotesque shapes, such as screaming faces or grasping hands, that flickered and vanished within the fire.

From the base of the archway, thick, shadowy tendrils extended outward, writhing and curling like the tentacles of a monstrous sea creature. These tendrils were semi-transparent, absorbing the light around them.

Within the archway itself was a swirling vortex of pure darkness, speckled with flickers of crimson and violet light. This vortex seemed to pull at the very fabric of reality, creating a powerful gravitational force that drew everything towards it.

The vortex emitted a deep, resonant growl, like the sound of a distant, massive creature breathing.

The air in the house grew thick and oppressive from the Infernal Gate, filled with the stench of sulfur and burnt flesh, a cold unnatural wind blew outward from the vortex.

Dark tendrils shot out from the gate, latching onto the revenant and slowly pulling it toward the vortex, no matter how much the revenant tried to fly and pull away, it continued to be dragged inexorably towards its doom.

"Please, have mercy!" the revenant pleaded again, its voice filled with desperation.

Daemon's face remained impassive but he did have a slight smirk, his eyes devoid of mercy or compassion. The tendrils tightened their grip, pulling the screaming revenant closer until it was fully absorbed into the vortex. The gate closed with a loud bang, the vortex disappearing into thin air.

Daemon stood in the now silent room, the oppressive atmosphere dissipating. Just as he was about to check the system, "Boom!" a loud boom echoed from outside the house, catching his attention.

"What now?" Daemon muttered heading towards the source of the noise.