
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter-6 Missing Girl

While walking around the village Daemon noticed an unusual crowed of villagers gathered in one area. It piqued his curiosity. For the past couple of days, he hadn't seen such a crowd. Memories flooded back, reminding him of what he'd done the previous night, moving closer, he recognized the area it was where he had killed the three men last night.

Daemon managed to squeeze through the crowed of villagers reaching the scene to figures grabbed his attention instantly it was a woman and a man. "So, those two are the detectives... What makes them special? Will they uncover what happened?" he pondered.

Observing the female detective closely for a little bit he felt by her movement and how she analyzed the crime scene she seemed to be the better detective with more skill after a brief moment he walked away believing that with the kidnappers now dead, the village should be safe also the police should have a proper chance of finding the remaining kidnapped villagers eventually.

While he walked the village now deserted except for the crime scene his eyes caught a paper on a house wall arriving at the paper it was missing poster featuring a familiar face it was the girl from last night's abduction attempt. 'Isn't she the girl those men tried to kidnap?' Daemon thought.

Daemon shook his head and said. "She still ended up getting kidnapped" he muttered. "but how the men are dead...is they more in the city"

Suddenly, a commanding voice interrupted his thoughts from behind, startling him. "Young man, don't involve yourself. This is bigger than you can imagine," the voice cautioned.

Turning, Daemon found himself face-to-face with an old man, his presence unnoticed until that moment. "What do you mean, bigger than I imagine?" he inquired.

"Just stop before you cause more bad than good" the old man advised before walking away.

Daemon wanted answers so he trailed the old man. 'Who says I want to do good' he thought when he and the old man turned around the corner to his surprise the old man figure was gone. 'Where did he go...how can a old man escape so fast' he wondered aloud.

Resting against a house wall Daemon contemplated his next move. I need to find out more about those kidnapper now there mostly more kidnapper in the village' he thought. 'I honestly thought there could be supernatural for some more fear points but if I find more kidnaper i will gain a lot' he thought.

As Daemon contemplated his next move, he was interrupted by the warm yet slightly chilly voice of a woman. "Hi, I'm Detective Adriana Voss. Is it possible I can ask you some questions?"

Looking up Daemon met the gaze of the female detective who had been present at the crime scene he had created. He couldn't help but notice the determination in her eyes.

'How do people keep sneaking up on me... But now that I realize it, I fell a presence from her that challenges mine, pure of good,' Daemon thought before responding, "Only if I can ask you some questions too."

"Sure... First question, do you know the missing girl?" Detective Adriana inquired. 'I heard him talking about the girl before the old man talked to but who even was that he seem to also now something' she thought.

'Did she hear my talk about the kidnapping' Daemon thought. "I don't know about her. I just saw her last night walking through the alleyway where the men died," he replied.

Detective Adriana eyebrows rose in skeptically. "Okay... Second question, are you from this village?" she pressed, noticing his familiarity with the surroundings.

Daemon thought. 'Why does she want to know that... does she know me.' "Yes," he answered plainly.

Detective Adriana couldn't discern Daemon emotion as he had a emotionless face. "Final question, are you a supernatural being?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"What kind of question is that, Detective? What's a supernatural?" Daemon retorted.

Surprised by his reaction, Detective Adriana backtracked. "Sorry, wrong question. That's all I have for you. You can ask me your questions now," she conceded. 'Again cant tell if he lying or saying the truth why is he so emotionless' she thought.

"Okay, my first question is: who were the men that were killed?" Daemon inquired.

"They were men from the Iron Chain Cartel," Adriana replied.

Daemon's mind raced. "Iron Chain Cartel? Never heard of it," he thought aloud before posing another question, "What's the Iron Chain Cartel?"

Adriana explained, "It's one of the largest organizations in the world that deals with human trafficking."

"Alright, Detective, that's all I wanted to ask. Goodbye," Daemon said abruptly walking away.

Adriana couldn't help but feel puzzled by his demeanor. "What's his problem? He walks off after asking those types of questions," she mused to herself. "I surely felt the same energy on him from last night and on the crime scene" she muttered.

What Adriana meant was last night in the whole village felt a very evil presence of death that could kill them at any moment looming over the village.


As Daemon sat by the glimmering pond in the moonlight, he contemplated the energy of his death presence. "To control my death presence, I must learn to manage the Nyx within me, preventing it from leaking out and forming my aura," he murmured to himself.

The system had enlightened him about Nyx energy, describing it as originating from the very essence of the universe, stemming from cosmic energies governing existence. It was seen by various cultures and belief systems as the divine breath of creation or a natural force inherent in the balance of nature.

Each individual possessed a unique reservoir of Nyx, which could be harnessed and cultivated through training, meditation, and experience. Gods drew power from the collective belief and worship of mortals, as well as from their oversight of the natural order. Demons, on the other hand, fed on dark energies from the depths of the Abyss, fueled by fear, suffering, and negative emotions. Supernatural creatures tapped into the Nyx of the world itself.

When Daemon closed his eyes, breathing slowly, he attempted to replicate the process he used when creating his claws, now named Leech. Concentrating on the energy within his chest, he felt a powerful force pulsing within him. Trying to control it, he envisioned holding a ball in his hand, but the energy proved too overwhelming. Moments later, it exploded out of his body.

In an instant, the trees and plants surrounding him withered away, suffocated by his unleashed silver and black Nyx. The energy flowed through the air, looming over the village below. Panic erupted as villagers turned on their lights, peering outside to see the cause of the disturbance, some trembling with fear and seeking shelter.

After what felt like an eternity, Daemon managed to regain control of his Nyx energy, allowing it to leak from his body in a more restrained manner than before. Opening his eyes, he surveyed the aftermath he was surprised by the dead trees and plants around him.

"This is what the system meant by the death presence causing environmental changes," he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a notification from the system interrupted his thoughts:

-Congratulations Daemon, on causing a chain reaction, earning 575 fear points-

"What the hell?" Daemon exclaimed.