
revenge for love

Korea's most wanted criminal was shot down by an ordinary woman? read on to find out more

florent_tine · Teen
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7 Chs


Third person pov

Rosalind was very confused as to how kai was getting money she never knew what her husband did.

All she was told by kai that he love her to the moon and back.

Kai used to take Rosalind to shopping, bought her expensive gifts, took her to various date places. But one thing which confused Rosalind was that every night kai would change his sim card after he thought that Rosalind was fast asleep.

Rosalind found it fishy so she followed kai to his workplace she found out that her husband, kai was working for a mafia and not just any other mafia but the world's most wanted criminal.

When she saw the scene of kai taking an Envelope full of green bills her eyes went wide in utter shock.

At an instance her mind was not able to process, she wanted to confront to kai but waited for the right time.

She came home doing the chores as if nothing happened but her mind was full of the scene she witnessed. She believed in her husband and her love.

She thought that love can change anyone.

Kai came home with a sign of sadness.

When asked his cause of sadness he simply replied as he was going to Germany for some work and would be back in few weeks. He knew that this might be his last night with his wife so wnted to cherish.

Kai spent his entire night with his wife.

It was time when Kai had to go to Germany Rosalind came to the airport to bid her husband a warm goodbye. Little did she knew that this day onwards her life would completely change.

She would be recognized in the underworld.

Week passed but there was no sign of kai. Neither did he showed to his home nor he informed his whereabouts to Rosalind... Until one day when Rosalind was cooking herself a meal she got a call from an unknown number she picked up the phone and it was kai. A sense of confusion was running in the body but she kept herself calm she.

Kai from the other side if the phone said that he will coming home today so he wanted Rosalind to pick him up from the airport.

Rosalind got excited and hung up the phone to prepare for kai's arrival.

She dressed up in the dress which kai had got her on her birthday.