
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter-21 The Whisper

With the cartel members now acknowledging Daemon's strength, Jason led him inside the hideout, an underground labyrinth that had been carved out of the rock decades ago by the cartel's Jackson and a couple of cartel who he started of with before there deaths. Because its advantageous position and sturdy design, the refuge was practically an impenetrable fortress.

'Impressive, this place is more fortified than I imagined' Daemon thought, his eyes scanning the cold stone walls. 'Jackson truly built a sanctuary within this rock. If I can control this, I can control the entire operation.'

First, they visited the armory, a heavily secured room filled with racks of weapons, ammunition, and tactical gear. The walls were lined with reinforced steel, giving the room a cold, metallic feel. Crates of illicit goods for the cartel's smuggling operations were also present. Daemon noted the subtle marks on some of the crates, indicating secret shipments from allied factions and the concealed struggle for power among the cartel's lieutenants.

What secrets are hidden in these crates? And who is vying for power here?

Next, they descended to the holding cells it was a grim area in the basement, it was small, cramped spaces with barred doors and minimal light were damp they were even a heavy scent of decay. Daemon noted the shivering captives realizing that the cells were used to detain captured enemies or those awaiting punishment, at the same time their victims were tortured into submission or killed if they didn't comply.

Daemon peered into one of the cells, where a flickering bulb cast eerie shadows upon the trembling figure within. The captive's eyes, wide with fear, met Daemon's briefly before darting away.

In the training area it had an open space with multiple punching bags, sparring mats, and obstacle courses, cartel members were constantly honing their combat skills, around the area was bustling with multiple activities, showcasing the cartel's commitment to maintaining their fighting abilities.

Sweat and determination permeated the air, as grizzled veterans barked orders and rookies struggled to keep up. "Our strength lies in our readiness," Jason noted. "We can't afford to be caught off guard."

They train like men who know they're fighting a losing battle. Are they prepared for what's coming? 

The infirmary looked sterile clinical space with rows of beds and medical equipment. Despite its functionality, it had a cold, impersonal feel. Medically trained cartel members staffed the infirmary, treating injuries and performing emergency surgeries fo member. There faint smell of antiseptic and the low hum of medical machines. "Many lives have been saved here," Jason said quietly. "And many have been lost."

While Jason was speaking, Daemon overheard hushed conversations about patients who knew too much and the healers who kept them alive just long enough to extract every secret.

The living quarters were filled dormitories of bunk beds, minimal furnishings, and shared bathrooms. Each room was dimly lit and furnished with basic necessities, it was normal lifestyle of the cartel members.

On the way to the final area, Daemon couldn't help but ask, "The members call you manager. What do they mean? What do you help with?"

Understanding Jason's role is crucial, his position of 'manager' sounds innocuous, but in an organization like this, it could mean anything from logistics to silent enforcer. Is he a mere cog in the machine or a potential rival? If he's the one who knows everything that happens here, then he's either the most useful ally or the most dangerous enemy.

"Oh, I oversee what's going on in the warehouse and help deal with whatever you need," Jason explained.

Daemon sensed that Jason was young but also smart and capable. A rising star in the cartel, Daemon thought. 'He could be a valuable ally or a dangerous enemy. I need to decide quickly.'

But how much can I trust his ambition?

After a minute of walking, they arrived at the command center. Located in the heart of the hideout, the command center was a high-tech room filled with surveillance monitors, communication equipment, and a large central table covered with maps and plans.

Just before entering the room, Jason suddenly stopped, as if remembering something. "Oh, I just remembered, there's a new batch of product coming in. Why don't you get comfortable, and I'll be right back?" he said.

Daemon nodded, watching Jason walk away. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing for the challenge ahead. He needed to solidify his position and ensure that his plans for revenge were executed flawlessly.

Daemon nodded and entered the room, scanning his surroundings, he needed to get a moment away from him because he was wary of Jason asking too many questions, as it might expose his plans prematurely.

"So, you are the new boss?" A voice sounded behind Daemon, causing him to turn instantly. The man who spoke hadn't made a sound or given off any presence. He didn't look like someone who belonged there. "Who are you, and how did you get here?" he stated calmly.

Daemon observed the 6'5" man clad in a brown cloak and a mask that covered half his face, he had dark skin and black eyes were the only visible features, the rest obscured by the cloak. Daemon's senses heightened, like a predator sensing potential danger.

'This man... he radiates danger,' Daemon thought. 'Whoever he is, he's not to be underestimated.'

 "I'm the Whisper... here to help you, as I did with old man Jackson," the man said his voice deep. The Whisper a mysterious figure known for his vast network of spies and informants, had been a ghost in the cartel's history and for other orgs, his true identity is a closely guarded secret.

His ability to gather and manipulate information had made him an invaluable asset, but also a figure of suspicion and fear. Few knew the extent of his powers, which were rumored to include mind-reading and invisibility, skills that made him both a orgs helper and a potential threat.

"Oh, really? If you helped Boss Jackson, why hide?" Daemon questioned. 'I need to test his story' he thought

If he truly was Jackson's confidant, why remain in the shadows? What is he hiding? If he's lying, I need to know now. But if he's telling the truth, he could be invaluable. Can I afford to trust him, even partially?

The Whisper walked around the room slowly. "As the Whisper, I know many secrets and hold a lot of information. It's important I keep myself hidden. Only Jackson and a few others know my real identity and get information from me," he replied.

While thinking Daemon maintain an unwavering gaze into the Whisper eyes. 'If he truly helped Jackson, I have to trust him for now, or he might expose me. But does he know who I really am?' he thought. He pulled out a nearby chair and sat. "Okay, I'm willing to hear you out. I trust Boss Jackson, so I have to trust you too," he said.

"Yes... first, I want you to know about what happened to old man Jackson," the Whisper said.

'If he really has that secret... was he there, or does he have some kind of power to know?' Daemon wondered.

"The reason he died was because a vampire killed him," the Whisper revealed.

The conflict with the vampires, known as the Blood Bankers, had deep roots in the city's history. These immortal beings had long vied for control over human resources seeing them as both food and slaves. The cartel's attempts to expand their influence had brought them into direct conflic however they was a alliance before.

"Vampire?" Daemon echoed skeptically but quickly corrected himself. "I didn't know there was conflict between the vampires and the cartel. Boss Jackson never told me."

"He was extremely busy with the vampires, so he wouldn't have told you. The Blood Bankers' second reason for the rivalry with the cartel is that they need humans as blood bags, while the cartel needs them as slaves to sell," the Whisper explained.

Vampires... an enemy I hadn't anticipated, If Jackson was fighting them, it explains a lot. But it also means the threat is greater than I imagined now this is an inconvenient.

How deep does this conflict go?

"So, we ended up fighting with the Blood Bankers because there aren't enough people in this area. Why don't we expand to the other side of the city?" Daemon asked.

"Mainly because of the precinct, but also because the vampires are stronger than normal humans. They block the cartel from getting fresh product," the Whisper replied.

"Hmm, if all you said is true, then you must have a way to stop them," Daemon inquired.

"Yes, but... first, you will have to kill some vampires on the north side. They're getting closer to us. Fail, and it will be the death of this base," the Whisper warned.

Daemon stared at The Whisper with a unblinking gaze. "What do you mean?" his voice remained calm. "Are you threatening this base?"

The Whisper's eyes narrowed his eyes at Daemon while Daemon eyes made him uncomfortable he pushed through. "I'm not threatening. I'm stating a fact. The vampires are closing in, and if you don't act, this base will fall. It's your call, Boss. Prove your worth."

"No, even if it was a threat, you don't have a choice. The auction has been sped up, and the commander is coming. If you don't collect product for the auction, it will be your death," the Whisper said.

'Pressure from all sides,' Daemon thought.

The auction, the commander, the vampires. Timing couldn't be worse. How can I turn this to my advantage?

'Next week... the message said in a couple of weeks. I took over at the worst possible time,' Daemon thought.

"However, if the vampire clan is weakened before then, the commander will praise you, and it could possibly help you rise in the ranks," the Whisper continued.

Daemon steepled his fingers. "So, Jackson died trying to kill vampires. If I succeed, I'll gain the commander's praise and rise in the ranks?" he asked, his voice steady and devoid of emotion.

"Yes... I know the perfect starting spot for you," the Whisper said.

After the Whisper explained the situation with the Blood Banker clan and where Daemon should go, smoke appeared in front of him. When it cleared, the Whisper was gone, Daemon was felt good to get that new information because he needed to solidify his position and ensure that his plans for revenge were executed flawlessly.

Daemon allowed himself a rare moment of introspection. 'I have to climb the ranks, no matter the cost. It's the only way I can get close enough to the people who killed my family. I'm sure they think its impossible for death to reach them, but I'll show them they're wrong,' he thought.

"Interesting," Daemon commented aloud, trying to shake off the feeling of vulnerability that had crept in.

"What's so interesting?" 

Jason suddenly entered the room, making Daemon wonder if he had overheard the conversation. Before saying anything, he replied, "Nothing... Tomorrow, I want to do something."

Jason's brows furrowed in concern. "What's that?" Jason asked

"You know where Ding Ding Street is?" Daemon asked pointedly, gauging Jason's reaction closely.

Jason nodded slowly, his expression guarded. "Yeah... barely anyone goes there anymore." he replied. "These vampires aren't your run-of-the-mill bloodsuckers. They're organized, with leaders who possess abilities that make them formidable enemies."

"Well, we need to. We have to clear out some vampires from our area," Daemon said.

Jason's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice tinged with urgency. "What do you mean? You do realize that vampires are extremely powerful and gather in groups. For the past month, we've barely been able to kill any. Most of our men keep dying on every attack,"

"Calm down. You've seen my strength. With me, it's time for our power to grow, and it first starts with taking back control of what's rightfully ours," Daemon said. "Taking back Ding Ding Street isn't just about reclaiming territory. It's about restoring our supply routes, freeing up critical resources, and sending a message that we won't be pushed around by supernatural force."